Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1955: Point to the land of God's Origin!

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There is another stay at the sword palace!


The first palace owner fell!



The first palace owner fell!

Apart from being shocked, he and others were not sad at the moment!

There is no bit of hatred towards Chen Zu!

The two palace lords of the sword palace looked at each other and saw the reason in the eyes of the other party, because the tall ancestor's tall image in the eyes of himself and others, the moment the ancestral palace lord said he wanted to take the sword !

The first generation of palace master!

It's just to use yourself and others as tools!


A sigh!

The two palace masters of Jian Palace paid their respects to Chen Zheng!

"Old deceased... Chen Zu saved the old deceased!"

Old Sword God also whispered!

"Really count, your line is actually my inheritance. As for the first-generation palace owner, it should not be the real first-generation palace owner. It claims to be a monarch, actually it is just a dog that monarch has raised."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Jian Gong opened his mouth up and down!

This, this!

Jing Shi Jian Gong is the inheritance of Chen Zu!

What happened?

For a while!

The sword palace is full of doubts!

"Did you finally remember the past?" It was also at this moment that the illusory will of the sword master suddenly became clear, as if turned into substance, as if a living person appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the sword master will whispered.


The old sword **** waited and glanced at him!

How can this be!

The man who was the incarnation of the sword master was exactly the same as this Chen Zu!


and so!

Is this Chen Zu the reincarnation of the sword master!

"No wonder..."

The master of Jingshi Jiangong Palace moved in his heart. At this moment, he understood what Chen Zheng said just now. The deputy patriarch, old sword god, Elder Lin and other sword palace disciples also understood this, one by one respectfully and respectfully facing Chen Zheng. Bye!

After this worship, the master of the palace and the old sword **** thought of another thing, that is, the image of the devil's burial pit yesterday!


Yesterday's unfathomable Fa-Phase was Chen Zu's Fa-Phase!

That method should be the most advanced form of the sword master!

"It's not that I remembered it, but I was hit by the wicked dozens of palms yesterday. In fact, I didn't expect that, apart from the invisible shackles in my body, the dozens of palms actually burst out a sword master. "Chen Zheng looked at the person transformed by the sword master's will and casually said: "So essentially, what is forgotten is still forgotten."

"No... It's too weird, you should already know that extreme evil is the evil thought of another identity cut off by your body, and... and that the evil thought that came before the Purple Ji Sheng and yesterday came The evil thoughts of the devil's burial pit are not the same."

The brows of the sword master's will frowned slightly.



Sword Palace Palace Master, Old Sword God, etc. heard a bit ignorant!


what is that?

Does extreme evil refer to the horror shadow that came yesterday?

And the black shadow is also the evil thought chopped out by Chen Zu's body!


Everyone in the world thinks it is the most terrifying Taixu creature!

This Nima!

The truth is that Chen Zu beat himself!

No one will believe it!


Very foolish!

Both the old sword **** and the palace master of the sword palace can be ranked in the top one hundred between the world and the world, but at the moment it feels very dull!

"I know this." Chen Zheng nodded with a smile: "In those identities in the past, the power of the main devil in the sky should be at the top level. The evil thoughts that were cut off can be turned into extreme evil, and they all have a half-step detachment. The combat power of the level has even approached the transcendental level indefinitely, and it may even explode the destruction power of the transcendental level. The shackles in my flesh that I cannot perceive by myself, blasted away with extreme evil."


This time!

The person transformed by the sword master's will is silent!

It seems to be thinking about something!

The old sword **** waits for silence!

At the moment, I know I can’t plug it!

"No... It's still too weird, but unfortunately I don't know much. I'm just a will that remains." The person transformed by the sword master's will gently shook his head: "But in this life, you are in addition to the mana, the flesh With Yuanshen has far exceeded the first life, I can see you in this life, my will has been fulfilled."


The person transformed by the will of the sword master smiled faintly!


After this laugh!


Only a little starlight is left!


The old sword **** waits for a trembling!

The look instantly became solemn!

Respectfully nodded to the scattered starlight!

after all!

The will of the sword master is equivalent to the ancestors of the Jingshi sword palace!

"Complete..." Chen Zheng said these words softly, grabbed the starlight transformed by the will of the sword master into his hands, and formed a sword shadow in his palm. See Jianying torn away in time and space.

"The sword skill it passed is the supreme sword skill, but it is too difficult and difficult to practice to the extreme. I have also created a sword skill in my life. I will pass it on to you today."

Chen Zheng saw that the old sword gods and others were looking at themselves, and they shot a fairy light, and the fairy light didn't enter the eyebrows of the disciples at the sword palace.

"Nine-Nine Sword Realm...Unlimited Superimposed Supernatural...This...Thanks to Chen Zu for his sword skills!"

The old sword **** felt something in a flash, first stunned and then startled, and again was a gift!

"Thank you Chen Zu for your sword skills!"

The master of the sword palace also came back to the gods and shouted salute!

"The main body of the first-generation palace is a source beast. It should be related to the land of the **** source. The hand of the **** source palace is too long."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and said that he was looking north towards the Purple Ji Sheng Pilgrimage.

"Chen Zu... prepare to go to Shenyuan Palace? Do you want to be old... If you don't remember the old one, then the master of Shenyuan Palace should not be a human race!"

There was a startled look in the old sword god's eyes, and then Shen Sheng said.

"No need, Shenyuan Palace should be the top-ranking extraterritoriality that is easiest to destroy for me."

Chen Zheng smiled, and when the words fell, the sword world that enveloped the Jingxian Mountain was already out.


"Chen Zu..."

"Shenyuan Palace is the easiest to destroy...!"

"Wait a minute, the sword palace is restored!"

"Is this also Chen Zu's method? In this, did Chen Zu help us repair the sword palace when he left?"

The sword palace went up and down, and when someone exclaimed, everyone suddenly noticed that the sword palace that had been turned into ruins had already been repaired, and all of them just felt like an illusory dream just now!


Extremely illusory!

"That... Chen Zu has no mana right now, can it really destroy Shenyuan Palace...I don't doubt Chen Zu, I am a little worried about Chen Zu!"

A disciple spoke and found that something was wrong, and immediately added another sentence! Doubts are true, and worries are also true. To be honest, although I have seen Chen Zu kill the first-generation palace lord just now, Shenyuan Palace is also mysterious!

"We just have to wait for the news."

The old sword **** groaned.



Purple pole pilgrimage north!

Suddenly came a loud noise!


Jian Gong stared up and down!


Under prying eyes!

The land of divine origin shrouded by the northern divine light!

It seemed like a sudden opening at the moment!

I saw a huge pillar like a pillar of heaven collapsed!


Sword Palace exclaimed up and down!

Isn't that huge pillar of God the original source pillar of Shenyuan Palace!

Is this Chen Zu's method!

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