Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1913: Me with me

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Yuan Feihong rubbed his eyes fiercely, thinking he was dreaming!

Holy thing!

It's fixed!

It seems more than that!

The ancient sacrificial vein on the relic seems to be more complete than before the relic degenerates!

And the veins on the relic at this moment seem to be alive!


Between the surprises of several people, the veins on the Sheng Ding of the Yuan family broke free from the Sheng Ding, and they were linked together in an instant. This ancient temple also changed and turned into a dream galaxy!


"Is this what the holy thing really hides!"

"This view of the galaxy, this line of Dao, is so amazing, how can it feel so transcendent!"


Another sound after another!

"This... this is what this seat wants, this is what this seat wants, this seat finally saw this thing! Immortal! Real immortality! This is the real secret of immortality! Haha! This seat is going to prove eternal!"


God created the child Yuanshen roared like crazy!



The dream of the galaxy is broken!

"No! Damn it! What did you do! Give me back my immortal secret!"

The **** of creation, Yuanshen, was stunned and stared at Chen Zheng, and shouted at Chen Zheng! As for Yuan Feihong and other Yuan family members, I also looked at it now, but my face was full of doubts!

"This thing degenerates and I have a's about me."

Chen Zheng ignored the God and made a son. He glanced at Yuanjia Shengding and said casually.



"This... how do you say this?"

Yuan Feihong and other Yuan family members heard it, and the doubt became even stronger!

"Fuck! Return my immortal secret! Quickly return my immortal secret!"

There is a crazy howl of the God-Making Master Yuanshen over there, and I wish to rush over to fight desperately with Chen Zheng. However, I can't get rid of the imprisonment and I can only howl!

"This Yuan tripod of your Yuan family not only records ancient sacrificial arts, but also records a kind of vein called the Great Reincarnation Vein. Of course, it is not a complete Great Reincarnation vein. Your Yuan Family's mouth is a little special and can pass the era. Nowadays, the world and the world connect themselves to the context of the Great Reincarnation. Once the Epoch World is affected, it will also be affected, and in a serious way, it will be completely transformed into a mortal thing."

Chen Zheng thought a little.

"Meow meow meow?"

A Taoist ancestor from the Yuan family made a strange sound, and Yuan Feihong and his face were even more dumbfounded. He understood a little bit, but he still didn’t get it a bit. That’s why it was related to the mysterious young man in front of him!

"Then... how could it be related to seniors?"

So Yuan Feihong asked.

"Because at a certain point in time, I had a fight with a guy and broke the era. Although the era restarted, it still caused a lot of impact on the world, such as the holy tripod of your Yuan family."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


Just say this!

All the people in the hall were awed!


Is this a story or is it true!

Fight with a guy!

The era is broken!

Then the era restarts!


Is this believable!

Why have you and others never felt the collapse of this era!

"Ha ha! Beat the era! Who do you think you are! You blow you and continue to blow, do you think someone will believe! Beat the era? You are playing the era of the collapse, who will not brag about your mother!"

God made the child Yuanshen froze for a moment, then a burst of laughter, apparently unbelief!

"This... so the predecessor mana realm is so... so weak because of a fight with a terrible creature, this is the sequela after that one?"

Yuan Kai was silent with a few Dao ancestors, and Yuan Feihong suddenly thought a little, and at this moment he was a little uncertain and asked in a low voice!

"You're smart."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Haha! Pretend! You continue to pretend! Who do you think you can bluff! You continue to pretend! The moment the body was ruined by you before this seat, a **** has been sent back to Shenyuan Palace, and the palace master will send at least one way. Come here, the Taoist body has 70% of the master of the palace, and can't take the ancient sacrifice **** mountain where the head of the Wuyuan family and the old things are sitting! When the master of the palace arrives, this Shengding is the thing of the God Source Palace. ! As for your kid, even if the means is strange, it cannot be the opponent of the palace master, you will be suppressed if you do not die!"

God made a sudden smile!


"God made you!"

"You dog thing!"

Yuan Feihong, Yuan Kai and other Yuan family members changed their face, Yuan Cai broke his mouth and scolded, and the eyes of the grandson of Yuan family flashed through the eyes, and it seemed that what had been done in secret!

"I can destroy your flesh and imprison your primal spirit, so that you can't spread the word of God, but I didn't stop you, don't you understand?"

And Chen Zheng just glanced at the God of Creation.


Yuan Feihong's eyes lit up!

and so!

This is to deliberately lead the snake out of the hole!

"You!" The God-made Son Yuanshen's face changed, but soon showed contempt: "Well, if you have a species, don't kill me now, wait for the palace master to come!"

"Dao Shen? I wish he was here in person."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"You!" God made the child Yuanshen stagnate, and then sneered again: "No matter how powerful the mouth is, it is just a gun. You will know what despair is when the palace master comes in person!"


This has just fallen!

There was a loud noise above the ancient festival God Mountain!

Someone is attacking the ancient sacrifice **** mountain guarding the big formation!


Elder Yuan Kai came out!

"Haha! Here! Palace Master Dao Shen! Palace Master Dao Shen is here! Are you kidding crazy? Now that Palace Master Dao Shen has killed the Yuan family ancestral land, your boy has the kind to go out and fight with Palace Master Dao Shenshen Ah! The main body of the palace, although only 70% of the main lord of the palace is cultivated, how can it crush the ninth state ancestor! Huh! My **** source palace lord, but the most top creatures outside the domain, but condensed the overlord Divine...

The God of Creation and the God of God laugh proudly!


Suddenly stopped abruptly!


Chen Zheng has no ancient temple!

I didn't even look at the so-called Shenyuan Palace main body that attacked the ancient sacrifice mountain!

He snapped his fingers at random in the ancient temple!

The so-called **** source palace palace shattered with a bang!


The ancient festival above the God Mountain!

That figure is gone!


"what happened?"

"Which one can secretly shoot?"

Outside the ancient palace, Yuan Kai and Yuan family members are looking at the sky at this moment, and their faces are full of sorrow!


Inside the ancient hall!

A few Yuanjia Taoists took a breath!

Frightened looking at Chen Zheng!

this moment!

They all believed it!

Chen Zheng just said that they all believed!


This method is also terrible!

Heaven Emperor Mana!

With a snap of your fingers, the master of the Palace of Shenyuan Palace was erased!

In front of him, this peak was definitely one of the most terrifying creatures between heaven and earth!

There may not even be one!

"That...this means...senior rumor..."

Yuan Feihong was stunned for a The voice was lowered and asked. At this moment, he looked forward to looking at Chen Zheng!

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