Chapter 1969 Chapter 1972 A tree and a door (three more)

Keep the soup?

Why is this Hongtian demon suddenly so humble!

God Demon Lord looked at Hongtian Demon at the moment, and he felt a little emotion in his heart. A tyrannical Taoist demon from Taixu seemed to have no courage to fight against Chen Zu, only begging!

This guy!

Some wasted the title of Hongtian Devil!

"Hongtian Divine Fruit...So it is."

Chen Zheng engulfed the blood of the **** fruit and the illusory beast, and he said something softly, and the man went to the clouds.


Everyone looked up and looked up!


Shennian cannot penetrate the clouds!

Can't see the scenery above the clouds!

"Hongtian Demon, you have no time to escape now."

Dao Bite's eyes moved, and he stared at Hongtian Devil.

"Escape... The greatest chance in my destiny is gone. What is the point of my escape with this life... I don’t even leave a soup to me, and Chen Zu is too unforgiving. !Since Chen Zu is so unsympathetic, it is no wonder that I am!"

Hong Tian Mo Zi whispered, said to raise his head violently, his eyes full of fierce!


Divine Deity Lord looked awkward, staring at Hongtian Demon!

"Small thing, you tell Chen Zu, my Hongtian demon is completely blackened, and I will lose my life. After I am reborn in the Taixu, I will enter the last broken place, and one day I will start from the last Get out of the broken land and fight against Chen Zu!"


Hongtian Demon didn't do it!

He put a cruel word!



Divine Deity Venerable revealing doubts!


This Hongtian Demon directly destroyed himself!

"Who wouldn't be ruthless? Cut!" Dao Beast despised, and then casually said: "This fellow is a little special, this life can be resurrected after death, but resurrection is also a waste!"

"This...If the devil of Hongtian can really be killed from the broken land, I am afraid it can really threaten Chen Zu..."

The Sky Beast groaned.

The crowd stared.

"How to say?"

The Dao Beast raised his eyebrows.

"This...the broken land is very special, and the era overlord does not necessarily come out. It is said that there are weirdos in it. If we are lucky to get the weird heritage, then we can kill them from the broken land. There is only one creature killed in the Broken Land since ancient times, that is the stranger emperor of the stranger family."

Observation of Heavenly Beast.


"Alien King?"

"Doesn't strangers mean people from other worlds?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Aliens are a special race in Taixu. The weakest aliens are no different from mortals. The strongest are the top-level outside the region. It is said that the overlords in the era overlords of the Taihuang, too, dare not hard-wire the aliens. Emperor's Punch. The alien group practiced an extremely terrible boxing technique. The Alien Huang's Punch once bombed an indestructible Taoism and directly bombarded a five-ring overlord into scum. Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, but It should be true."

Tianguan Beast recalled something.

"So strong!"

"Aliens... what kind of boxing is that?"

"Wait! It is said that Taixu is the highest level in the whole heaven and earth. Are there mortals?"

Exclamation and doubt sounded!

"Idiot, think about it yourself. The outside world is one level higher than the previous big world. There are mortals outside the region, and it is not normal to have mortals in the Taixu!"

Dao bite stared at the past with a white eye!


The annihilation **** clan children who asked that question lowered their heads in shame!

"I don't know what is on it..."

At this moment Givenchy looked at the clouds above and asked the others, the others also looked up and showed curiosity.

Above the clouds.

There is only one person.

That is Chen Zheng.

This is actually the top of Hongtian Mountain.

There are only two things in front of Chen Zheng.

a tree.

A door.


The seven colors of light flashed out of his eyebrows and he swept across the tree and door in front, and the tree and door disappeared instantly!



The trees and doors disappeared!

Hongtian Shenshan is crazy crazy!


Dazzling light burst!

Hongtian God Mountain rises from the sky!

"Lying trough!"


"Hongtian Shenshan flew away!"

Exalted by Divine Deity!

Those monks outside Hongtian Shenshan also exclaimed!



Another flash of divine light!

Hongtian Shenshan disappeared!

And the Divine Deity and the Lord were not taken away!

It's floating in the air!

There is a person standing in the void above!

Divine Deity Venerable glanced for a while and determined that it was Chen Zheng, then he was relieved! At that moment, I thought I would be taken to the unknown place by Hongtian Shenshan!



There are so many terrible creatures in a celestial mountain alone!

If it was really taken to the unknown land!

It must be more dangerous!


Between the gods and deities, etc., Chen Zheng was lifted up at the top, and the divine light fell down. The gods light fell into the eyebrows of the gods, deities, and other people. At that moment, they only felt that the physical body of the gods were all obtained. Sublimation!



"I want to bathe in the divine light too!"

The monk watching from a distance sighed at this scene!

"Let's go back first, I'll see someone."

The divine light dissipated, Chen Zheng said, and the people disappeared.


Givenchy was taken aback.

"This... I don't know who Brother Chen is going to see. The direction of Brother Chen seems to be the direction of the Immortal Immortal Palace. It may be to see the Immortal Mother, but the city of all evil is also in that direction."

Sacred Deity Lord whispered.

"The immortal palace...the city of all sins... seems to be old with the owner, there should be nothing to swallow me, I have learned something from the divine light, and recently swallowed a lot of roads The debris should also be digested and absorbed."

Dao bite beast reveals the color of thinking.

"Then go back to each house."

Divine Deity Venerable nodded lightly, and walked away with the Devouring Beast, Sky Watching Beast, Divine Demon Abandoning Clanized Light.

"This...I'm going to drink 3000 cups with Chen Zu..."

Givenchy sighed.



The wind and snow raged.

Chen Zheng appeared silently.

As soon as he appeared, he stood on the spot looking at the void in front of him.

"You... what do you come to the immortal palace? won't come to destroy the immortal palace?"

Amidst the snow and snow, a barefoot woman in a red dress appeared. This woman was Miss Yu. When she saw Chen Zheng's eyes stunned, she was flustered in addition to her consternation. She secretly sorted out some messy hair.

In fact, she only woke up, and as soon as she was ready to go out of the fairy palace, she heard a cry of excitement from the teachers and said that it was terrifying Chen Zu, and flew out of the fairy palace immediately. Seriously, she was really afraid that Chen Zheng would destroy the fairy palace as soon as she shot. Although the master is arrogant, he can definitely beat this ancestor in front of him, not to mention that the master is just good for the mana vacuum.

"A **** tree is planted in the immortal palace, right."

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"Huh? Shenshu? This...Chen Zu came for the Shenshu?"

Upon hearing this, Miss Yu stared at Chen Zheng with a vigilant face.

"I will help her solve the problem of your master's spiritual practice. I will ask for that **** tree. It's not too much to change one by one."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"This... the younger generation can't be the master, please invite Chen Zu into the fairy palace to see my master."

Miss Yu was silent for a moment, and then shook her head gently, but invited Chen Zheng into the fairy palace with a slight gift.

(End of this chapter)

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