Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1956: I like to fatten and kill

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There was another loud noise in the north of the Purple Pilgrimage!

As if the pillar of God collapsed in the land of God's Origin!

"Is this really Chen Zu's method!"

On the side of Jingshi Sword Palace, there are disciples staring blankly at the direction of the northern divine land. Everyone knows that the divine land is north of the Purple Pole, not above the earth, but an ancient **** shrouded in divine light on one side. Country.

I just exposed the tip of the iceberg in the land of the **** source, and it was only for a moment, and I just saw a pillar collapse. What is the situation in the land of the **** source? I am afraid that only the creatures in the land of the **** source will know. !

"It should be." The old sword **** nodded: "Just didn't expect... this is not the time for the half of the incense stick, Chen Zu has already entered the land of the **** source, and it has destroyed a fundamental source god. Pillar... It may even have destroyed the two fundamental source **** pillars. There are a total of nine fundamental source **** masters in the land of **** source. If all collapse, the land of **** source will fall from the sky."

"After Chen Zheng disappeared in the burial pit of the gods and demons yesterday, the world is still searching for the figure of Chen Zu. At present, only our Jingshi Jiangong knows that Chen Zu has gone to the land of the **** source, and the three major pilgrimage dynasties within and outside the country. It should all be guessing who made such a big move in the land of God's Origin."

The owner of Jingshi Jiangong Palace was very moved.

to be frank.

See you today.

Really dreamy.

Until now it seems to be still in a dream.



There was another tremendous loud noise from the north of the Purple Pilgrimage!

as if!

Another fundamental source pillar collapsed!


This time, not only the people of the Jingshi Jiangong tightened their necks, but almost all the Taoisms outside the region who shouted their names, all gazed at the land shrouded by the divine light in the north of the Purple Pilgrimage!

For a while!

Countless guesses!

And in the land of God's Origin!

Shenyuan Palace monks and source beasts have surrounded Chen Zhengtuan!



"You were the man from the burial pit of the devil yesterday. You are just a mortal and dare to provoke Shenyuan Palace!"

Drink cold!


The monk of Shenyuan Palace can't wait to swallow Chen Zhengsheng!

"Provocation...I'll come to the place of God's Source. I accidentally broke a pillar and collapsed two statues. The pillars and statues of your God Source Palace are not hard enough. But your God The source palace is truly extraordinary, and the kingdom of one side is well-known."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and swept across the kingdom of the gods in front of him. Even if there is one less pillar, there are eight huge pillars standing on top of the earth, and more than ten giant statues are guarding a towering temple, still extraordinary.


"Are you careless? You know it was intentional!"

"A lot of carelessness, this seat accidentally cut you!"

Upon hearing Chen Zheng's words, the monk of Shenyuan Palace instantaneously became furious. An elder raised his hand and summoned a giant mountain-like shrine, which was a mask towards Chen Zheng!


Loud noise!


The giant mountain shattered shattered!

"Not hard enough."

In the consternation of the monk of Shenyuan Palace, Chen Zheng commented casually, saying that he grabbed the collapsing God Pillar, and the God Pillar turned into powder, and then a great deal of divine power poured into Chen Zheng like a long river!

"Native Origin Pillar!"

"Your goal is the divine power in the source pillar!"

"Quickly stop this bastard!"

The monk of Shenyuan Palace was a little stunned, and then it was a blast, and several elders shot at the same time!


This shot!

It really made the long river of magnificent divine power live!


The elders were relieved!


Inside the towering temple of the guardian of the **** pillar and idol!

A divine light turned into an old man!

"Elder Shen Yunzi!"

"Meet the elder Shen Yunzi!"

"Elder Shenyunzi, this son broke into our Shenyuan Palace, and once broke a fundamental source pillar, just wanted to devour the power of the source pillar, but fortunately they were stopped by the elder Wu!"

The monk of Shenyuan Palace quickly bowed to the old man!

"You are that Chen Zu, right. I have killed two elders of the Nine Realms in Shenyuan Palace before, and even destroyed the palace master's body in the ancient sacrifice mountain of Yuan Family. Your previous combat strength was indeed terrible. , But yesterday you were shot down by the dark shadow in the burial pit of the gods and demons. Now you are powerless, do you think you can still kill the Nine Realm Taoist ancestors? You are now tyrannical to the flesh and Yuanshen, but you have no mana Support, no matter how strong your physical Yuanshen is, it is impossible to exert much strength, so leave it, and then the grudge between Shenyuan Palace and you will be cancelled!"

The old man looked at Chen Zhengshu's eyes, and his voice was cold and heartless!


A grudge is cancelled!

Don't you take this opportunity to take it?

The monk of Shenyuan Palace was shocked!

Some are incomprehensible!

There is no mana at the moment!

Don't take this opportunity to take this one!

Do you want to wait for this child to restore the mana to destroy the Shenyuan Palace!

Obviously Shenyuan Palace has the absolute upper hand!

Why give back!

"Since I dare to come, you should understand that I will not do something that I am not sure about. As for such things as grudge, it can indeed be cancelled by comparison, but I am afraid that it cannot be cancelled with your God Source Palace."

Chen Zheng looked at Shen Yunzi with a smile.


Shen Yunzi frowned!

Subconsciously sacrificed the nine-fold tower!

He has a bad hunch!


The palace owner underestimated this child!


Between the speculations of Shen Yunzi, Chen Zheng flesh turned into a torrent and instantly broke a fundamental source Shenzhu. The earthquake of Shenyuan swayed. Seven of the nine fundamental source Shenzhu remained!


Shen Yunzi's face changed drastically, and he suddenly meditated on the magic formula, hiding the remaining seven fundamental source **** pillars!




It's useless!




A blink of an eye!

Chen Zheng broke six of the seven pillars of the original source!


Only the last fundamental source pillar is left!



And the kingdom of God in this heaven is now crumbling!

Seems to fall into the world from heaven!


It’s not earthly below!

It should be said that it fell from a high place!


"The last fundamental source pillar is left!"

"He wants the land of Divine Origin to fall into the red dust!"

The monk of Shenyuan Palace froze for at least ten breaths before coming back to God, and then there was a scream of exclamation. At this moment, Yuanshen was tense to the extreme, staring at Chen Zheng less than one hundred steps away from the last fundamental source pillar. !


Elder Shen Yunzi couldn't stop this guy!

The palace master!

The first elder **** source!

There is also the overlord source beast!

Why not show up yet!

Never show up again!

The last Tianzhu was broken!

The land of the gods is really about to fall into the red dust!

"Did your palace master still show up?" Chen Zhenghang vacant, smiled at Shen Yunzi: "I have a bad habit, that is fattening and killing, your palace master will never show up again, these nine fundamentals The Divine Power of Yuanshenzhu is about to be swallowed by me. At that time, when my mana is restored, the Nine Realm Dao Patriarchs like you are like pinching ants. Did your palace lord give up and sneak away?"


The voice has not fallen!

He grabbed it!

The majestic power that was fixed by several elders before that!

The power of the other seven collapsed original pillars!

The long river of eight magical powers instantly poured around his body!


this moment!

The elders who had previously tried to prevent Chen Zheng from taking the magic suddenly realized!

It's not that he managed to stop this guy in front of him!

But this guy deliberately let go!

This guy is ready to break all the source pillars and devour divine power!

Other than that!

This guy is forcing the palace master to show up!

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