Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1978: Does anyone have an opinion now?

Chapter 1975 Does anyone have an opinion now? (Five more)

and many more!

Isn't Chen Zu the one who broke free of the cause and effect?


Many people think of it!


Shake your head at the next moment!


Chen Zu is very strong!

Squeeze the God of Death and Sin God Beast!

But Chen Zu is definitely not strong enough to be the era dominance level!

Even the era overlord dare not say that he broke free of cause and effect!

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Zu to break free of cause and effect!


What powerful magic weapon can Chen Zu resist to some extent?

All thoughts flashed!

The souls in the city of sins are silent!

Now waiting for the next move!

Chen Zu's next move!

And the next move of the red robe man on the high stage!

Red robe man!

That is the first god!

Its name is Niao!

Before the ancient stone sword in his hand, the old **** among the three gods was abolished!

The first god!

I will never catch it!

and so!


I'm afraid there will be a world war!

"Chen Zu... a little interesting, your method reminds me of a guy I've seen before, and that guy is also very powerful." The man in the red robe on the high platform smiled and said that Feng suddenly turned: "But Chen Zu, this is the city of all evils. I am the first **** among the five great gods of evil gods and beasts. This knife in my hand is called the **** of evil, and it was specially used in the ancient times to kill the heavens! I also retrieved the ancient **** stone of the evil god, do you know what the ancient **** stone of the evil **** means to me! It means that I can have the power of the epoch overlord level in the next incense incense! I want a incense incense Time is enough to clean up you!"




The first on the owl!

Shouting in the sky!


The City of All Sin is terrified!


Above the city of all sins!

A red beast turned out!

The behemoth grabbed a huge stone knife!


Stone knife waved!

The sky is bloodied!

"Lying trough!"

"This stone knife!"

"Is this the blood of heaven!"

Shouts and screams!


The creatures in the city of all sins kneel down one by one!


God is invincible first!

This is beyond the top level of power outside the domain!

The first **** is invincible now!


This is definitely a crush on extraterritorial souls!

"This guy......"

Yan girl's brow furrowed, and she was also surprised. She knew that her father was coming at this moment, fearing that she would be wiped out by the first **** in front of her!

This guy!

It should be the strongest one the master has encountered since coming outside the domain!

It is stronger than the previous appearance of Jianxiu Aotian in the God Demon Mountain!


Master seems to have no fluctuations!

Could it be!

Yan Nufei quickly glanced at Chen Zheng and saw that Chen Zheng did not fluctuate. After a slight stun, she was about to speak, only to hear a roar from the sky. First, the **** body waved the huge stone knife, and it was cut towards this side. !


Yan girl shouted subconsciously!



Zongshen Feng Yuanshen shrank back!

In the city of sins!

All creatures stared towards this side!

This knife!

This knife Chen Zu is afraid that it can't be taken!

"The knife is a good knife."

Focusing on the eyes, Chen Zheng spoke lightly, then raised his right hand, and stretched out a finger in front of the crowd and the beast!


What does this mean!

Everyone, all beasts froze!


Is this a finger to pick up the knife?


This must be crazy!

This is simply not possible!

All the beasts shook their heads crazy!



Loud noise!


The sky is dusty!

For a while!

There is only dust in front of the city of all sins!

The splashing dust seemed to devour everything!

"Still... are you still..."

"Are... still alive..."

"I can't see...I can't see anything now, Shen Nian cannot penetrate into it!"

In the city of sins!

A whisper sounded!

this moment!

There is a strange thought coming from Sect God of Sin Temple, they hope that Chen Zheng is still alive, not only alive, but even hope that Chen Zheng will kill the first god! This idea is really strange, because, logically, it should be hoped that the monkey will be the first to kill Chen Zhengcai!

This sect is ridiculous!


He quickly found a reason!


Because he and others are human races like Chen Zu!

The Temple of Sin was once a slave to the enslavement of Sin God!

Instead of surrendering the sin **** beast like the present to the first **** as a servant!

I want to rebel against the first God in the heart of myself and others!



The earth shattered!



"Cut out a giant pit!"

Everyone and the beast opened their pupils wide, and when they saw Chen Zheng unscathed to block the huge stone knife with one finger, no one was a beast, and exclaimed involuntarily!


One finger caught it!

not dead!

Not right, not dead!

It's okay!


The little girl was also unharmed!

There is also the Yuanshen of the elder Zongfeng God!

Only the ground below was chopped off a large area!

At this moment, a giant pit was cut in front of the city of all sins!

and many more!

Blocked is blocked!

But God must be more than this knife first!


Many monks in the Temple of Sin thought of something!


This idea came out!

Just listen to the horrible crackling sound!

People and beasts in the city of sins were dumbfounded!


That ancient stone knife is broken!

That ancient stone knife, called the sky-cutting sword by the first god, shattered!


This is the moment!

Above the city of all sins!

The first red **** beast suddenly spewed out golden blood!




Another terrible tear!

In the horrified gaze of the crowd and the beasts, the red giant beast of the first upper body shattered and shattered.


The souls of the souls in the city of sins tremble!


The first **** is gone!

The first **** seems to have been shocked to death!

This Nima!

It seems that Nima was shocked by a finger and died!

Is God the first to be able to match Chen Zu's finger?

"Chen...Chen Zu..."

Behind Chen Zheng, Zongshen Feng Yuanshen shouted, fearing that Chen Zheng would slap him over!

"The first one is... I don't have a good brain."

Chen Zheng didn’t look at Zong Shenfeng, but just shook his head and commented casually. He said that when he grabbed his right hand, he saw the divine light flash, and a stone knife condensed on his hand. !

The crowd and the beast were shocked to see this scene!


Isn't the sky-cutting sword broken?

How did it appear again!

Or is this that Chen Zu reinvented the Sky Sword with great magical power!

This, this!

Would this supernatural power be a bit too much!

If it is so!

Didn’t God find an opponent who could not beat at all!

"I will give this apprentice to my Do any of you have an opinion?"

Chen Zheng glanced at the stone knife, and then swept over the creatures in the city of Ten Thousand Sins, and asked with a smile.




Who dares to have an opinion!

Everyone and all beasts quickly shook their heads one by one!

"Dare not!"

"Chen Zu casually!"

"Chen Zu likes it!"

(End of this chapter)

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