Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1996: you are right

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

and so!

That big scene just came out!

Is it actually to inform?

For a while!

The main forces in the chaotic battlefield are a little ignorant!


Such a terrible battle!

Endless bone demon appeared!

Endless bone demon siege!

I thought it was a disaster of life and death!

In the end, just to let me know!

"This one......"

Han Xian opened his mouth and really didn't know what to say. At that moment, he had scalp numbness, and now he only had a bitter smile on his face. He secretly said what was this.

"This spirit of the inheritance of the Xianhong dynasty... wouldn't it be too much to show off?"

Yan Nu asked softly.

"Xianhong Shengji... I thought the ruins of ancient underground dynasties were the celestial dynasty. The name of Xianhong dynasty has never been heard.

Mr. Wolong thoughtfully.

"The oldest holy pilgrimage outside the territory is the Taicang pilgrimage. If I remember correctly, none of the pilgrimages born outside the territory is called Xianhong."

Yan female nodded.


Han Xian looked at Chen Zheng.

"The other party has such a big situation to invite people, we have to go without going."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Then... everything listens to Chen Zu."

Mr. Wolong nodded after thinking for a while. In fact, he was shocked in his heart, because he had penetrated part of the secret method that Chen Zheng passed to him. At first, he thought that it was only a mysterious secret method of meditation. The ultimate secret method. In fact, he really wanted to ask, who is Chen Zu who is reincarnated in the end, but finally gave up this idea.

After a moment.

A very special warship flew out of Wolongshan City.

This should probably not be called a warship.

This should be called a tank.

Because this looks like a wooden cow.

"Master, this magical tool made by Mr. Zhuge is also a little special. I am afraid that most people will not refine this kind of shape."

Yan Nu secretly heard.

"Mr. Wolong is not easy."

Chen Zhengyuan responded.

"It's not simple? Could it be that you have the physique of going against the sky?"

Yan Nu heard again, to tell the truth, she really didn't see how tyrannical Mr. Wolong was, perhaps the top level in the chaotic battlefield, but if in the three major pilgrimages, it would definitely not be as good as the masters of the three major pilgrimages. This Mr. Zhuge has also reached the level of hegemony in the half-step era.

"Mr. Wolong has a will in his body, and that will should have sensed something in me, which is currently silent."

Chen Zhengyuan returned the sentence.

"Will? That must not be the will of the era overlord. The master looks down upon the era overlord. Isn't it similar to the spiritual will of the woman who helped Zulong Emperor create the fantasy sky glass world?"

Yan Nu thought a little.

"You girl is quite smart."

Chen Zhengyuan nodded.

"No wonder."

Yan female nodded.


At this time!

Mu Niu Xianguang flashed!


After passing through a layer of soil!

Mu Niu entered an underground passage!

This underground passage is extremely wide!

And the deeper the wider!

Originally there were only rocks on both sides of the underpass!

At the back of this underground passage, there is an extra stone carving on both sides!


There are beasts!

There are some extremely strange creatures!


After counting the interest, Mr. Wolong whispered, and the voice was full of emotion. Obviously, he had been to this underground world before, but all returned without success.

" this the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty... Almost all of them are hundreds of Wolongshan castles, and the underground ruins are too large, if it is a holy court, It should be bigger than the three Holy Courts outside."

Han Xian came to the underground for the first time, looking at the huge ancient ruins in front of him, his face full of shock.

"If this is all the Holy Court, excluding the Imperial City, it is at least ten times larger than my father's Purple Ji Holy Court."

Yan Nu nodded.

"Ziji Holy Court?"

Several others were a little surprised when they heard it, but it was only in an instant. Soon the attention of several people was attracted by the people who appeared at the entrance of the ancient ruins in front of them.

For a while!

Can't look away!

That is a woman!

A woman never seen before!

But just glanced at the woman!

I feel like my soul is upside down!

"That girl is not bad, she is qualified to get a heritage, follow me into the Xianhong Holy Court."

The woman swept across the crowd, frowned slightly when she swept over Chen Zhengshi, then landed on Yan Nu, and nodded her head and grabbed Yan Nu!

"No need."

It was also at this moment that Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and the strange power released by the woman's invisible was destroyed.


The woman stared indifferently!

"Rainbow goddess, this kid is not a good thing. This kid looks like he has no magic power, but his combat power is extremely terrible. He can kill the immortal Hongshen extremely beast. The goddess is best to sacrifice the gods to suppress this kid!"

At this time!

Another figure appeared!

This is a black robe sword repair!

Cold eyes stared at Chen Zheng!

"Mo Di!"

"You are the disciple of Ender Valley!"

"You... why are you here!"

Han Xian and Jiayi men, when they saw the black robe sword repair, they frowned instantly! Wasn’t this black robe sword repair just like the disciple of Ender Valley who had killed himself and others before, but it’s just that Ender Valley has been wiped out by Chen Zu, why is this disciple of Ender Valley still alive, and he came out of the remains of the ancient holy dynasty !

Could it be!

This child is a person in the ruins of the ancient dynasty!

"Huh! You guys, you want to get the inheritance of Xianhong ancient dynasty. You are dreaming!" The black robe sword repairer swept over Han Xian with great disdain, then stared at Chen Zheng again, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Tianhong Goddess, quickly sacrifice the artifact to suppress this child, and later it will change!"

"you are right."

Before the woman responded, Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the black robe sword repair.


This moment!

Black robe sword repair!

That woman called the Rainbow Goddess!

A few of Mr. Wolong Hanxian were stunned!



Chen Zheng lifted his right hand and grabbed the front, and the black robe sword repaired subconsciously. However, Chen Zheng's grab was not at the black robe sword repair, nor at the rainbow goddess, but at the ancient light. Grab the relics of the pilgrimage!

This catch!

Ancient ruins!

One stone monument flew out!




The **** monument stands in the first ten feet of the wooden bull!

"Roar! Anything that doesn't want to live dare to move the Xianhong Shenbei!"

Mr. Wolong hasn't responded There was a roar from the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty. Then the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty shook and a giant face of nothingness came out!

This nothing-transparent giant face is extremely grim, but just ready to roar for questioning, Chen Zheng slaps in the hand, and the transparent giant face rolls back into the ancient immortal ruin fairy light!


Everyone heard a fluttering voice!

"Go back and sort out your appearance, don't give me a bad face."

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