Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1941: I just said it!

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Too Cang!

The ossified person claims to be too green!

Still one of the gods!



Is this alive god!

Inside and outside the Imperial City!

Suddenly boiled!

Almost all creatures are staring at the person transformed by blood bones!


Has always been a legend!

That is the supreme being!

Originally thought that the legend only belongs to the legend!

It is almost impossible to become a reality!

But now I saw a living god!

"Goddess Nirvana... There has always been the saying from gospel Nirvana because the blood of God is flowing from the Nirvana. It turns out that the blood of God is also flowing from the royal family of Taicang. And this **** bone of the **** turned into a **** today!"

"Is this really God..."

"Taicang is too Cang, too Cang is too Cang, Taicang these two words are nothing, but these two words, Tai Cang, there are a few days in the sky, there is a supreme destiny! This Tai Cang It should be really God, I can feel it!"

Boiling sound!

One after another!

At this moment, the blood ossified person became the absolute focus!

"Worship God!"

Inside the Imperial City!

Many people have already begun to worship blood and bones!


Outside the imperial city, people from the Yuan family, Ren Qiuqiu from the Spring and Autumn Palace, and other gods, and other creatures, at such a moment, also gave birth to the idea of ​​bowing and saluting, but they couldn't help it!


They see clearly!

Chen Zheng looked at the bloodless man without any awe in his eyes!

Instead, with a hint of joking!

It seems to be looking at a magic weapon!

"Princess Shadow... The guy who claimed to be too Cang wanted to revive the body of Princess Shadow... Although I don't know who the Princess Shadow is, but since the owner took her out of the Taicang Holy Court, That must be the reincarnation of an old master, this guy wants to shadow Princess' flesh, this guy is looking for the wrong person."

On the fairy ship, the bite-eater was very afraid of the blood bones, but he still hummed.


Snow Fairy opened her mouth, and to be honest, she was also shocked at the moment, because God belongs to the supreme myth of the supreme legend, and today the supreme legend appeared before the eyes, unless the creature above the god, otherwise the other creatures should see it. You will be shocked.

"Taicang...Oh, one of the eight gods the day after tomorrow is far inferior to Taihuang. This guy can't beat me when he's at his peak, I should crush this guy when he's at peak. I can't beat Taihuang, The Emperor Tai can’t swallow the artificial lotus seeds, but Chen Zu can swallow the artificial lotus seeds, so the level of the Tai Cang is far from that of Chen Zu, although they are all in reincarnation and rebuilding state, but they are still far away. There is no use of eggs in front."

A light laughter sounded in Xue Xianzi's mind. It was the voice of the master of the Bliss Palace. She was the Holy Emperor of the Six Desires, and her status was only under the Six Desires, and she had not seen the gods except the innate. The Five Great Gods outside, the day after tomorrow, the Eighth Great God, so the Emperor made her afraid. So this **** guy who claimed to be too pale didn't have much weight in her eyes.

" this..."

Snow Fairy responded in a low voice.

"Sister Xueyao, don't be afraid, but my master Yuanshen lives with the creature known as the future robbery master. This Tai Cang is a fart in front of the future robbery master!"

Dao bite also secretly whispered at the moment.

"Future robber..."

Snow Fairy shuddered, and suddenly thought that she was deep in the Ice Palace. The sister named by the palace owner, that is, the girl who was transformed by the Six Desire Robbers, mentioned a little bit, saying that the big sisters among them mostly followed Chen Zu. Still wondering what kind of creature it was, only now I realized that it turned out to be the future robbery master!


Chen Zu!

Which terrible character in the era of destruction is reincarnated!

This life!

The future robber will follow him!

"Tai Cang... I have seen your reincarnation in the world of Heaven's Luck before. His name is Kunzong Dao. I don't know if you remember that reincarnation."

Chen Zheng opened his mouth and smiled faintly.

"Kunzong Road.... It should be a reincarnation out of the control of my body. I don't know his existence, but I now know that after my resurrection, I will find him in Tianyun World to recycle. "Blood ossified person raised his eyebrows, then swept Chen Zheng several times, his face sinking: "My will is hidden in the blood bones, I have three blood bones, each blood bone can be resurrected." You give me an inexplicable sense of familiarity, so I think you should give up the woman in your hand to bring me back to life."

"Chen Zu..."

Behind Chen Zheng, the Queen Mother who came out of the Taicang Holy Court whispered!

"You think too much."

Chen Zheng smiled gently at the blood ossified person.

Hear this sentence!

The queen mother was relieved!


And the souls inside and outside the imperial city are stunned!

This is too refusal to refuse!

Isn't it going to face God next?

"God is supreme, even if you suppress the corpseized Taicang Lord, even if you cut the corpseized Nine Nine Tribulation, you should also be in awe of God, and don't quickly give the shadow princess body!"


Inside the Imperial City!

A monk shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Consecrate the flesh!"

"Quickly offer the flesh to help the resurrection of God!"

"This is your chance to gain your destiny, and don't give your flesh quickly!"

Silence of interest!

Then there was a low growl!

Many people in the Imperial City are now staring at Chen Zheng!


"What happened..."


Outside the imperial city, Ren Qianqiu, Juetian God and others showed surprise!

"This is invisibly conquered by God Tianwei, one by one fighting for God's dog legs."


Inside the Bliss Palace of Bliss!

A light laughter sounded!

It turns out so!

Ren Qianqiu, Peer God, Yuan Yuan people, etc., suddenly showed the color of sudden enlightenment. The dark road was indeed an extraordinary creature, even if it was just a blood-skinned person, that day the prestige influenced the world invisible!

"Mother's servant hasn't been reborn yet, and you are giving this servant as a dog leg. Don't you foolers forget it, if it wasn't for my master to abolish the Taicang lord, and cut down the Nine Nine Tribulation, you foolish people might all die. Now I actually yell at my master in reverse!"

Dao bite is very uncomfortable, cold eyes swept across that part of the imperial city of creatures!

"Contribute to the flesh, her life is not a level compared to me, her flesh can bring me back to life, it is her luck."

At this time, the blood-skinned person said a little lightly, but it was obvious that the tone was a bit colder than before.

"Here I have the final say, they say no, not what you say."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"you dare!"

"Who do you think you are!"

"You don't have to offer your flesh now!"

Those who worship God in the Imperial City are instantly angry!



Chen Zheng only raised one hand and grabbed the blood ossified person!

The ossified person is directly destroyed in consternation!


Bloodbone reappears!


In an instant!

A ghost appeared!

It was the God who claimed to be too green!

At this moment, this phantom stared at Chen Zheng!

And Chen Zheng is too lazy to look at the virtual only grabs the blood bone, and squeezes the blood bone in front of the world. In the very clear cracking sound, a drop of real blood in the blood bone Fall, all into the body of the woman in front of him!

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