Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1885: This is the killing body?

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Three days passed!

The power of the gods and demons has skyrocketed!

Several elders stepped into the level of Taoist ancestors!

And Yin Hong has built the triple pagoda!

However, Yin Hong’s Triple Pagoda is not the tallest among the gods and demons!

His sister Yin Jia didn't show much talent before!

The tower built after the defect of Yuanshen was repaired is the highest one among the gods and demons!

The five-fold tower!

It seems that only the tower has no mana of that situation!

The mana is extremely strange to stay in the Taoist realm!

And the more weird point is exactly the same as Chen Zheng's mana level!

No matter how!

In these three days!

The gods and monsters only feel like dreaming!

"This girl is so weird. Did you see the problem, Guantian Beast?"

Dao bite has been staring at Yin Jia for a long time, it has a very strange feeling, this girl is not easy.

"This... little brother hasn't seen the problem."

Guan Tian Beo replied, although he was very unhappy to be called a younger brother, although he didn't want to claim to be a younger brother, but he had to bow his head under the roof.

"Almost, let me go to the burial pit silently."

Chen Zheng turned around at this moment, sweeping the humanity of the gods and demons.

"Fresh Devil Burial Pit..."

"I wait......"

"I will wait for Chen Zulin!"

The gods and demons abandoned the clan, and many people showed hesitation. I don’t know why. At this moment, I heard that I would leave the gods’ burial pit and go to the outside world.


Chen Zheng nodded lightly and skimmed the teleportation circle deep in the cave.




Keep up with the figure!


Teleportation magic circle lights up!

In the blink of an eye!

A group of dozens of people was sent!


"Someone came out!"

"Go and tell Brother Gao!"

Immortal light dissipated, a group of dozens of people were already outside the burial pit of the gods and demons, here is a valley, the valley was enveloped by enchantment, and there were monks guarding the valley outside, at the moment when I saw Chen Zheng and others, I immediately exclaimed !


"Withdraw all Zongmen!"

"Quick withdrawal!"

The time for the three breaths was not enough, and there were several exclamations.


Yin Hong was stunned for a while. Although he knew that it was a monk of Huaxianzong, even though those monks of Huaxianzong were scared away, he seemed to have no intention to ignore those monks of Huaxianzong at this moment, but looked at the surrounding environment. Unfamiliar strangeness!




Did you wait for someone to come out of the burial pit of Gods and Demons!

Can you really control your own destiny in the future?

For a while!


"What are you still doing, revenge!"

Tianguan Beast opened his mouth and shouted!


The Dao bite shot directly with a paw!


Watch the beast shut up!

"Outside the field." Chen Zheng smiled and looked to the southwest direction: "The monkey is in that direction, and the Huaxian Daozu is exterminated, so go there."

"That's... the direction of the Gods and Demons Mountain where the Ten Gods and Demons Race is located!"

Yin Hong glanced at it and recognized that direction, his eyes flashed in shock!


That location is also the hometown of the gods and demons!


The gods and demons are forgotten and abandoned!

"Monkey? Who is the monkey?"

Dao bite asked curiously.


Chen Zheng wiped off the enchantment, and saw the immortal light flash, the gods and demons who had abandoned the clan had not responded, and they were already in front of a mountain gate in the next moment!


A town monument stands in front of the mountain gate!

Write the three characters of Immortal Sect!

"Huh? There is a problem with this town monument. What a terrible killing force. This is a brutal guy who specializes in the cultivation of the killing avenue!"

Tianguan Beast glanced at the Zhenbei, subconsciously raised his eyebrows, and took a step back!

"Be careful! Don't kill!"

Yin Hong glanced at the town monument, his complexion instantly turned white, and Zhangkou reminded the tribe!




The faces of several elders also changed greatly, and their mouths spewed out golden blood, and each one retreated!


Did not expect at all!

A town monument is so horrible!



Inside the Immortal Sect!

A cold hum came out!

Then several figures appeared again!

The leader is the tall and thin man before!

"Boy, kid, I reminded you three days ago, Grandpa Patriarch has a big backing, and Huaxianzong is not destroyed if you want to destroy it! Three days ago, you said let the gods and demons abandon these wastes to take Grandpa items Shang Rentou, although these wastes have been cultivated to skyrocket, how about that! Can these wastes step into Huaxianzong! Huh! They cannot!"

The tall, thin man hangs in the air, condescending, and mocks the people who have swept the gods and demons, and finally stared at Chen Zheng: "Seeing that town monument is not there, it was the ancestor who went to Zulong Shengting when he opened the school. The three words are killing God Mobao! Otherwise, do you think that Huaxianzong is just a three-stream system, but can you stand in this place within a thousand miles from the border between the Zulong Holy Pilgrimage and the Divine Devil Race?"


Yin Hong frowned!

"Mosquito killer...the word is well written."

Chen Zheng commented with a smile.

"Do you have any thoughts to comment? Huh! Grandpa Master disdain to shoot at the critical moment of breaking through the border, but Grandpa Grandpa passed me a decree, you can ask Mo Bao to be transformed into a killing **** body, even if only the killing deity is one thousandth. One of the combat powers is enough to kill and wait! So are you ready, are you ready for the killing body!" Tall and thin men sneered, and the sneer suddenly turned into a grin, staring at Chen Zheng with a glance. He made a slogan: "Please kill the god!"


The purpose of the law was not included in that town monument!


The three characters of Huaxianzong on the town stele are alive if they come alive!

Instantly condensed into a phantom!


This phantom appeared!

Thundercloud condensed instantly above Huaxianzong!

An immense fierce power instantly shrouded Xianzong!

Even the disciples of Huaxianzong shivered at the moment!

"This body is very strong!"

The eyebrows of the heavenly beast are another pick!

As for the gods and demons, all the people are silent at the moment!

So strong!

Even if it is just a phantom!


"It's terrible to kill the gods, even if only a dharma shadow is summoned, it will attract Tianwei! Er and other gods and demons now have time to kneel and surrender, otherwise he will die with this kid! As long as the situation is successfully broken, you no longer need your waste to get the bones of God!"

Tall and thin men sneer mercilessly!



Chen Zheng slaps in front of the killing dharma body phantom, and the phantom body phantom is destroyed at once, and the horror and majesty that shrouded the immortal ancestors are destroyed!


Hua Xianzong!

Thundercloud seemed to stagnate!

Then it fades!


The tearing sounded!

The town monument in front of the gate of Huaxianzong Mountain turned into powder at this moment!

"This is the killing It seems to be very general."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


In Huaxianzong, the tall, thin man froze with one face, and between his throat agitation, he suddenly turned around and swooped into the fairy palace of Huaxianzong!


As for the others!

Once the legs fell softly on the ground and then a kneel!

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