Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1934: It is over before it even starts!

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!


"Try it!"

"Maybe it's my chance!"


Especially the three major pilgrimages.

One figure after another took off into the Magpie Bridge.

It's just that more than 90% of them haven't really landed on the Magpie Bridge before being transported back to their place.

"The stories are all deceptive. It's not the geniuses of Datongtong or the talented guys who really boarded the Magpie Bridge. We little gangsters have just been brushed down without much talent!"

"Oh, God Magpie Magpie, can you give me a chance, let me go to see the Emperor's daughter!"

"Sir Magpie, give me a chance to do it. My ancestral handicraft is called Lushu. It must be clear what the meaning of Luma means. Master, will Master Magpie try my Lushu!"

These eliminated creatures have a feeling of being deceived, and one by one can't help shouting to the magpie at the top of the magpie bridge in the sky.

"Lu Mao Lu Shu... Hmm? In this case, the Queqiao is collapsing. Is it because the trough has solved the mystery left by Lord Geshitiandi!"

Shen Que heard a voice and seemed interested, but his face suddenly changed a lot. The magpie bridge across the three pilgrimages shattered in exclaimation. At that moment, Shen Que got into a white light to send!

The world blinked!

Looking at the empty sky!

I don't know what to say at this moment!

Question only in my heart!

Isn't the Eternal Heaven Court outside the territory!

Is the Jinsuo on the other side really true?


This is a world in the cloud.

Immortal light divine light flows vast and sacred.

A huge palace hangs in front.

A glance is daunting.

"Huh? That's the son of Yanqiu in the Spring and Autumn Mansion, didn't he say that he was engaged to a strong woman in the city of all evils, how come he came to this magnificent heavenly court on Magpie Bridge..."

"This...there is also the Little Sword God in the Jingji Sword Palace of the Purple Ji Sheng Dynasty. However, the Jingshi Sword Palace clearly stipulates that it is not allowed to marry a wife and have a child. The Little Sword God is not here yet!"

"Over there, isn't that Zulong Shengzi killing God Yoshiko white begging base, isn't it already married, why... lie down! It seems that I still brought my wife! My turtle! , Will this work!"

With all kinds of voices, many people recognized the younger leaders of the three pilgrimages, especially when they saw some geniuses who should not be supposed to come, they only felt that the three views were bursting!


For the other side golden shuttle!

Zongmen rules can be changed!

Even if it is the first sword repair school outside the domain!

"It doesn't seem like anything. Look at the one in front. That's real cowhide. Let me count how many women I brought with me. More than twenty women in the trough! That kid brought more than twenty women. He Did you bring all the sisters and sisters in Zongmen!"

Someone shook his head gently, raised his right hand, and pointed towards the front!


Everyone looked at it!

In front of the sky bridge leading to the huge palace!

More than 20 female nuns followed a young man!

Everyone sees this!

One by one, the color of surprise!

In terms of vision alone, this is indeed the most cowhide one at the moment!

"Emperor Realm...not worth mentioning, it is useless to bring more women to cheer!"

A cold voice sounded!


The cultivators looked at it and saw that it was the murderous **** child who spoke, one by one, dare not refute.


At this time!

A divine light flew from behind!

At first glance, it was Shen Que, and it didn’t seem so strange, but Shen Que flew directly over everyone, and landed in front of the overhanging sky bridge, without seeing anyone facing the huge palace on the other side of the bridge. A shout: "Why is the Magpie Bridge suddenly collapsed, and who has solved the mystery left by the Emperor Geshi Tiantian? Have you chosen a horse!"


What does this mean?

Crowds in the back heard a frown!

Only then did everyone enter this ancient palace!

Why is the magpie asking that a horse has been selected!

This is wrong!

The selection of horses has not begun yet!


In the eyes of the practitioners, a fairy light flew out of the huge palace, and the fairy light turned into a fairy wind bone old man. The old man did not respond to the magpie, nor looked at the others. At this moment, he only stared at the flying sky bridge. More than a dozen young women cheering!

This young man is Chen Zheng. His eyes are closed at this moment, with a faint smile on his face, as if he is comprehending something!

"Huh? This is this? It's wrong! This one hasn't entered the heavens yet!"

Seeing the old man's gaze, Shen Que also stared at him, and gave Chen Zheng a glance, asking a question!


The old man still did not respond!

"Don't mess up, my master is very fierce!"

The Dao Biting Beast lies on the shoulder of Snow Fairy, and at this moment he stares at the Heavenly Fairy, which is a warning!

"Vicious? How fierce can a **** be!"


Kill God Yoshiko sneer!


This is the moment!

Chen Zheng opened his eyes!

"It turns out that the Emperor Gaishi is also true, only that the daughter of the Emperor is fake." Chen Zheng didn't look at anyone, only at the huge palace, and said with a smile: "You should know my relationship with her, you are a will of her previous life , Are you trying to evaluate me on her behalf, or are you reluctant to return to her spirit?"


What do you mean?

Who is this kid talking to!

The magpie's face sank!

The people in the rear are more puzzled!

It is impossible to talk to the Emperor Ge Shitian!

and many more!

Why did the God of Heaven mentioned by this kid look like a woman!


Countless doubts!


Crowds in the rear did not dare to ask for a while!


At this moment there is an unspeakable depression in this ancient court!

as if!

The one in the ancient court is very unhappy!

"In this case, then I directly took the other shore Jinsuo."

There was no response from the huge palace. Chen Zheng smiled again and said that he grabbed the huge palace at will!


Shen Que hummed, disdain!

"Really dare to do it!"

" this to provoke the Eternal Heaven Court alone!"

"Be brave!"

Various voices from the rear are heard!

In fact, the creatures who came to Vanguard Heaven through Magpie Bridge are basically younger generations. The powerful men of all major avenues perceive the strangeness of Magpie Bridge. Sending younger generation disciples to Magpie Bridge to enter Magnificent Sky Court is actually to explore the way! These disciples basically have teleporting **** jade and the like. If the golden shuttle on the other side is true, then they will crush the teleporting **** jade and other magical tools at the first time, and let the sectarian powerful send them over!

Therefore, only a very few of them can see that Chen Zheng’s flesh is a bit strange, such as the Jingjian Sword Palace little sword god, such as Yan Gongzi in the Spring and Autumn Palace, but they did not speak, because they did not think that Heavenly Emperor Realm Mana Eligible to challenge this immortal heaven!

after all!

The **** magpie and the sky-turning fairy are extremely strong ancestors, and the sky-turning fairy is at least the ninth level ancestor!



Just listen to the thorn!

The huge palace suddenly fell apart!


Magpie's eyes widened!

The crowd at the rear was dumbfounded!


What means?

Did this dismantle the ancient court?


next moment!

A thing flew out of the huge palace that was falling apart!

Let's take a look!

One by one!

Jin Shuo!

Wasn't that the other side Jinsuo that Shenque displayed with the **** shadow before?


That kid!

One lifted his hands and dismantled the ancient heaven!

In the simplest and most brutal way to **** the other shore gold shuttle!

This is too unruly!

What about choosing a horse?

Shouldn't the normal process choose a horse!

This Nima is over before it even starts!

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