Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1971: Just leave me a soup!

Chapter 1968 Leave Me Soup, Will It Work! (Two more)

"Chen Zu..."

Givenchy quivered!

Although he is the patriarch of the annihilation **** clan!

But this scene is really a bit infiltrating!

The ancient murderous creature is definitely stronger than the Divine Deity!

Can be swallowed by the vortex in one click!

Listen to the wailing noises from the whirlpool again!

It really makes people feel scalp numb!

"Brother Chen..."

Divine Deity Venerable also shouted, to be honest this place is too weird, the vortex of the light spot is also too scary, if he was sucked into it, it would definitely be gone!



The weird vortex is broken!

But a more weird scene appeared!

The murderous creature appeared again!

It looks exactly like the previous murderous thing!


Sacred Deity Lord waited for a moment!

Instantly noticed that these murderous things are different from those before!

Yuanshen breath has changed!

If it was human and animal harmless before!

Then at this moment it is fierce and violent!




The murderous creature stared over!

After a roar is a flutter!

this moment!

Even the divine deity can not move!

"Humph! Shen Yuan's dragon cubs, Chaos Demon Ape cubs, Hunyuan big snake cubs, and early fierce dragon cubs that have exploded this demon, you try to explode this devil's ten thousand ancestral **** beasts!"

This is the moment!

A cold voice came from the clouds below!



A figure penetrated the clouds and came to this special area!

This figure is Hongtian Demon!


Chen gave a slap in the face without expression!


The murderous creature that rushed over the head instantly exploded into blood mist!


All blood is swallowed by Chen Zheng!


Hong Tian Mo Zi was stunned. After seeing clearly the person who shot, his throat agitated for a while, and he couldn't spit out a word!


How is this guy!


How could this guy be outside the domain!

Oh shit!

Not counting that this guy will be outside the domain!

"It doesn't seem to be enough to restore the mana to the quasi-saint level." Chen Zheng swallowed the majestic blood. Although outsiders felt that he did not know his mana, he could feel the mana, which was almost the level of the ninth-order Heavenly Emperor, and was less than the quasi-saint level. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Hongtian Demon: "Children, we met again. You seem to know this Hongtian Demon Mountain well, then you should also tell me that there must be a more tyrannical fierce in this Hongtian God Mountain. Things."


Hongtian Devil shook his head quickly!

"Hongtian Demon? The guy you met in the Forbidden Land? You guy... The acting is too bad, your eyes are obviously dodge, and you have to take the initiative to explain, don't you want my master to pinch Explode your Yuanshen Soul!"

The Dao Bite glanced at the Hongtian Devil for a few moments, and then hummed as soon as the small face was cold!

"Hongtian Demon... Devil of the Cathode Devil Palace... It is said that the day of the birth was accompanied by an extraordinary heaven and earth vision, and he also received a gift from the ancient God Mountain."

The Sky Beast remembered something.

"Guantian Beast?!" Hongtian Demon glanced at Daotian Beast, then at Tianguan Beast, his eyes flashed with surprise, then looked at Chen Zheng whispered: "Chen Zu, a big person of your level, I will definitely not care about a junior like me! By the way, Chen Zu, I have heard some great deeds about you from Master, and I am actually your grandson too! Chen Zu, you have to restore your mana to devour the whole Hong I dare not stop the power of the Tianshen Mountain. Even if you swallow it, you don’t need to control me, just let me die by myself!"

"Oh! It's time to change the subject!"

Dao bite sneer!

"There should be more powerful ancient beasts on it."

Chen Zheng only glanced lightly upward.

"No, I guarantee it with my personality, it's gone, there's no drop!"

Hong Tian Dezi looked straight, and raised his hand to swear.

"It's all gone... shouldn't it be gone?"

Givenchy showed a hint of curiosity.

"This... the murderous things on Hongtian Shenshan are actually all the real blood left by the murderous things in the era of destruction, because of the special nature of Hongtian Shenshan, these ancient times the real blood They are all restricted to the cub stage, not exactly the cub stage, anyway, they are not completely. In short, they are all restricted to the era of the era dominance, and will not exceed the level of the era dominance. If the beast is taken to Taixu, then basically these young beasts can grow into a complete body within ten years. Hongtian Shenshan......Hongtian Shenshan is a treasure beast, not belonging to Taixu or any other world, even The time of arrival is also random, and only those who are destined can climb the Hongtian Mountain."

Hongtian Mozi explained.

"While changing the subject, who wants to listen to this! The master is not going to go up, you said it is dead or not, it is better to say that death is happy, maybe after the resurrection, it will be too late to come out of the domain again! Yes, resurrection Then come and remember to bring a powerful magic weapon, otherwise you are still dead!"

Dao bite snorted again!


Hongtian Devil Talk!

He is not afraid of death!

Because even if you die now, you can be resurrected in Taixu!

But it’s useless after resurrection!

At the moment, there is only time!

Give time to the most fierce ancient murderous thing in Hongtian Shenshan!

As long as that thing can devour Hongtian God Fruit!

That is the real era overlord!

No matter how strong Chen Zuqiang is, he can't deal with the era overlord!

What's more, once that thing became an era overlord!

Definitely will be expelled from the domain the first time!

That thing will go to Taixu the first time!


That thing will definitely be grateful for the time you have given it!

No matter how bad, he will sign an equal blood contract with himself!

and so!

Time must be delayed!

That thing has sensed danger and has secretly passed on to God!

I must help this thing to hold down this Chen Zu!

"That one......!"


Hongtian Devil spoke again!

It was only this time that two words were uttered!


Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, grabbed the clouds above, and a glorious thing fell!

What is this?

Divine Deity Venerable reveals curiosity!

"Hongtian Divine Fruit!" Hongtian Devil was shocked: "Chen Zu don't want it, it's only one hundred million years old, that thing is poisonous, even my master can't say it can be completely absorbed, Chen Zu Don't do it!"


Almost at the same time!

A horror roar sounded above the clouds!

I saw an unreal beast shadow torn open the clouds and washed down!

That Unreal Beast Shadow stared at Chen Zheng!

"It's over..."

Seeing that Chen Zheng had swallowed the divine fruit by opening his and seeing the unreal beast shadow appearing again, he felt like a lightning strike for a time! And when Chen Zheng swallowed the divine fruit and grabbed the unreal beast shadow, the unreal beast shadow was directly destroyed into blood, and after the majestic blood was swallowed by Chen Zheng, Hongtian Demon shivered!


Desperate silence!


After counting interest!

Hongtian Demon still spoke!

He looked at Chen Zheng shouting with extravagance!

"Leave me a soup, won't it!"

(End of this chapter)

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