Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1997: Holy Spirit? What a waste!

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This is equivalent to riding a face!

The creatures at the entrance of the ancient ruins are all surprised!

"you you you......!"

The black robe Jianxiu was trembling all over, staring at Chen Zheng in horror, shouting several you in succession, but he couldn't say more! He was frightened because he knew what the vague and transparent giant face was just now, that was the spirit of the ancient holy dynasty, that was the spirit of the immortal hong dynasty, and that was also the strongest creature in the ancient dynasty!


Just slapped back with a slap!


This is over!

Holy Spirits are not opponents of this kid!

I can't escape this time!

and many more!

There is hope!


The goddess is the last hope!

"Mother Goddess, this kid is so terrible, he directly grabbed the Xianhong Shenbei, but the Xianhong Shenbei has the strongest inheritance. If it was robbed by this guy, our Xianhong Shenghe would never rise again. Opportunity! Madam Goddess, hurry up and sacrifice that artifact to suppress this kid!"


Black robe sword repair gritted his teeth and shouted to the rainbow goddess!


The rainbow goddess's brows were tightly locked, revealing a hesitant look. For a while, she seemed to be unsure whether to sacrifice that god!

That scene just now!

She was also shocked!

"Master Goddess, what are you waiting for? If you wait for this kid to destroy the Xianhong Shenbei, then it will ruin the foundation of the Xianhong Holy Pilgrimage! The Xianhong Shenbei is not only imprinted with inheritance secrets, but The key to that place!"

Black robe sword repair is another cry!


At this time!

Inside the ruins of the ancient dynasty!

A red torrent swept out!


The red torrent becomes one!

Its face is exactly the same as the previous transparent giant face!




This is also the time!

The figure swept from behind!

"It's him!"

"that person!"

"Sir Lord, that's the man!"

The people coming from the rear are the people of the remaining major forces in the chaotic battlefield, and several of them recognized Chen Zheng on the back of the wooden bull at a glance. The subconscious is exclaimed! The rest of them heard a strange color, because under the perception, the young man on the back of the wooden cow did not have any mana, but it seemed that the flesh was not weak, and the flesh was also the body of the immortal Taoist level!


Didn't see it in person!

It's still hard to believe that this young man killed the looters!

"But does the king know this person?"

Xiang Shenlong saw a flash of alien color in the eyes of King Xichu, and secretly Yuan Shen sent a question!

"In less than two years, has his fighting power recovered to be invincible under the era overlord."

The King of Western Chu Yuanshen answered.


Xiang Shenlong coerced!

What do you mean?

What is less than two years?

Could the king have seen this mysterious young man more than a year ago?

"King Xichu, King Shitang, King Xutian, etc. are here!"

On the back of the wooden bull, Han Xian also secretly transmitted sounds to Chen Zheng and Mr. Wolong. Mr. Wolong turned around and swept the people coming from behind, and Chen Zheng only smiled, facing the person transformed by the red torrent in front. Just slap!


There was a shock at the rear!

Mu Niu and other people are also shocked!


The rainbow goddesses looked cold before the ancient ruins!


a slap!

The person transformed by the red torrent slammed back into the ancient ruins!


For a while!

The forces of several parties are forced!

"The beard distributes, what kind of system it is, clean it up and see me again."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


The people of several forces are even more stunned!

Of course, the most frustrating is Xiang Shenlong and others from the back, because I didn’t see the scene where the transparent giant face was slapped back by a slap. I didn’t understand it at the moment, but if I understood it a little, it was slammed back. The figure in the ancient ruins is not an ordinary person, not even a person! It was a spirit, an extremely tyrannical spirit, as if it were the spirit of an ancient holy dynasty!



Inside the ruins of the ancient dynasty!

The red torrent burst out again!

This time it turned into the previous figure!

This time it wasn't the Beatles!

This time, the whole body is cleaned up and down!

Just a face without any expression stared at Chen Zheng!

"Master Goddess...This is the last chance. Lord Spirit of the Holy Spirit is so humiliated by this son. Do you still bear it? You are brought up by Lord Spirit of the Holy Spirit. Lord Ling was killed by this son!"


Black robe sword repair secret transmission!

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the Rainbow Goddess, and subconsciously sacrificed the gods in the Yuanshen, but it was at this moment that Chen Zheng grabbed the three Xianhong Shenbei, and the three Xianhong Shenbei turned into ash!


Rainbow Goddess shudders!


The men screamed by the red torrent!

Mr. Wolong heard it instantly, the person transformed by the red torrent was the same voice as before, the voice that informed the major forces in the chaotic battlefield to enter the ancient holy dynasty and the sound!

"Holy Spirit!"

"Really the spirit of the pilgrimage!"

"It's just that the spirit of the pilgrimage seemed to be crushed by..."

The monk in the back was shocked!

"Master Goddess, this guy ruined the inheritance of our Xianhong Holy Pilgrimage, Master Goddess, what are you waiting for!"

Black robe sword repair this time there is no transmission, this time is a roaring roar, he knows that the best opportunity is now!

"You are really a waste. You don't even know what the inheritance has been moved!"

The Rainbow Goddess gritted her teeth and sacrificed her artifacts, but Chen Zheng said indifferently. She grabbed the ashes of the Shenbei, and a black shadow was caught, and the Rainbow Goddess instantly froze!


What is this!

How can there be such a thing in the inheritance of the stele!


"What is this?"

"do not know!"

Mr. Wolong also showed doubtful colors. Although he saw that the stele turned into ashes, he didn't even feel that there were creatures hidden in the ashes!


The man turned by the scarlet torrent stayed!

"I don't want to put my seat on it, the owner is a creature you can't afford!"

Heiying spit out words and turned into a spooky beast, and roared at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng slaps easily!

The fierce beast instantly forced!

"Hoooo! My master has never beat me!"

After a brief silence!

The strange animal cried while covering its face!

It was just that everyone thought that the beast was soft, but the beast suddenly turned into a black light and shot towards the eyebrows of the Rainbow Goddess!


Soft is just an illusion!


The beast has not rushed into the three feet of the goddess of the rainbow!

Chen Zheng broke the beast with just one hand!

and many more!

Not completely destroyed!

There are some residual soul aura!


Remnant soul flashes!

A glimpse of scenes emerged!

"The waste of the Xianhong How can it escape my master's calculations, the most powerful ones are dead, these wastes can't even perceive my existence!"

"These wastes thought they could hide from the master when they ran out of the territory, but they didn't know that I could copy the heritage stele. When I copied the heritage stele, the master lowered the curse, and even if the body didn't come, the waste could be destroyed!"

"It doesn't matter if the heritage stele is destroyed at that time. The heritage stele I copied is the only one. The master can still open that place!"

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