Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1940: Tai Cang appeared!

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"What's the matter!"

"Why are the Holy Lord Taicang and the Nine Nine Tribulation of the Nirvana House corpse!"

"Is this a terrible curse!"

All kinds of sounds!

Some are ignorant!

"Nine Nine Tribulation!"

The Yuan family's face sank!

"Nine Nine Tribulation... was also cursed. The secret method of the Holy Girl is no longer useful to him. This is the means of the Master of Yuanxu. No one can resolve it unless the Sect Master returns!"

The elder emperor's face also sank!

"The Master of Yuanxu...Blood bones..."

The Holy Emperor Sect’s brows are also closed at the moment, and the situation is beyond her control, even more serious than she thought before. If the Master of Yuanxu really wants to intervene in things outside the territory, I am afraid no one can stop it. Hold it!


That one!

I just want to destroy the Taicang royalty!

I just want to completely suppress Taicang!

"This fellow... The corpse of Niijiu Tribulation, this fellow is a bit scary..."

Divine Deity Lord frowned!


Inside the Imperial City!

Above the Holy Court!

Niujiu Tribulation suddenly stared at the location of the Yuan family!


"not good!"

"He... seems to be self-conscious!"

The face of Yuan Tianshu and Yuan Yin and Yang changed, and Yuan Feihong and other children of the Yuan family were shocked, because nobody at the Yuan family was the opponent of the dead Nirvana!

"Huh? This man is going to take action against the Yuan family? The Yuan family is the master, but the master is now in the Taicang Holy Court. ...I can only ask the sister of the palace master to shoot!"

On the Bliss Ice Palace fairy ship, the Snow Fairy swallowed the beast in his arms and lowered his voice!

"This is the means of the master of Yuanxu, and I can't cut this nirvana, but it is not a problem to rescue the Yuan family."

In the fairy ship, a voice responded, and then saw a divine light, penetrated into the enchantment of the Holy City of Taicang below, and at the moment of the Nine Nine robbery, wrapped the people of the Yuan family, and the people of the Yuan family were caught All sent out of the Imperial City!



"Who saved us..."

The children of Yuan family are very ignorant!



"The master of the Bliss Ice Palace should also be here, I didn't expect such a powerful tool!"

The people outside the Imperial City were surprised, and then glanced at the fairy ship, and now they guessed who the shot was!

"The prince of Bliss Ice Palace is much better than me."

Sacred Deity Lord whispered.

"Sure enough... that kind of power can only deal with that kind of power...Unfortunately, the Saints don't have that kind of life..."

The elder emperor sighed.

"Holy Emperor's Fate?"

Divine Demon Lord asked subconsciously.

However, Elder Shi did not respond, and the Divine Deity Lord smiled. He would not ask for boring. In his heart, he secretly controlled what his life was not. Anyway, when Brother Chen came out of the Holy Court, this Nine Nine Tribulation will die. undoubtedly!


Inside the Imperial City!

Niijiu Tribulation threw a space and roared up in the sky now!

The fangs are so unbearable!

The creatures inside and outside the Imperial City are inexplicably cold!

of course!

The spirits in the Imperial City are even more terrifying!

Because you can't escape!

If you are stared at by nirvana!

That must be done!

right now!

Just ask the young man who suppressed the Holy Lord of Taicang to come out of the Holy Court quickly, and also suppress this Niijiu Tribulation, or he and others will be scared to death!


After the roar, the corpse Niijiu's body flashed and appeared again above the Holy Court. He raised his hand and grabbed the magic weapon that covered the **** bone. It seemed to be leaving with the **** bone!


Almost at the same time!

The door of the Taicang Holy Court is opening!


One person was thrown out!

Smashed in front of the Holy Court!


See the figure clearly!

The creatures inside and outside the Imperial City were dumbfounded!

Holy Lord Taicang!

That's Holy Lord Taicang!

It's just that the supreme majesty of the past is gone!

At this moment, it seems that even the strength to get up from the ground is gone!


Holy Lord Taicang is abolished!

"Did he abolish Holy Lord Taicang!"


"This... what the **** is this, I don't understand it now, who is he!"



Very foolish!

The creatures inside and outside the Imperial City are ignorant at the moment!



Niijiu Tribulation grabbed the magic weapon that covered the **** bone, and suddenly disappeared. Everyone reacted at once, and the subconscious was exclaimed, only a mouthful, and a sword shadow in the Holy Court was killed!



A terrible penetration sounded!

Next second!

The disappeared Niijiu Tribulation appears!


The eyebrows have been penetrated at this moment!


Nine Nine Tribulation was terrible, staring at the gate of the Holy Court, and holding the magic weapon covering the **** bone with his right hand, it seemed that he wanted to see who had cut himself!


His eyes were disillusioned!

Its flesh fell from the air and smashed in front of the Holy Court!


The magic weapon covering the **** bone flew away!

The **** bones of the gods reappear!


this moment!

Although the creatures inside and outside the Imperial City saw the blood bones, they couldn't help but move, but no one dared to move, because there was a sword shadow suspended in front of the blood bones, the sword shadow might not look terrible!

But the sword just cut Nirvana Nie's Nine Tribulation, and it was still almost invincible Nie Nine Tribulation outside the territory after corpseization!

at the moment!

Who dares to move the **** bones!

Is there any difference with finding death?

For a while!

Silent inside and outside the Imperial City!

"Master is out!"

Soon a sound broke the silence, and everyone's eyes moved, staring at the entrance of Taicang Shengting, and only a figure came out slowly!


Not together!

But three figures!

A young man holding a woman in his hands!

Behind him was a middle-aged woman!

"That is!"

"That's the queen mother!"

"Who is the woman he is holding!"

The spirits in the Taicang Imperial City were astonished, because the middle-aged woman was the queen of the Taicang dynasty, the queen of the previous generation of Lord, and the mother of this generation of Lord!


Why does the queen mother follow the young man!

and also!

Who is the woman that young man is holding!

"Is it..."

Yuan Feihong thought of a person in an instant. He remembered it very clearly. Chen Zu mentioned that someone in the Taicang royal family was his reincarnated!

"Princess Shadow!"

Yuan Tianshu uttered three words in a low voice!

"Princess Shadow?"

"Princess Shadow?"

"Is that the shadow princess who has never appeared? It is said that it was not born from the queen mother, but a fetish among the emperors of the imperial family!"

People from all walks of life heard this sentence, and one by one showed surprise, because they have heard that there is a shadow princess in the Holy Taicang, but no one has ever seen a shadow princess!



The **** bone of the **** suddenly lit up a dazzling divine light!

In the blink of an eye!

That **** bone turned into a living person!


"Blood bones!"

"He... is he the ancestor of the Taicang Royal Family!"

The people from all sides were surprised again!

"My name is too Cang, but it is one of the Gods. This female body can regenerate me, but you want to offer this female body?"


The living person turned into a **** bone!

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