Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1894: Didn't you ask for evidence

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The enchantment under the old **** magic cloth is shocked!


This stick failed to bombard the eleventh prince!

"Oh! The stick you just used is powerful, but I can't break my Wanlong Immortal Armor, and I won't use your mana without any shot! Give up the monkey, go back from which mountain you came from!"

The eleventh prince was condescending and showed contempt!

"There is a saying that people are expensive and have self-knowledge. You can't compete for the eleventh prince!"

Meng Xianyuan God also smiled contemptuously!



The monkey popped out again!


It's another match!


The eleventh prince frowned!

"Good stick!"

The high-level Taoist ancestors from the ground ancestral dragon sacred shouted again!


This time!

Almost everyone on the scene felt it!

The power of the stick hacked by the monkey instantly fell strangely again by at least 60%!


Qi Tian banged on the eleventh prince!

The glory of Wanlongxianjia offsets all power!

"Oh! You are really obsessed, and if you continue to consume it, I will be harmless. By then, I will use some means to scrap you. Don't be brave anymore. No matter how powerful you are, you can't hurt me!"

The eleventh prince chuckled!

"This is a broken rule!"

The Dao Bite's gaze moved and stared at the High Realm Daozu!

"Huh? Your little beast said that I broke the rules, it means that I secretly intervened in the fight between the eleventh prince and this monkey? Ha ha. If I really intervene in secret, will the powerful of the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons not perceive mana fluctuations? The monkey stick method is really powerful. If the eleventh prince does not have the Wanlong Immortal Armor, it is not necessarily the opponent of this monkey! But the eleventh prince has the Wanlong Immortal Armor given by Lord Zulong Emperor. Not to mention absolutely invincible, it’s okay to offset all the means of attack under Fifth Realm!"

The High Realm Taoist glanced at the Dao Beast and then smiled.

"This is the enchantment under the cloth of the old gods and devil. Someone really intervenes secretly. Will the old gods and devils feel it? This monkey technique is not as good as people, so don't make any excuses!"

Meng Xianyuan God also stared over.

"the host!"

Dao bite was very dissatisfied, and now looked at Chen Zheng.

"Hum! Master? This talented man is your master? You are also a little cute. I have an elder brother who is pursuing a fairy. The sect of that fairy does not need to be much weaker than my ancestral dragon. If you are smart enough, you should know what to do!"

The eleventh prince stared over and glanced at Chen Zheng's face with disdain!

"There are some magical powers in this world. There are no mana fluctuations in the show, not even the avenue fluctuations. You guys have reversed the big blessing technique, right, you can be talented."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the eleventh prince, and now he looked at the Gaojing Taoist with a faint smile.


"Reversely practice the Great Blessing?"

"Some magical powers, there is no fluctuation in mana, nor any fluctuations in avenues... I have heard that, magical powers such as big prophecy and big blessing seem to be like this... don't... ..."

The old demon waited for a moment, and then thought of the scene of the high-level Taoist ancestor when the monkey blasted the stick twice!

Good stick!

The ancestor of Gaojing commented on the monkey stick technique twice!

It sounds like no problem!

But listen to Chen Zhengyi at this moment!

It seems not as simple as commenting on stick method!


After two reviews!

The monkey's power is reduced by at least 60%!

and so!

Is this the truth that Monkey Stick Fawe can suddenly weaken!

This is why he and others, the realm is higher than the ancestor of the eldest prince who accompanied the eldest prince of that ancestral dragon dynasty. Just now I also doubted it, but did not perceive any mana fluctuations!

"Reverse practice magic...reverse practice great blessing..." That Gaojing Daozu smiled: "You are a little Daojun, Zhangkou said I used magical power to intervene a billion princes and This battle of the monkeys would wipe you out if I thought about it on weekdays. But here is the mountain of gods and demons, not the ancestral dragon ancestors, I will not shoot. So, I will give you a chance, if you can find out The evidence comes, then I naturally have nothing to say."


Hear these two words!

The old demon waits for a brow!

to be frank!

They just didn't feel any mana fluctuations just now!

So I can't find any evidence!

"Damn it, do you want to play rogue!"

The bite-eater was even more upset when he heard it. This old thing is obviously a rogue!


Chen Zheng smiled, and looked at the Gaojing Taoist with a smile.


The flesh of the high-level Taoist ancestors of the Zulong dynasty is instantly destroyed!


Immediately after the Yuanshen fragmented!


Old demon!

Meng Xian Yuan God!

Ten powerful deities!

The eleventh prince of the Zulong dynasty!

Every face has changed a lot!

What happened?

Who did it just now?

Who erased the flesh of the Taoist ancestor Zulong Shengzong!

"..." Zulong Shengzhao High Realm Daozu broke away from the broken Yuanshen and stared at Chen Zheng: "This Zulong Shengzhao will never destroy the seventh realm Dao Meng soul under the killing god!"

"Look at what I do, can I, a Daojun, still erase your indestructible seventh-ancestor Dao Zu's physical incompetence? Some things are for evidence, this sentence you Dao Zu just said just now."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Dao bite hey smile!

"..." Zulong Shengzhao, the Taoist ancestor who claimed to be the soul of Meng, Yuanshen stagnate, then took a deep breath: "Well, today is my Meng soul's eyes, I and your lord will order So far, we continue to watch the eleventh prince and this monkey decide the victory or defeat!"


Its Yuanshen flew directly to Mengxian Yuanshen!

"carry on."

Chen Zheng waved his hand at will.


Within the enchantment!

The monkey's eyes flashed a terrible glance!


Come back in a row!

This time!

Shenwei does not have any attenuation!


A stick!

Hit the eleventh prince!


Although Wanlong Xianjia is intact!

But the eleventh prince in Wanlongxianjia spurted blood!

Suddenly, his face was pale and the whole person fell to the ground from above!

A stick!



The eleventh prince knelt on the ground, seeming to be holding on to something he wanted to say, and spitting out blood, the whole person lay on the ground!

"What can break the prince, even if the monkey brother can't take a stick, the monkey brother can't destroy the first realm! If it wasn't for some means secretly just now, this waste prince fell down long ago, how could it be supported until now! Some people, I’m still a little bit in my heart!"

Dao bite hum!


The soul of Meng soul is extremely gloomy!


This is the moment!

The door of the Supreme Demon Hall of the Ten Deities of Gods and Demons opened!


Meng Xian yelled Yuanshen cast a method, with the eleven princes fainted on the ground and the Yuanshen of the side of Meng soul, first entered the Supreme Demon Hall!


The old demon frowned!

"Go in, the last level is over. After this level, we will be relatives in the future."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly and stepped into the Supreme Demon Hall.

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