Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1979: This is Yudu Guling

Chapter 1976 This is the Ancient Order of the Youdu (One More)

have opinions?

Who dares to have an opinion!

How long is this!

Blazing God!



Completely destroyed!

Who dares to have an opinion is not to die!

"This sky-cutting knife is good, you can use it."

Chen Zheng threw the Sky Sword to Yan Nu, and said that he plunged into the huge colosseum of the city of all evils and landed on the high platform. He hit two blue fairy lights and one fell into the heart of the woman who fainted on the stone pillar. , One fell into the eyebrows of the man who was locked up in the center of the Colosseum by a dark chain.

"Cut Heaven Sword... But Master, you didn't pass me the sword..."

Yan Nu was stunned, but she still flew into the city of evil with a knife.

"Chen Zu knows this sin... This girl and this girl's father?"

The monk of Yili Temple asked subconsciously.


Chen Zheng didn't respond. He just touched the beast field and only heard a loud sound, and a figure broke free from the underground!

"Yan God!"

"Meet Yan Yan!"

"Yan God!"

When people and beasts saw the figure in the Colosseum, they subconsciously lowered their heads. This figure is the Yan God who was suppressed and sealed by the first **** before!

"Chen Zu...huh? What about the **** thing?"

Yan God swept around, saw Chen Zhengshi froze, then swept again, and found that there was no other three gods in the air, and he could not help revealing the color of doubt!

"Go back to Yan Yan, the first god, the fiery **** and the **** of annihilation were all erased by Chen Zu!"

An evil beast quickly responded!


Yan God instantly dumbfounded!


After half a scent of incense.

The ancient temple of evil gods of the city of all sins.

"I'm a waste, with the blood armor given by Chen Zu, I can't protect Red Moon and... Yan..."

The man was very emotional, and the man was transformed by the beast.

"Humph! I can't blame you! I can't deal with Obi God, and you can't deal with Obi God naturally, nor is it your fault!"

Yan God snorted.


Hongyue glanced at her father, and then at her mother-in-law, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Yan Nu, take a drop of your real blood out."

Chen Zheng looked at Yan female lightly.

"Oh, good!"

Yan Nu immediately nodded and took a drop of real blood to send.

Chen Zheng faced the drop of real blood a little, and the real blood melted away, turning into a **** prison. He looked at the ominous beast: "There are different bones in your body, but you can actually help you out, but you You can’t control the bones. Use this girl’s real blood today to build this lucky cage and wake up the bones in your body. You can also take this opportunity to really control the bones."



What is different?

Why don't you know?

The ominous beast was stunned!


The Scarlet Prison came over!

Cover him directly!


next moment!

There was a tear in the ominous beast!



A fierce and violent breath was released inside the Ominous Beast!


This moment!

The city of iniquity shakes!

The ominous beast in the **** prison has already appeared!

At this moment, a terrible blood surging!

There seems to be something in the body to break free of!


Red Moon exclaimed!

"This guy... I was seriously injured at that time, the realm fell badly, and fled to the ancient land of Eight Wastelands. I just met this guy, and I also noticed that there was something terrible hidden in this guy... If this were not the case, I wouldn’t forcefully push this guy at the time. I really didn’t look away. This guy just missed a chance to awaken!”

Yan God's eyes narrowed slightly, now staring at the ominous beast in the cage!


Upon hearing this, Yan Nu blinked, Yan Shen forced the guy named Xingzhao Beast!


Yan God is still domineering!




In the cage!

The ominous beast roars wildly!


Can't break free!

"It's not a big problem. This lucky prison is better than I expected. Within three days, he should be able to completely control the power of the bone."

Chen Zheng said with a smile at the moment.

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

When Yan God heard it, he made an ancient ritual to Chen Zheng.

"Let him take control slowly."

Chen Zheng nodded his head lightly, and at once, everyone came out of the ancient temple of the evil god, and appeared again on the high platform of the huge Colosseum.



Many people and beasts in the Colosseum are whispering!

At the moment it became quiet!

When I saw Chen Zheng grabbing the sky stone suspended above the Colosseum!

One sigh in each heart!

The reason why they did not leave!

The reason is still in the Colosseum!

Just because of that sky stone!

That is the ancient **** of evil god!

That ancient God of Sin God was originally in the Sin Temple!

Sin Temple is relying on ancient Tianshi to domesticate and control Sin God Beast!

The first God Obsidian returns!

Gu Tianshi was recalled directly!

And the God of Oblivion just fell!

Gu Tianshi burst out again!

I thought Chen Zu was not interested in Gu Tianshi!

It doesn't look like that now!

"Sin God Ancient Stone... This thing... Although this thing can control the Sin God Beast, this thing gives me the feeling that it is not a thing of our Sin God Beast family, at least not the thing passed down from the ancestors. It is more like a magic weapon created by the supreme beings of a certain era, which is specially used to control the magic weapon of our family of evil gods and beasts!"

Yan God glanced at the ancient Tianshi in Chen Zheng's hand, and frowned slightly!


Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously!

The outer layer of ancient stone is falling off!


this is!

What does it mean!

and many more!

How does this feel like an ancient order!

The creatures in the Colosseum first stunned, and then revealed the color of surprise. As soon as the outer layer of the ancient sky stone fell off, it was a dull ancient order at the moment. The ornaments on the ancient order gave people an indescribable sense of transcendence!


Is this the true face of Gu Tianshi?

"this is......"

Yan God has given Gu Ling a moment, lowered his voice and asked!

"Yudu Guling."

Chen Zheng casually said the word Chu.

"Yudu? Um? Youdu Ji! This thing... this thing was created by the Lord of the Yudu, specifically used to control our sin **** beast family? Could it be that our sin **** beast family was shot down in its heyday ......Related to Youdu Tribulation Lord!"

The rest of the creatures in the head of the Colosseum haven't reacted yet, Yan God's face sinks, and at this moment I remember some past!

"Yudu Guling was not created by the Yudu robber, this is a key."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Ah? The key?"

Yan God doubt key? Where's the key? "

Yan Nu asked curiously.

"There are a total of thirteen such keys, and I have already got five of them. Aurora, Six Desire, Futu, Ultimate, and the Yudu Guling recently obtained, there are still eight other keys left."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Thirteen...Aurora, Six Desire, Futu... How does this sound... It's not the name of the past era of destruction or the name of the Holy Emperor...Chen The key mentioned by Zu could just correspond..."

Yan Nu, Hong Yue, and the creatures in the Colosseum heard a bit confused, and when Yan God heard it, there was a flash of horror in his eyes, and he stopped suddenly, daring not to continue talking!

Because she knew that the things involved in this key were not supposed to be speculated by her own evil beast!

(End of this chapter)

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