Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1935: No one behind you can do it!

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Shen Que exclaimed subconsciously!

The practitioners in the rear came back to God!

It's just that I was even more shocked when I came back!

Oh shit!

Not an illusion!

That kid really dismantled the ancient palace!

That kid really snatched the other shore golden shuttle!


The ancients said!

You eat meat and I drink soup!

This Nima didn't drink a bite of soup!

"This is the hometown of the Seventh Princess, it seems that you know something, and you want to jump out of the great reincarnation through this thing. It is normal to stand in your perspective and not return to her spirit. It’s just that this thing is not so simple, you want to borrow It’s not so simple to jump out of this great reincarnation. It’s useless just because it’s energy has been exhausted. So this time you came to a magpie bridge to recruit relatives. Lead her in and drive the golden shuttle with the power of public cultivation."

Chen Zheng looked at Jin Shuo for a few moments, and then took Jin Shuo into the Yuanshen, and then looked at the disintegrating Van Gogh Heaven Court, said a few words casually, and then his eyes turned into nothingness, as if he had swept the entire Van Gogh Heaven Court. In the closed world where he was, his pupils returned to normal in an instant, and he smiled lightly: "It turned out to be the method he laid down, but it's a pity that you really have to do what he said, just to make a wedding dress for him."


Uh huh?

The magpie is stunned!

Eyebrows are closed!

Snow Fairy and other Bliss Ice Palace ladies are also a little ignorant!

The rear repairs are even more ignorant!

Who is he!

Who laid the means!

It seems that it also involves the souls outside the world emperor!

And it seems that the Emperor of the World in this ancient court of heaven just left a will!

Is this true or false!


Who is that seven princesses!

"What...what do you want to say!"

Shen Que shouted at Chen Zheng!



The divine time and space where this ancient heaven is located suddenly changed!

Divine light fairy light dispersed!

The vast divine disappeared!

At this moment became very bleak!

Heaven is like a magic court!


"what happened!"

"How did this happen!"

Rear practitioners exclaimed!


Just listen to Jianming!

Yiyoumang was killed without any warning, and it was a stab toward Chen Zheng’s eyebrows. The big fairy had no words and actions since he appeared. At this moment, there was a sudden move, but it was not an attack on Chen Zheng, but he wanted to stop it. You Mang!



He touched Yumang with his big hand!

Big hands are penetrated!

Almost at the same time!

A **** pattern appeared on his eyebrows!

Immediately after the flesh is directly annihilated!

"Lying trough!"

The monks in the rear saw this scene and screamed terribly, because they all recognized it. The **** pattern that appeared in the eyebrows of the sky was the ruler of the overlord. That is to say, the **** of the sky was the overlord of the half-step era. The flesh!


What a terrible ghost!


In the eyes of the killing **** Yoshiko in the rear, the flash of the different awns flashed through. At this moment, the secret murmured that the best awn could destroy the Emperor Realm guy that day! The kid's tricks are strange, he must not be the kid's opponent, but the kid snatched the other side of the golden shuttle, the kid is not dead, he can't get the golden shuttle!

and so!

Cut it!

Cut him!

"Senior be careful!"

Behind Chen Zheng, Snow Fairy reacted violently, and his mouth was exclaimed!

"It's okay."

Chen Zheng chuckled, and let You Mang thorn come, in the surprise eyes of the practitioners, that You Mang thorn caught Chen Zheng's brow!

this moment!

The Snow Fairy and the Bliss Ice Palace nun are both trembling!


Screaming in the heart of the killing righteous son!



You Mang, who stabbed in Chen Zheng's eyebrows, suddenly turned back!


Just hear a horrible piercing sound!


Dullness disappears!

The mysterious time and space where the ancient heaven is located restored to its previous appearance instantly!

God light fairy light flow!

Holy and majestic!


Blood is dripping in the air!

A drop of black blood dripped!

There is an inexplicable strangeness!


Shen Que shouted blankly.

"Emperor? He is not Emperor."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and touched the air with blood dripping. A black robe was present. This black robe was pierced with eyebrows. At this moment, a drop of strange black blood was dripping from the eyebrow, and the two pupils stared at Chen Zheng. !

"Shimo Weiyin!"

In the rear, Jingshi Jiangong, the little sword **** suddenly whispered!


"He is a stone demon!"

"This... isn't the stone demon cut off ten thousand years ago!"

The other monks whispered when they heard it!

"This... what is this situation, he is not the emperor... how can I not know that there is such a devil in the ancient heaven..."

The magpie is shocked!


There is only the Yuanshen sigh!

"You actually broke the big dark evil sword taught to you by the Lord!"

The black robe stared at Chen Zheng with a cold drink!

"The vision of the Lord who chooses the advent in your mouth is not good. Your extraterrestrial stone demon is itself the ultimate ancestor of the ninth realm, but the guy can't come out through you. This point is that your great dark sky is not as big as yours. Rong Tian, ​​the adventurer that Nao finds is not even the ancestor of the Dao, but he can make him come off."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Detachment is coming?

What does this mean?

The Snow Fairy in the rear and the Cultivators in the back showed their doubts again!

"The detachment comes..."

Watching Heavenly Beast whispering, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes flashed in horror! At the moment, it was secretly said that there was really a detachment advent, and Chen Zu had encountered a detachment advent, and it sounded like it was completely okay!


Still Chen Zumeng!

"You...!" Among the doubts, the black robe stared at Chen Zheng again, and then gritted his teeth: "Gai Shi Tian Di, you will not show up to suppress this child again, you will completely lose yourself. opportunity!"



In the ancient heavens that are falling apart!

A figure came out!




Sword Shadow!

Many sword shadows!

That is a woman!

A woman covered in sword armor!

So that she can't see her face!

This woman has more than one armor and a pair of sword wings behind her!

She came out of the sky!

Every step further!

That horrible supernatural power skyrocketed!

Is this the God of Heaven!

The rear practitioners were very surprised!

" could it be like this..."

Shen Que shouted blankly!

" really is not the former Emperor..."

The Goddess of Heaven and Earth is another sigh!

"Slash him soon!"

The black robe growls!



The women do it one by one!

A magic sword condenses!



This is the most evil sword!


Woman with a sword!

The mysterious time and space where the ancient court is located directly cracks!

"Be careful!"

The heavenly fairy fairy shouted at Chen Zheng!


"What a horrible sword!"

"This is the power that transcends the dominance of the half-step era!"

The rear repairs were terrifying!

Snow Fairy Qiao's face was full of worries. At this moment, she bit her lips, and only Chen Zheng was in her eyes!

"Great Dark Evil Sword... No matter what sword you Never use a sword with me."

Chen had no fluctuations, only a slight smile, and raised his right hand to the slashing horror evil sword, and the horror evil sword was directly destroyed, and then he wiped the woman covered with armor like a sword demon!


The woman suddenly groaned, and then the whole person softened, and the terror breath instantly retreated, falling from the air and falling in front of Chen Zheng!


Cultivators are dumbfounded!

The magpie was shocked and surprised!

Suddenly thought of the family secrets mentioned before by a kid on Queqiao!

At the moment dumb said!

"Can it be...this is Lushu..."

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