Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2003: Who is the maid of honor?

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Wolongshan City.

"I... turned out to be a rebirth of the canopy? I... this Nima, is my previous life so useless? In the story of the Western Heavens Scripture passed down from heaven, the eight precepts of the rebirth of the canopy are exactly Negative textbook, I... I don’t want to live anymore! Brother, send me to reincarnate, and by the way help me erase the memories of my previous life!"

Upstairs in the stargazing, the fat-headed Jiu Jie has woken up and sighs at the moment!

"This... I heard that the power of the heavenly fairy spirit has exploded, and now the level has exceeded the land outside the territory, and it can match the Taixu, even more mysterious than the Taixu, and the spiritual cultivation of the heavenly heaven is too skyrocketing. It stands to reason that Mr. Jiu Jie was the reincarnation of the Heavenly Soldier who once belonged to the human court in the heavenly heaven. If he goes back to heaven, the cultivation base should skyrocket."

Han Xian thought for a moment.

"Huh? It seems like hey!" Jiu Jie, who had been struggling to die, heard his eyes lit up and thought a little bit. "Han Xian what you said makes sense, I will go back to heaven!" Brother, if you see Chen Zu help me to say good-bye to Chen Zu, I also have a relationship with Chen Zu. My previous brother Qi Tian Da Sheng is a disciple of Chen Zu and Bodhisattva Zu!"


The words fell!

Jiu Jie left directly!


Han Xian opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Mr. Jiu Jie knows the origin of Chen Zu?"

The man in Jiayi froze for a moment and reacted violently, quickly looking at Mr. Wolong.

"The origin of Chen Zu... I am afraid that my brother is only half-knowledge."

Mr. Wolong shook his head gently, and looked at the direction of the northern fairy palace.


Chaos battlefield north.

In front of the mysterious fairy palace.


A humanoid kneels!

"You can't stop it. The most fearful thing about our Confucian tradition is death. We are endless!"

The creature raised his head and stared at Chen Zheng. The scarlet light was emitted from his double pupils. After Xie Yi smiled, he shattered it with a click!


Yan girl frowned, because this creature is not a flesh and blood creature, there is no blood on the ground, this creature is like a puppet pawn. Although for the Master, this creature is only the ninth realm of the Taoist ancestors, it is nothing in front of the Master.


If it's really endless, that's terrible!

Just imagine!

If there are hundreds of millions of puppet pawns at the level of the ninth Taoist ancestors, they land outside the domain!

Except Yuanxu!

The three major pilgrimages outside the territory and the various avenues can't be beaten together!

"It used to be speculated that the robbers in the outer space are related to the ruins of the ancient holy dynasty. Now it seems that it is not so simple. What kind of ancestry is the prince of the master, is the puppet **** of the ninth realm of ancestors really endless?"

So Yan Nu asked in a low voice.

"This kind of creature is called the reaper, and the Confucianist doesn't know what it's called, but you can be sure that it's not as powerful as it is. Not to mention the endless exploding soldiers, an era overlord can kill millions of harvesters in a short time. Therefore, it is useless to increase the number of them. The Hongjue Divine Emperor I saw before, although that fellow was blown away by my two drops of real blood, actually had hundreds of millions of ninth Dao Patriarchs around him, also He can't hurt him."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"It seems... too." Yan Nu nodded when she heard it, and suddenly noticed a little, and asked curiously, "Master, what does it mean to explode?"

"Game terminology."

Chen Zheng casually said that he took Yan Nu directly into the fairy palace.


Yan girl was stunned. After a brief deduction, she immediately understood, and did not continue to ask. At this moment, she entered the fairy palace. At first glance, she saw many women sitting in the fairy palace!


These women look very different from what they wear!

Long skirt?



Glance over!

No one seems to be wearing a long dress!

Most clothes look extremely close!

and many more!

This mysterious fairy palace was soaring before. In addition to the major forces in the chaotic battlefield, the other three sacred pilgrimages and various avenues have also been explored, but no one has entered this fairy palace!

It is said that the incarnation of the **** behind the Taixu did not enter the fairy palace, but was cut off with a sword!

And now!

The Master entered the Immortal Palace directly!

Could it be!

These women in the fairy palace are masters!

Could it be!

These are all ladies and sisters?


It can't be all the ladies!

Master is definitely not such a person!


Between the guesses of Yan Nu, the woman on the constellation directly above the Immortal Palace suddenly opened her eyes!



This is Diwei!

The female Yan is the daughter of the golden pole of the Purple Pilgrimage, she perceives it at once, the woman on the constellation looks with diwei in this eye, and it is not weaker than her father emperor!

and so!

This fairy palace is actually not a fairy palace!

This fairy palace should be a holy court!

"If it weren't for the old lady to fly with the fairy palace, I was afraid that she would have to wait more than a year to see you. Who is this little girl next to you, do you even let this little girl go? Chen Zhengah Chen It’s true that in the past year or so, haven’t you gone all the way in the world?"

The woman on the constellation glanced at Yan Nu, and fixed her eyes on Chen Zheng.

"This... is the maid?"

Yan Nu asked blankly.

"Sister-in-law? Oh! There are so many people in this fairy palace. You little girl guess who is the sister-in-law, how many of them are there?"

The woman on the constellation looked at Yan girl with a smile.

"This..." Yan girl swept the rest of the women who were apparently retreating and thought to Chen Zheng: "Master, who are the ladies?"

"This is my disciple Yan daughter, lucky Dao body, the daughter of the golden paradise outside the purple pole." Chen Zheng smiled lightly, introduced Yan girl to the woman on the constellation, and then introduced the **** the constellation to Yan girl: "Come apprentice, know and know Emperor Jingtian."

"Jingtian Emperor? Wait! Isn't it the legendary Emperor Shishi? Is the emperor reincarnated?"

Yan Nu was stunned for a while, and then she was surprised.

"Jing Tiandi? I don't like this title. My name is An Jing. You don't need to call me my sister, just call me sister You are Chen Zheng's apprentice, how can I give you a meeting gift? , This gadget is for you."

The woman on the constellation smiled, and a little, a slap-sized bronze sculpture flew to Yan Nu.

"Master Xie...Sister Jing!"

Yan girl quickly took the bronze sculpture and saluted the woman on the constellation.

"There are some things I need to communicate with your master in depth. First of all, you should be familiar with how to use the eternal war beast."

The woman on the constellation smiled again, and said that she raised her hand to Chen Zheng, and saw that the fairy light flashed, and the two disappeared instantly.

"Something to communicate..."

The female Yan whispered, then shook her head for a while, her eyes swept the women who were closed in the immortal palace again, her eyes flashed in surprise. These women don't seem to be tyrannical in their cultivation, but it is very unusual for Mingge to have a very special blessing of destiny.

But the question is coming again, how many teachers and ladies are there?

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