Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1915: More despair than despair!

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The sword shadow, which was less than two feet long, returned to Chen Zhengmei's heart!

But something flew out of Chen Zheng's pocket instantly!

I saw You Mang flash!

The so-called flesh of Nijiajia who fell to the ground instantly turned into a corpse!


You mang flash!

Everyone hasn't seen what it is!

That thing flew back into Chen Zheng's pocket!


Everyone's eyes moved again!

Looked at the corpse in front of the ancient temple!

There is only an inexplicable fear at the moment!

Of course, Yuan Feihong and other Yuan family members in several ancient palaces are more frightened than the rest of the Yuan family ancestors at this moment, because the people who cut Nirvana are in front of them, within three feet!


This method is really terrible!

Nirvana's half-step era overlord was annihilated in one shot!


God created the child Yuanshen solidified, can not say a word, but now the face is full of despair!

Can't figure it out!


By what!

This guy!

Gifted Emperor Mana!

And also in the early days of Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Even if this kid is the reincarnation of the legendary Emperor Gaishi!

It is impossible to cut Nirvana's Infinite Heaven with one sword!


God made the child want to cry!


Is there any power to show up!

Come and save yourself!


Maybe it's really heavenly sensed!

God made child Yuanshen one cry!

There was another mutation above the Yuan family ancestral land!

The overwhelming crimson red pressed over!

In the blink of an eye!

The ancient ancestral mountain of Yuan family ancestry was shrouded in this strange red color!


"It's not blood!"

"This is not blood, this seems to be... it seems to be Yan, this is Yan among the three gods of Sin God Beast!"

The people of the Yuan family looked up and were already relieved. At the moment, his face became extremely white!

"Sin God Beast Yan!"

"One of the three gods!"

"This... this is not weaker than the Nirvana family. It is said that the three gods among the evil **** beasts were already the half-step era overlord at least one million years ago. There are even rumors saying that the three gods God used to be the overlord of the era, but only offended the terrible creatures in Taixu and was driven out of Taixu by life!"

"What the **** is this, and why within a day, at least three creatures of the overlord level of the half-step era have come to our ancient sacrifice mountain!"

"Look at her coming up, the goddess of her eyebrows, oh my god, she is really the Yan God among the three gods!"



A figure appeared!

Red robe!

Cold noodles!

That is a woman!

But his face is somewhat neutral!

The beauty in the eyes of the world is not a kind!


She stared down. When she saw the corpse in front of the ancient temple, she frowned, and then asked indifferently and mercilessly, "Who killed Nirvana of the Ni family, your Yuan family head and Yuan Yin and Yang old things are not there, Who killed Nirvana!"


The Yuan family dare not respond!

Yan God!

This woman is really God!

I am afraid that its combat power is still above Nirvana!

Didn't this woman say that it disappeared more than two thousand years ago!

Why did it suddenly appear!

"Yan God save me!"


God made the child Yuanshen shouted!

"Huh? You are... the god-making son of Shenyuan Palace, did you really abandon cultivation as a reincarnation and mix into the Yuan family ancestral land?" The woman swept towards the ancient temple, although the **** made the son of Yuan God is in the ancient hall, but the ancient hall looks like a fake, and was seen by the woman at a glance. The woman recognized the god-made child, frowned slightly, and then looked at Yuanjia Shengding: "I came to Yuanjia today, I want to borrow Shengding for use. I think even the old thing of Yuan Yinyang In Zudi, I will also lend you Yuanjia Shengding!"



The Yuan family was shaking again and again!


Yuan Feihong first glanced at the elder Yuan Kai, seeing Elder Yuan Kai frowning, and then looked at Chen Zheng. He saw Chen Zheng showing a profound smile. He was slightly surprised, and said that this mysterious senior knew Yan God.

If this is the case!

That's easy to say!

and many more!

This predecessor just cut Nirvana's infinite heaven with a sword!

Although the **** of Yan is bigger than the **** from the Nirvana family!

It may or may not be able to stop this predecessor's supreme sword!

The sword used by the predecessors just now is the supreme divine sword obtained from the Tongtian sword tower!

The supreme sword is also mysterious!

"Yuan Kai, don't you talk back? If you don't talk back, then I will borrow the trip!"

