Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1914: You deserve to be called God!

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"Outside story... this method is not too mysterious. As long as you have the power to crush your opponent absolutely, you can directly erase your opponent."

Chen Zheng casually said.


Yuan Feihong had nothing to say.

"No! This is not your means. The person who erased the palace is definitely not you. It must be that there is something wrong with the Nijia family. It has failed to trap the Yuan family elders and old things. It is the Yuan family elders and old things. It’s because they worked together to erase the palace master’s body. In short, it’s not you!”

God created child Yuanshou growl!

Only this time!

No one ignored him in the hall!

Several Yuan ancestors looked at Chen Zheng with admiration!

I wish I could learn from the teacher at this moment!

"Yuan Kai thanks... Uh!"

Yuan Kai, the elder outside the palace, swept in, bowed his head to Chen, and only said a few words. His face changed again, and he stared out of the palace!


This look!

A terrible tear sounded!

In an instant!

The great formation protecting the ancient **** offering mountain of the Yuan family's ancestral land is broken!

The inner ancestors of Yuan family ancestors looked at heaven in horror!

Didn't this erase the creature just now!

Or is this the back of that creature!



A figure emerges over the ancient festival God Mountain!

In white!

Grey hair!

This is an old man!

The old man appeared!

An invisible Tianwei enveloped the ancient offering mountain!

And when Elder Yuan Kai saw the old man, his face instantly turned pale, and he recognized who the old man was!

"It's a little trouble to take down the Yuan family head and old things in the imperial city. Since the face has been torn, then the **** will come to the Yuanjia Ancient Mountain and take the ancient mountain, take the ancient mountain and take you. Children of the Yuan family, take them to the Yuan Palace in the imperial city, Yuan Tianshu and Yuan Yin and Yang old things can only be caught unless they give up you completely!"

The old man in white spoke, his voice was indifferent!



This old man in white actually claimed to be God!

The inner ancestors of Yuan Family were surprised!

But I soon understood!


This is the **** of Nirvana!

Outside of the territory, only the Nirvana dare to claim to be God!

"Haha! Nirvana's God came in person. This is Nirvana, one of Nirvana's three gods. As early as ten thousand years ago, he has condensed the overlord's **** pattern. This is not a Taoist incarnation. This is a deity's presence! This time, your Yuan family is completely finished!" In the ancient hall, God's eyes brightened, and after a burst of laughter, he shouted to the outside again: "Nirvana God, I am the reincarnation of God's creator, God's Palace, God's Origin Gong and Nijia together, compared to you know this! And I already know the biggest secret of Yuanjia’s holy relics, come to the ancient temple of Yuanjia incessantly, kill this strange kid, and I immediately present the ultimate secret of Yuanjia’s holy relics !"

This shout!

The face of Yuan Feihong and other Yuan families sank instantly!


Shenyuan Palace and Nirvana have already secretly joined forces!

"Shen Zizi? Did you find the biggest secret of Yuanjia's relics? That's not bad!" The old man in white smiled faintly, but did not fall down, but suspended above the ancient offering **** mountain, in a gesture overlooking Yuanjia. Tao: "Yuan Cai should be the one who guards the Yuan family ancestors, right. You, a ninth state Taoist ancestor, should be very clear about the result of the hands with the gods, so you have sealed the cultivation of the Yuan family by yourself. The holy relics of the Yuan family are presented, and God is too lazy to start. As for the strange kid mentioned by God's Creator, you can kill yourself."


This gesture!

This gesture does not put the Yuan family up and down at all!


Although Yuan Feihong and other Yuan family members were very angry in their hearts, they did not dare to fight back at this moment, because they really could not fight, even if the elder Yuan Kai shot, it must have been a face-to-face defeat!

This old man in white!

This Nirvana has no room!

The title is infinite!

Outside the realm is indeed the most top level creature!

Unless the patriarch and Yuan Yinyang ancestors return!


Obviously, the other two titles of the Ni's family, God, and a group of powerful men have besieged the Yuan Mansion in the Imperial City!

This time!

Nirvana tore his face completely!

Nirvana dares to do this!

It must have been tacitly accepted by the royal family of Taicang Holy Dynasty!

Because Yuan family resisted many times!


Thinking of these things, Yuan Feihong sighed in his heart, is it really that the Yuan family will fail in heaven!

"Boy, haven't you heard what the heavens are saying, you're not going to hang yourself!"

In the ancient hall, the **** of creation and the **** of primordiality stared at Chen Zhenggao with a smile!

"God... Why haven't I heard which **** is called Wujian, those gods in ancient times, shouldn't their names begin with Taizi, such as Taichu and Taixuan?"

Chen has no fluctuations in his head, saying casually.




Yuan Feihong and other members of the Yuan family, the god-making son Yuanshen, and the old man in white on the mountain above the ancient sacrifice **** mountain, when they heard Chen Zheng's sentence, they were all slightly surprised!

"Huh! Your kid this time seems to be really scared, so he will only say this in his mouth. Don't you kid know that the reason why the Shang Cang Ni family is called the Shang Cang Ni family is to inherit Tai Xuan Shang Cang Is the blood of God's God! Outside the territory, in addition to the Ni family, who is eligible to dare to be called God!"

God created child Yuanshen cold drink!

"Nie.....Oh, a half-step era overlord, dare to profess to be God, and the title of God is much lower."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"You! How dare you speak big words!"

God made the child angry!

"Off-grade? Do you mean that God is not worthy? Okay! Then God will come and try your own way!"

Above the ancient festival **** mountain, the old man in white sneered, and at this moment he pressed down toward the Yuan family ancestor with a general terror!


The ancestors of the Yuan family ancestors were terrified!

At this moment, in addition to trembling, there is no idea of ​​resistance!


That terror is absolutely crushing them!

"You angered a god!"

God made the child Yuanshen grinning!


Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and this is also the opening. A sword shadow flew out of his eyebrows, and the sword shadow shot out of the ancient palace before everyone had responded!



You mang flash!

The horror that was pushed down towards the Yuan family ancestors shattered!

As for the old man in white, it was frozen in the air!


What happened?

The spirits of the Yuan family ancestors are a little ignorant!


"Lying trough!"

"This and this!"

When they took a closer look, they saw a blood bead rising from the eye of the old man in white standing in the Seeing a sword shadow that was less than two feet long was killed from the back of the old man in white!

One by one, there was a terrifying look!



This seems to be a sword chopping off a **** from Nirvana!

"The word "God", your fate can't bear it."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The old man in white, frozen in the air, opened his mouth at the moment!

Then I couldn't say a word!

Double pupils instantly rejuvenated!

Then the flesh fell from the sky!

Suddenly fell in front of Yuanjia Ancient Temple!

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