Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1957: God? It's just a headworm!

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Inside the towering temple!

A figure came out!


"Meet the palace master!"

"The Palace Master will save us!"

The monk of Shenyuan Palace saw the figure as if he saw a savior!


Shen Yunzi is also a gift!

at the moment!

There is really no way!

That kid is so weird!

Only the palace owner appeared to suppress the kid!


The land of the gods is about to fall into the red dust!


Why do you still have a bad hunch!

Do not!

The palace owner is different!

The palace master will be able to suppress the kid!

Take a deep breath!

Shen Yunzi stared at Chen Zheng!

"Chen Zu..." The main director of the Shenyuan Palace who appeared appeared lightly, and there was an invincible release of invisibility, and behind him a series of gods and gods emerged one after another, and his breath rose crazy!


A flash of light!

The master of Shenyuan Palace didn't say a word!

The monks of Shenyuan Palace knelt down and worshipped one by one!

Shen Yunzi shook a little at that moment, but it was only at that moment that he knelt down to worship!

"I am God."

Lord Shenyuan Gong looked at Chen Zheng and spoke three words lightly.


"Supreme God!"


The monk of Shenyuan Palace shouted!


The divine light flashed on the main body of Shenyuan Palace!


Behind him, the Taoist gods surged!

Break through the divine light that shrouds the land of divine origin!


"What it is!"

"Whose law is that!"


Beyond the realm, the creatures staring at the land of the northern divine origin of the Purple Pole!

A look of surprise!

"His Majesty!"

In the Purple Ji Santing, the ancestor said with a heavy look!

Jin Zun, the Lord of the Purple Pole Pilgrimage on the Throne, raised his hand!

Jinguang spreads in all directions, centering on the Purple Pole Holy Court!


Still a step late!

"I am God!"

The huge gimmicks above the land of God's Origin open at the same time!

The golden light released by Jin Zun was frozen for a while!

This moment!

Within the realm of the purple pole pilgrimage!

Except the area covered by golden light!

The remaining creatures under the ninth realm of the realm all knelt at the land of divine origin!

Kneeled at that huge image!

"His Majesty!"

In the holy court, Daozu shouted with a deep voice!

"Shenyuan Palace's master has opened up, and I have shot late."

Jin Zun's deep voice sounded!


A word of ancestor sigh!



The territory of the purple pole pilgrimage!

Those who kneel to the land of the gods shouted loudly!

This shout!

The source within these creatures flooded into the land of God's source!

Not only the purple pole pilgrimage!

The majestic source of power rushed to the land of God's Origin outside the entire domain!

"This... what a supernatural power!"

In front of the Jingshi Sword Palace, the old sword **** asked in surprise. At this moment, the entire Jingshi Sword Palace, only he and the two main palace masters were still awake, and the rest were kneeling to the land of the **** source!

"God...should be an ancient supernatural power passed down by the master of Shenyuan Palace..."

The lord of Jingshi Jiangong Palace whispered, looking at the huge ancient deities that appeared in the land of the gods at the moment, it was also very emotional.


Shenyuan Palace is eligible to be ranked after Yuan Ruin!

This means of plundering the origin of sentient beings outside the region!

It is indeed terrible!

"I am God!"



That gigantic image of ancient gods spoke again!

There are magnificent sources outside the region flocked to the land of God's source!

In the eyes of the world!

That is a respect for the ancient deities and gods chanting God's Word!


The person who really recites God's Word is the Master of Shenyuan Palace!

The Lord of the Palace of Shenyuan Palace that the world cannot see!


In the land of the gods!

The breath of the master of Shenyuan Palace has soared to the extreme extreme outside the domain!

The pattern of the overlord's gods appearing in his eyebrows is about to condense into a complete ring!

Overlord **** pattern!

This is the overlord **** pattern!

As long as a complete overlord **** pattern is condensed!

That is to truly step into the era of hegemony!

"Overlord Divine Mark, the ring of epochs, also known as the mark of reincarnation!" The main lord of Shenyuan Palace looked at Chen Zheng indifferently: "Our line is a deity that engulfs the gods. From the oldest era to the present, you can't fight me Yes, I have the blood of the supreme god! I want to become an epoch overlord, use magical powers to enter that level, the reason why I don’t enter the epoch overlord, but I just want to stay outside the territory to figure out the truth of Yuanxu !But if someone wants to force me, then I don’t mind really stepping into that situation!"

"Pilling off the origin of beings outside the realm, your magical power is indeed overbearing."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Retreat. From today, the grudge between Shenyuan Palace and you will be cancelled. I will explore the truth I want to know. You will do what you want."

The master of Shenyuan Palace was indifferent.


There is a supernatural power!

of course!

This is the perception of the monk of Shenyuan Palace!

The monks of Shenyuan Palace worshipped one by one crazy!

At the same time, he was arrogant and scolded Chen Zheng!


"Don't worship God yet!"

"God has forgiven you, don't hurry to offer your knees!"


Chen Zheng smiled, raising his hand was a slap fan out, only slap the fan in the past, the indifferent face of the Lord of the Palace of Shenyuan Palace is a change, the origin of the extraterritorial beings just plundered to disperse!

Not only that!

His face began to peel off like a cicada slough!


Less than three interest time!

The head of Shenyuan Palace turned a human head into a worm head!

Not only that!

The huge ancient gods and physiognomy in the world above the land of the gods are also changing at this moment!

Those vast ancient **** heads have also turned into worm heads!

This moment!

There is a moment of silence inside and outside the Divine Land!


After a brief silence!

Numerous screams sounded inside and outside the Divine Land!


"What monster is this!"

"How about the ancient gods and physiognomy, how has it become such a monster!"


Unstoppable horror!

This monster has never been seen!

This monster has also appeared outside the domain!

"You... **** it!"

In the land of Shenyuan, the green eyes of the main head of the insect head Shenyuan Palace stared at Chen Zheng, and his teeth screamed out three words. The power of the original source, which was broken by Chen Zheng's slap, poured into his body again. The overlord **** pattern at the eyebrow is about to condense into a real ring!


this moment!

Chen Zheng slaps with ease!


The origins of the extraterritorial beings plundered by the master of the Shenyuan Palace are broken again!

"I am the supreme god!"


The head of the **** source palace palace roared upward!


Chen Zheng hit the third slap!

The origins of the extraterritorial beings plundered by the master of Shenyuan Palace are completely broken up!


The Master of Shenyuan Palace was furious, and the mouth of the worm was wide open, revealing extremely strange spikes.


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and then slap out the fan, directly flying the lord of Shenyuan Palace, and then grabbed the ninth and the source of the source pillar, and only heard a loud sound, the ninth fundamental source pillar collapsed !



it has started!

come down!

Shenyuan Palace!

Land of Divine Origin!

Start falling into the red dust!

"Do not!"

"Oh my god!"

"The land of Divine Origin has fallen into red dust!"

Shenyuan Gongzhu screamed wildly!

The other monks in Shenyuan Palace also screamed!

"You forced me!"

The pair of green eyes of Shenyuan Palace stared at Chen Zheng with a pair of green The roar of the sky suddenly rose, the flesh suddenly rose, and suddenly turned into an ugly giant worm, I saw only one Insect feet like a vine stretched out, forcibly hooking the falling source of God!



Just listen to Jianming!

Cold light flashed!

A huge insect head flew into the sky!


Land of Divine Origin!

Fall into the red dust!

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