The woman's cold voice sounded again!

"Yan God... It was indeed the Yuan Yin and Yang ancestors who were sorry for you, but Shengding is of great importance. Now the Yuan family is under siege by the Niejia and Shenyuan Palace. The patriarch and Yuan Yin and Yang ancestors are trapped in the imperial city. Even the royal family of Taicang may be involved! It’s not that I don’t want to lend it to you. It’s really impossible to borrow this situation!”

Yuan Kai elder Shen Sheng responded!


Woman sneer!

"This... the ancestors are sorry Yan God... what is the situation?"

Yuan Grand Master, who was not much different from the air, asked subconsciously at this moment.

"You ask you Male Gobi!"


He asked this!

The woman in the sky is furious!


Yuanjia's flesh was crushed into nothingness by a force of terror!


There is only one Yuanshen!

Grand Prince Yun family trembles crazy!

I dare not say anything at this moment!


As for the others in the Yuan family's ancestral land, they were shaking at the moment!

Don't dare to make any sound!

"Yan God, I know the secrets of the Yuan Family Relics. If you rescue me, you will definitely be related to the Yuan Family Relics secrets. I can tell you all!"

At this moment God's eyeball moved, shouting at the woman in heaven!


This is your chance!

Yan God does not belong to any party!

Although it is the three gods in the evil **** beast!

But God is too lazy to control the evil beast!

So now this is your chance!

That kid is amazing!

But God Yan didn't die even under the era of hegemony!

That kid's tricks will surely not be able to cut Yan God!

So I can still survive and escape!

Since God has given himself this opportunity!

You must also grasp it!

"You are the evil **** beast mentioned by the ominous beast, and also the mother of Hongyue. No wonder that the ominous beast is not your opponent, you are too much stronger than him."

At this moment when the woman showed her thoughts, the Yuan family were silent, and the **** of creation, Yuan Shen, stared at the moment. Chen Zheng, who had not spoken before, said lightly.


Bad omen?

Hongyue's mother?

What does this mean!

Yuan Feihong and other Yuan families!

God created the child spirit!

After listening to this sentence, all of them were shocked!

Yan God!

There is a daughter!

How could this never be heard!

And what is the ominous beast!

I have never heard of it!

In the capacity of Yan God, how could you see something ominous beast that you have never heard before!

" are Chen Zu that the guy mentioned!"

The woman in the sky was stunned for a moment, and then looked cold. Her eyes penetrated the ancient temple and stared at Chen Zheng. It seemed very unpleasant!

"This child cut Nirvana's inexhaustible heaven, this means is very strange, with this child, Yan God, you can't take away Yuanjia Shengding!"

God made the child Yuanshen gritted his teeth and shouted at the woman. He knew that this was his last chance. Yan Shen heard that the ominous beast was obviously uncomfortable. At this moment, he will provoke himself again and Yan God will definitely start!

"I'm right."

Chen Zheng responded to the woman in heaven.


The woman in heaven fell down!

Everyone saw a red awn and disappeared into the ancient temple!


This moment!

God created the child Yuanshen showed his joy!

This must be that Yan God is forcibly seizing Yuanjia Shengding!


The woman did not take the lead!

Instead, after looking at Chen Zheng several times, he suddenly lowered his head slightly and saluted!

"Yan Baixie Chen Zu saved my waste husband. Since Chen Zu is in Yuan's house, this trip will not be borrowed! The waste of Xingzhao Beast and Red Moon are now in the city of all evils. If Chen Zu is free, he can Come and be a guest in the city of all sins! Yan... let's leave first!"

The words fell!

The woman retreated!

Chimang flashed!



The majestic red that shrouded the ancient offering to the God Mountain!

Also fade away!


Yuan Feihong and others are stunned!


God made the child Yuanshen opened his At this moment, there was only despair left. After staring blankly at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, his Yuanshen suddenly cracked, and then he heard a stab at his Yuanshen Shattered!

Starlight scattered!

Yuan Feihong and others were shocked again!

They knew that God created a broken heart!


Think about it!

Time and time again I thought I saw the hope of escape!

Can only usher in despair!

Even if God created the child is the ninth state ancestor of Shenyuan Palace!

Dao Xin can't hold it!

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