Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1936: Do small moves in front of me!

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Just a moment ago!

Just like a cat!

Therefore, the Emperor Geshi Tian is just like a cat on the ground!

And that mumble is not a painful voice!

Instead, it sounds a little comfortable!


That should be it!

That guy used the mysterious Lushu to subdue the God of Heaven!

The idea of ​​Shen Que's heart flashed fast!

"You... what is your situation, you have the dark evil armor given by the Lord, and the dark evil sword given by the Lord, how can you fail! This kid is no matter how special he is, he is also a god. How can this kid beat you with a simple touch of mana!"

The black robe is full of unbelief, and his roar is loud!


The woman who fell in front of Chen Zheng seemed to be desperate to get up and fight again. However, Chen Zheng only touched it lightly, and the woman snorted again and softened again!

This scene!

Rear practitioners are stupid!

The Snow Fairy nearest to Chen Zheng and other Bliss Ice Palace nuns are also stupid!

and many more!

Senior Chen!

At the moment!

Why does it feel a little like massage!


It is impossible to subdue this emperor of heaven and earth with this manipulation!

Even if this world emperor is just a will incarnation!

But its combat power is definitely not weaker than the previous palace master who ran away in the Bliss Ice Palace!

This, this!

Is it a supreme manipulation!

"You... what the **** are you doing, you urge the big dark evil sword, even if it's not the era overlord, and the era overlord's combat power, what the **** are you doing!"

The black robe was stunned, and then roared again!

"He is licking the cat..."

Shen Que said subconsciously.


Lu Mao?

What nonsense is this!

All the practitioners in the rear shook their heads, all staring at Chen Zheng's technique at the moment, and secretly said at the moment, this is definitely a supreme secret method. If they and others have learned this supreme secret method, they can certainly have this kind of war against the sky. force! So these monks, one by one, began to understand!

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan Gongzi and Jing Shi Jian Gong Little Sword God even used special magical instruments given by the elders of the Shimen. This special magical instrument usually has a limited number of uses, but after using the special magical instrument, Didn't see why this happened, the two of them suddenly felt a big loss!

Oh shit!

This may not be a special secret at all!

This may be an ordinary massage method!

It's just that the guy is a reincarnation!

Maybe you just want to restrain the Emperor Gaishi!


That woman is just the will of the true Emperor!

Not a true God of Heaven!

So this is the truth!

"It's a big loss, the young man used a magic tool in vain, and he must be scolded when he goes back! Alas! Who is this guy, how can he be so unbelievable, why looking at this guy makes me feel terrified. Well, it feels like facing the sword shadow left by the supreme being in the Jingshi sword tower! Weird! Really Weird!"

Jingshi Jiangong Xiaojian God is staring at Chen Zheng's back at this moment, and his heart is filled with emotion!


After a moment!

The woman on the ground disappeared!

It's not gone!

Instead, it turned into a ball of light!


The magpie shouted.

"this is......"

The **** of the sky is also a whisper.

"She is just a will left by the former Emperor Ge Shitian. I will temporarily seal this will. I will let you go to find the Emperor Ge Shi Tian later." Chen Zheng casually said and threw the light group to Shenque.

"Ah? The Goddess of Heaven?"

Shen Que quickly picked up the light group, looking at Chen Zheng in amazement.

"You... you bastard, your means are very strange, but you can't kill this seat, this seat has practiced the supreme secret method given by the Lord, this seat has become a body of dark chaos!"

The look of the black robe changed for a while. Seeing Chen Zheng staring at himself, he shouted at Chen Zheng!



He shouted!

The flesh is shattered!

"Do not!"

next moment!

He screamed in horror!



Screaming useless!

He directly exploded into nothingness!

The flesh spirits are all transformed into nothingness!


The practitioners in the rear stepped back, and they forgot to Chen Chen, and Chen Zheng also looked towards the practitioners in the rear, and the practitioners stepped back again!


Snow Fairy sniffed the nose of the Daoist Beast on his shoulder, it felt abnormal for the first time, because after the black robe and the Yuanshen exploded into nothingness, there was no avenue fragment left!

This is very abnormal!

That fellow was not killed by the master!

"You... Your Excellency... Daoyou... Master... We shouldn't be considered hatred... By the way Yanmou this Once I came to Vanguard Heaven and suffered a big loss. Just now I thought that the son had any special secrets. Yan Mou used special magical instruments given by the elders of the school to try to enlighten something. However, he didn’t realize anything, that special magical instrument has arrived. Use the upper limit of the limit, and then it will be broken, Yan Mou... bitter in my heart!"

The son of Yanqiu in the back of the Spring and Autumn House groaned, and to be honest, he was really a little scared now.

"Younger brother is also bitter in his heart. He has only one chance to use his special magic weapon!"

Jingshi Jiangong Xiaojian God also began to spit bitter water!

"That...I can get out of the eternal court by myself now?"

A fat-headed monk raised his right hand timidly!

"In front of me to engage in small means, you don't know that your magic instrument has been taken by me, how could you hide my eyes."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


What little means?

Who secretly engaged in small means!

Yan Gongzi, Little Sword God, Fatty Big Ear Monk, etc. are all shaking!



The killing **** Yoshiko directly turned into a black awn, and with the people around him, he rushed out of the mysterious time and space where the ancient heaven is!

"Kill the God Son!"

"It's him!"

"White chopping!"

Crowd exclaimed!


Chen Zheng chuckled lightly and hit a magic weapon. He saw a dark top flying out of this mysterious space and time. The Cultivators had not yet reacted, and then they heard a wailing cry!


The dark top flew back!


In the dark top!

A terrible roar came out!

A primordial spirit appeared to appear to want to forcibly break free from the dark top!

But I can't get rid of it at all!

And the public repair has been dumbfounded!

Because at first glance this Yuanshen looks like the Yuanshen who kills the God of Justice, it instantly becomes another person, a guy who has never seen before, a guy who can feel terrified only by looking at his face !


What happened?

Is the killing of the righteous child possessed by something?

and many more!

Could it be the mysterious Venerable Lord mentioned by Shi Mo Wei Yin!

"Fuck! You use Lao Tzu's magic tools to suppress Lao Tzu's thoughts, you are so **** shameless!"

That terrible Yuanshen couldn't break free~ The face became more terrible, roaring at Chen Zheng!

"Simple and convenient, why not use it?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.

"Fuck! You are detached in the future, and I will definitely fight you first!"

The roaring Yuanshen roared again, but the next second shattered and was completely refined by the dark top!



This Nima!

Use the magic head magic weapon to deal with the magic head!

How does this sound psychedelic!

That devil is so terrible!

Why is its magic weapon controlled by others!

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