Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1893: Fighting

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This is the moment!

A blood rune flew out of the ancestor blood pool!

Blood Rune turned into a decree in front of the gods and demons!

The old gods and demons waited for a look, one after another, they were shocked, and then bowed their heads in a hurry, because this decree was the decree from the ancestral **** and demon!

Ancestral gods and demons!

Actually lowered the decree for those two siblings!

My goodness!

The ancestors and gods have not lowered their decree for how many years!

Today, he even lowered the decree for a pair of brothers and sisters who abandoned the clan!


The purpose of the law is broken!

The old demon and other deities took a deep breath. At the moment, the look was extremely complicated. As for the Mengxian Yuanshen, it was also very complicated at the moment. He never thought that the ancestor deity would give two drops of real blood to the devil abandoning the tribe!


Also deliberately lowered the purpose of the law!


No matter whether the gods and demons return!

The ten deities of the gods and demons have to give up the two brothers and sisters of the gods and demons!

"Understood, this is the extraordinary talents of the two brothers and sisters of Yin Hong and Yin Jia, and won the approval of your ancestors and gods. I really did not secretly shoot."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The Mengxian Yuanshen was taken aback, took a deep breath, and looked into the blood pool of the ancestor. At this moment, the thoughts in the Yuanshen flashed, and the decision was secretly made, and the two siblings should be pulled into the dark gold family no matter what!

"Although the master didn't do anything, the God Demon Abandoned Clan can become the current God Demon Abandoned Clan, it is the master who helped them solve the defect of the Yuanshen."

The Dao Beast mentioned something.


A group of gods and demons had also looked at the blood pool of the ancestor. At this moment, when they heard this sentence mentioned by the bite beast, they stared at it again!

"you you you......"

The **** Meng Xianyuan stared at Chen Zheng and spit out several of you in a row, but in the end you didn’t come alone, she could only look away and stare into the blood pool of the ancestor! As for the old gods and demons, I was deeply moved at the moment. Although the mysterious young man in front of him was not shot just now, but the two brothers and sisters, Yin Hong and Yin Jia, the reason why they can get the approval of the ancestors and gods to give real blood is essentially because of this Young people help the two siblings change their lives!

and so!

Essentially this young man's means!

It's just a means to show before!

Without his means!

Defects of the gods and demons abandoned!

It is absolutely impossible for the ancestors and gods to recognize those two siblings!


This young man is terrible!

Terrible combat power!

Means are more terrible!

At this moment, the old demon thought of some previous things. In fact, the old monsters of the ten deities of the demon and even the holy lord are initially optimistic about the demon abandonment. Because outside the domain, there are examples of mixed-blood creatures with more talent than pure-blood creatures since ancient times!

At that time, the ten geniuses of the gods and demons were also the kind of genius that could be born among the gods and demons. However, the defect of the primal **** was too fatal, and in the end, they could only banish the gods and demons into the burial pit of the gods and demons!

When the holy sage was still at its peak, the cultivation level could be ranked in the top three outside the territory, and it did not fall on the lords of the three sacred pilgrimages! At that time, the Holy Lord failed to solve the defect of the gods and demons, and even went to invite the old monsters in the land of gods to see it, but there was no result!


Thinking of this, the old demon sighed again. He was suddenly not interested in who his granddaughter was married to. He just wanted to know who the young man was!


The water in the blood pond is surging!

The monkey flew out first!

"Huh! There is no improvement in a realm, although you have the talents, but this practice speed is too slow!"

Meng Xianyuan God glanced and snorted!

"Satiate with contentment."

The monkey smiled back slightly, and silently returned to Chen Zheng's side.

"Satisfaction and contentment... If that is the case, there are a few people in the world, especially those who stand on the top of the path of spiritual practice..."

Hearing these four words, Guantian Beast heard his past lightly. It remembered some past events. The elders of these four character families once said. The observable Celestial Beast family was later targeted, also because of some reasons of the elder...


The water of the blood pond surged again!

Two figures flew out!

It is the two brothers and sisters of Yinhong and Yinjia!

"Chen Zu!"

The two brothers and sisters got the blood of the first ancestor **** and demon, and their physical bodies were obviously much stronger than before, and Yin Hong’s mana was obviously improved, which is now the fourth level of Taoist ancestors. However, Yin Jia's mana remains intact under the perception, and is still exactly the same as Chen Zheng's mana.

"With the blood of the first ancestor **** and demon, you want to return to the ten families of **** and demon, I have no opinion."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"This... Yin Hong can have today, given by Chen Zu, Yin Hong and the gods and demons abandoned the eternal life to follow Chen Zu!"

Yin Hong thought for a moment, and looked at Chen Zheng with solemn look again!

"This is your best chance to return to the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons. As long as you return to the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons, then the position of the Holy Son and the Virgin is indispensable. You have to think clearly!"

Mengxian's face sank!

"Returning to the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons is not an enemy to me. Returning to the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons can follow me."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Meng Xian heard, at this moment, there was an urge to vomit blood! It's just that he was in a state of primordial spirit and couldn't spit out blood. He was extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to attack, and he couldn't take Chen Zheng!

"This matter will be discussed after the Venerable wakes up!" So he thought about it and said to stare at the monkey: "You have already soaked in the blood pool of the ancestors, the second pass is over, then next in the Venerable Before waking up, you can start the third level directly. You and the eleventh prince of the Zulong dynasty fight! The winner enters the Supreme Demon Hall to see the Lord, and the loser eats dust!"

"it is good!"

The monkey answered a word!

After a moment.

God and Demon Mountain outside the Hall of Supreme God and Demon.

The fighting method has already begun.

"Oh! Your stick is a bit too rubbish. The Wanlong Immortal Armor on my body was given by the Father Emperor, and my Father Emperor is the Ancestral Dragon Emperor. Do you think your stick can break my Wanlong Immortal Armor? What's more, you don't know which mountain monkey you came from, and you want to marry Qianyin. You can take a good picture according to your urine and see if you are your monkey!"

A young man in a golden imperial dragon armor, hanging in the air at this moment, stood tall and stared at the monkey with contempt!



Respond with a stick!

This stick!

Not an ordinary stick!

This stick is a stick!

"Let's be together!"

"This monkey is again!"

"How come it broke out twice in a short time!"

A group of gods and demons showed surprise!


The eleventh prince looked down at the At this moment, he felt a fierce power, although his own Dragon Dragon Immortal Armor will not be broken, terrible is that it can't offset all the power of this monkey!


In an instant, the eleventh prince secretly thought came out!

"Good stick!"

The ancestral dragon ancestor Gao Jing Taoist on the ground, with a faint smile at this moment, seems to be commenting on the stick technique of the monkey, but with his opening, the monkey's power can be weakened by at least 60% instantly!


This is something wrong!

The monkey's face changed slightly!

But still a stick hit the eleventh prince!

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