Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1895: Divine Devil 10 dumbfounded!

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"Informing the Lord, this is the intention sent by the Zulong Holy Deity!"

As soon as he entered the Supreme God and Demon Hall, the old **** and demon heard a compliment. The old **** and devil frowned, and had a bad hunch. Looking towards the front, they just saw the Taoist ancestor who claimed to be the ancestral dragon goddess. Soul Meng, at this moment a flattered face presented something!

And that thing!

Seems to be!

It seems to be a source of God!


It seems to be the top **** source!

This moment!

The old demon showed a shocked look!

More than old gods and demons!

In addition, the ten strong families also showed a shocked look!

And Mengxian!

At this moment it turned around!

Show a triumphant smile!


He already knew what this Meng soul brought!

"Will the trough come here again, master, these guys are really prepared! Although I don't know what that stuff is, it looks delicious!"

The Daoist Beast froze for a moment, and soon understood the situation at hand. Obviously that guy brought what the tenth deity and deity of the Devil Demon needed, and it may be a necessity for the breakthrough!

"Shenyuan... This is one of the most wanted secrets of the half-step era overlord during the era of the overlord's robbery. Having a **** source equals at least double the mana. If the robbery runs out of mana, The **** source can be added in an instant, and can even add mana many times. This thing... is indeed a good thing, even if it is..."

Watching the beast whispered, subconsciously the word Taixu blurted out, and suddenly the voice came to an abrupt end.

God source!

Very rare treasure!

Or a special kind of stone!

Even in the Taixu, it is an extremely precious thing!

The monk of this Zulong dynasty was indeed prepared!

"Senior Venerable Qi Qi, this piece of divine origin was taken by the **** of killing himself to the place of divine origin. This time it was brought to the saint by Meng soul Dao ancestor. The eleventh prince!"

With a smile on his face, Meng Xian paid his respects to the Lord on the chair of the demon, and there was still a little pride in his tone, as if he was telling Chen Zheng and the old demon that you did so much before, but in the end Vain! You should understand the meaning of Divine Origin to the Lord, no matter how stupid you are, so you should understand what choice the Lord will make!

From the beginning!

You are defeated!


What puzzled Meng Xian and Meng Soul was that the Lord on the Devil’s Chair did not respond, and it seemed that he had not fully awakened. However, if he did not fully awaken, he would not be holding his forehead to examine with one hand. The attitude of the world!

The Lord must be awake!

It just seems to be thinking about something!

"Will it..."

Meng Soon glanced at Meng Xian, Yuan Shen secretly heard the sound, this time he brought the source of God, but he made a military order in front of the killing god, and the eleventh prince must take down the Qianyin of the tenth clan of the gods and demons. Holy girl, eleventh prince must be tied to the ten deities of the gods and demons, otherwise he will not need to return to the ancestral dragon pilgrimage!


At present, God Demon Lord doesn't even look at himself!

It's the last step!

This is the most critical step!

Don't be surprised!

"The Lord may not have fully awakened, after all, this time it takes a long time to don't need to worry, God Source is very important for Lord Lord to break through!"

Meng Xianyuan God responded!

Although he also feels a bit strange, because in the past Lord Majesty never supported his forehead slightly with his hand on his side, maybe Lord Majesty had some understanding of this retreat this time, still combing the things he learned!


The old demon was a little nervous. He didn't expect that the Zulong Holy Monk actually hid such a hand. That piece of divine source has almost decided the result! But it seems that the teacher of Monkey Monkey Goku, that is, the mysterious young man, still has no fluctuations at this moment, and since this one has given himself the supreme mystery and the terrible vein, he certainly has something more precious than God Source!

and so!

Everything has to wait for Lord Lord to speak before it is truly settled!

"Thinking back then, in the temple of fortune, I met Brother Chen's style. Brother Chen was sitting on the seat of fortune, and with one hand holding his forehead to examine the posture of the world, I have been thinking for thousands of years, and I have not really realized the charm of Shen Yun. , It seems that my qualifications are not enough."


The devil chair!

The deity of the ten deities of the gods and demons spoke!




At this moment, except Chen Zheng, the rest of the family and forces are all dumbfounded and dumbfounded!


What does the Lord mean?

Brother Chen?

Sheng Zun called the young man Brother Chen!

The Holy Lord also said that what he had pondered over the past thousands of years was the gesture of examining the world with one hand on the forehead at this moment!


Still thinking about the gesture that the young man used to have!

and many more!

Make the temple!

How did this involve the temple of fortune!


It is true that the Temple of Fortune has not been outside the country for thousands of years!

There are also rumors outside the domain!

Said the temple of fortune was destroyed!

It's impossible...

For a while!

Countless thoughts flashed!

The people in the hall, especially the powerful ten-clan gods and gods, flashed by in the eyes!

On the chair of the demon, the deity of the ten deities of the devil and the devil got up at this moment and walked down step by step.

He walked in front of Chen Zheng, and then a piece of fairy table appeared, and then a clear blue jade bottle emerged. He saw that he picked up the jade bottle and poured wine while saying: "Although I didn't realize that Brother Chen was sitting in the old days. The charm on the constellation, but I haven't been white in these years. This immortal brew is from the immortal mother, and today I will ask Brother Chen to taste it."

The words fell!

A glass of fairy brew flew to Chen Zheng!


Others in the hall!

Continue to be forced!

How did Nima become Lord Lord and invite the young man to taste the fairy wine!

"Sacred Deity Venerable... At first, you didn't say that you are a Divine Demon Venerable." Chen Zheng smiled and took a drink from the glass. "This immortal immortal is good, but it's a pity. something."

"Well? Isn't the immortal immortal brew in Chen's elder brother's place, can you only get this evaluation?" After listening to the evaluation, the deity ten-clan saint frowned slightly, and then smiled: "Yes, this immortal immortal brew and Compared with the drunken life and death that Brother Chen threw to the younger brother at first, although the taste is better than that, but the aftertaste is far from enough, the elder brother Chen's drunken life and death is memorable. I don't know if Brother Chen is drunk and dreamed, let the younger brother relive it."

"Yes, there is Zheng nodded his head, and with a single stroke, a jade bottle fell on the fairy table.


The deity sacred deity directly grabbed the jade bottle. At the moment, in front of the strong deities of the ten deities of the devil, such as a person who is drunk like life, no matter what majesty, he lifted his head and swallowed!


Old demon!

Meng Xian Yuan God!

The rest of the gods and demons!

Completely dumbfounded!

This Nima!

What the **** is Nima?

Why is Lord Saint like a brother in front of the guy who only has the power of Daojun!

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