Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1892: Dont look at me! I really didn't shoot!

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"What? What? Isn't that girl Daojun Xiuwei doing, how could there be a five-fold pagoda!"


Meng Xiancai sent the two siblings into the atrium of the ancestral **** golem!

There is a breath of majestic avenue in the atrium of the ancestor **** golem!

All the gods and demons looked at it!

This is dumbfounded!

Because the girl who was obviously only Dao Junxiuwei, at this moment there was a five-fold Tao Tower suspended above her head. Under the divine fire magic flame, not only was there no damage, it seemed to be devouring the fire flame!


"What happened?"

"This girl is not right!"

The powerful men of the ten deities of the gods and devils frowned one by one!

" are intentional, right?"

Meng Xian took a deep breath and suddenly turned his head to stare at Chen Zheng!

"I don't fully understand what happened to this girl, how could I be intentional."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Meng first stagnate, and then looked into the atrium of the stone clan deity, seeing that the two brothers and sisters were unharmed, and his brother also began to devour the **** fire demon flame, he only felt that he was put together, at that moment, in his heart Suddenly a thought came up!

This guy!

Could it be absolutely certain that these two gods and demons abandoned the true blood of the ancestors!

Do not!


Even Lord Lord!

It is also impossible to forcefully obtain the true blood of the ancestor from the blood pool of the ancestor!

Everything depends on personal opportunities!

No one can be above the blood pool of the ancestors!

The Lord cannot do it!

That guy doesn't work either!

and so!

Even if these two siblings went to the ancestor blood pool!

That guy can't use any means to get the two brothers and sisters to get the blood of the ancestor!

Take a deep breath!

Meng Xian calmed down!

The dark road was destroyed by the guy before the dark gold **** and demon body, and he was nervous by some of the spirits of the guy. He couldn’t go on like this. How could he be the warlord of the dark gold race? Dao Xin will be damaged or even broken!



This is a mountain of gods and demons!

That guy just has to follow the rules!

Then that guy cannot possibly rewrite the destiny of the gods and demons!


If the old deity thought deeply, he always felt something was wrong, as if he had heard some predecessors mention the situation of some devil abandonment before, but he couldn't remember what it was.

"Your fairy power is quite thick, it should be able to rank in the top five outside the territory."

Chen Zheng swept across the mountain of Gods and Demons and smiled slightly.


The faces of the gods and gods have changed!

"You don't want to steal the gods and demons!"

Meng Xianyuan God asked coldly!

"I actually had this idea before, but the little girl of Qianyin looked good to me, and it was also my junior. If I robbed her home, she hated me so much."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

"You! Huh! God Demon Mountain is not as simple as you think, and the Ten Deities of God and Demon are not as simple as you think. Although I am a dark gold clan warlord, I can't enter the top five in the dark gold clan!"

Meng Xian is snorting again!

"Your clan sage is at most half-step era overlord level. Even if your clan still has two or three gods and gods that condensed the overlord's **** pattern, the total number of half-step overlords should not exceed five, even if your gods and deities The Ten Clan has five half-step era overlords, but that’s it."

Chen Zheng chuckled.


This kid is crazy!

This kid is more crazy than before!


Doesn't this kid treat the half-step era overlord as a person?

Overlord of the half-step era!

The top level creatures outside the realm!

Even if you are in the Taixu market, you are eligible to become the deputy lord and deputy leader of an immortal dynasty!

It seems that there is no difference from the general monk in this sub-mouth!

Is this kid bragging or is his vision so high?

"Do you think that pretending to be mysterious and deliberately depreciating the half-step era overlord will you be able to deter our ten deities, you dream in daylight!"

Meng Xian stared at Chen Zheng at the moment, and he determined that the kid was deliberately pretending to be mysterious, deliberately demoting the half-step era overlord, and wanted to use this method to deter the Ten Deities!


This trick is too low-level!

Never want to deceive yourself and others!

"Then I will wait for your Lord to wake up."

Chen Zheng smiled and sat down again to start tasting tea.

"Okay! If you have the courage, wait for the Lord to wake up and challenge the Lord!"

Meng Xian stared at Chen Zheng again, then raised his head and stared at the atrium of the ancestor **** demon above, seeing that the fire and flame could not hurt the two brothers and sisters, and he calmly snorted in his heart!

Let you be proud first!

There are always times when you cry!

time flies.

The six hours passed quickly.

The two siblings of the Yinhong family were sent out intact.

Although Xiuwei didn't seem to have much improvement, but after being tempered by Shenhuo Moyan, his body was much stronger than before. Of course, Yin Jia's cultivation behavior is still very strange. This girl put away the five-fold pagoda, no matter how she perceives it, she is just a Taoist monk.

The old demon noticed one thing, that is, this little girl is exactly the same as Chen Zhengmana, and there is no difference at all. He was a little stunned, but he did not care. After all, it’s just that mana cultivation is the same, which is also a coincidence, and it’s not worth investigating.

After a moment.

The three monkeys, Yin Hong and Yin Jia, were sent into the blood pool of the ancestor by the old demon, and Chen Zheng and others also went outside the blood pool of the ancestor to wait.

"Yu girl, it's time to stop, the ancestor blood pool is not where you should go."

The old demon also wants to go to the ancestral blood pool, but before teleporting, he glanced towards the rear, leaving a sentence and sent to the ancestor blood pool.

"Ah..." In the air behind, a woman's voice sounded, and then a barefoot woman in red appeared, just the woman who had appeared outside the gate of Xianzong Mountain before. The woman appeared at the moment, and the guard of the demon stared at it, but she just glanced away and looked away. She did not catch the woman, as if she regarded the woman as air.

"The most exciting place is coming, but it won't be seen anymore. You're so angry! Grandpa Chilimu, can you get along? I can help you bring letters and the like to the master!"

The barefoot woman in red dress frowned, her thoughts flashed, and then secretly heard!


Did not get any response!

"Ah! I don't have to watch it! Oh! Oh! Just wait here!"

The barefoot woman in red sighed, her figure disappeared!


A **** and demon guard raised his eyebrows and felt a little fluctuation of the law of space and time at that moment, but when he thought of some rumors, nothing happened when he did!


The ancestors outside the blood pool!


"This volatility is!"

"How can this be!"

The Mengxian Yuanshen, the strongest of the ten races, is staring at the ancestor blood pool now!

"Lying trough!"

Dao bite also exclaimed!

"The ancestor **** demon true blood..."

There was also a flash of strange color in the eyes of Guantian Beast. Under its observation, this ancestor blood pool was linked to a mysterious place. The ancestor **** demon true blood should be sent from that mysterious place, but it should be very open to open the mysterious channel. It's hard!


The two brothers and sisters of the Yinhong family only entered the blood pool of the ancestors in less than one incense!

That mysterious ethics opened up!

At the same time, he dropped two drops of ancestral **** demon real blood!

"You! It must be you! It is impossible for the gods and demons to be recognized by the ancestors and gods! It must be something you secretly used! You broke the rules!"

Mengxian watched that the two brothers and sisters had swallowed the real At this moment, the expression changed for a while, and suddenly shouted at Chen Zheng!


Lao Shen Mo also looked over!

"Don't look at me like this, I really didn't shoot, I'm innocent."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and said innocently.


No one believes!

Even at this moment, Dao Beast also wrote unbelief on his small face!

the host!

This is playing these gods!

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