Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2004: Guxian Road

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Three days later.

Chen Zheng took Yan Yan out of the fairy palace.

Silently out of the chaotic battlefield.

"Master, you have communicated with the emperor Jingtian for three days and three nights. Isn't it all about spiritual practice?"

On the way to Shenmo Mountain, Yan Nu couldn't help asking.

"It's all spiritual practice."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Yan Nu responded without asking.

After a moment.

Demon Mountain.

Inside the Supreme Demon Hall.

"Brother Chen is going to the ancient immortal road?" Sacred Deity Lord listened to Chen Zhengyi, revealing a surprised look, pondering for a moment and said: "It is said that the ancient immortal road leads to Taixu, and of course there is more than one Taixu entrance outside the territory. There are also several teleportation arrays to Taixu outside the territory, and you can enter Taixu without passing through the ancient fairy road. However, there is a saying that if you can enter Taixu through the ancient fairy road, then you can enter Taixu It’s just that no one has ever confirmed it to become an overlord of the era."

"Taixu? I entered Taixu by virtue of this mana and couldn't dominate the Taixu. Now it's just a waste of time. I go to Guxian Road to recover some mana and go to Yuanxu to see the master of Yuanxu."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Divine deity trembling!

"Master of Yuanxu..."

Yan Nu was also trembling, her eyes flashed in horror!


Outside the land!

No matter where it is!

No matter which Orthodox is!

What three pilgrimages!

What a chaotic battlefield!

What the creatures on the ancient fairy road!

No matter how tyrannical it is, the master of Yuanxu can't compare!

It is not a place outside the territory that is not called a restricted area. For example, there is no Tianshan Mountain, such as a burial pit of gods and demons. However, compared with the Yuan Ruin, it is completely insignificant!

"Look at the Heavenly Beast, I will tell you a secret method. Your family should be able to easily understand it. After you realize it, you should teach the gods and deities, bites, and monkeys."

Chen Zheng took it easy, and a divine light hit the eyebrows of Guan Tian Beast.


Watching the heavenly beast is a little ignorant.

"Lying trough!"

After a brief silence, the Guantian Beast suddenly exclaimed, revealing a very excited color, the ball-like body bounced at once, but Chen Zheng had taken away silently with Yan Nu.

"Woo, woo, the master didn't take me, I am wronged!"

The bite beast whined.

"Brother Chen gave you some secrets?"

Divine Deity Venerate asked the Sky Beast with a deep voice.

"Very scary secret method!"

Guan Tianbei lowered his voice response!



Xianguang fluctuates!

The two figures landed!

"Guxian Road... Xianguang is shrouded and isolated from the outside world. This is somewhat similar to the current chaotic battlefield. However, unlike the chaotic battlefield, entering Guxian Road is not so easy to go out. Xian Lu is said to be very difficult."

Yan Nu said softly that she looked towards the front and saw a city, with people coming and going in the pavilions and pavilions. But soon she frowned slightly, because dozens of figures swept over instantly.


"Want to break through the ancient fairy road?"

These dozens of figures surrounded Chen Zheng and the Yan group, and the goals were extremely frivolous. Yan Yan thought that these monks were deliberately picking things up, and a scene that she did not expect happened!





These monks took out immortal stones and various magic tools!

"Join our Gang of Gods, this fist with great fist is yours!"

"Join our eternal life gang, you can pick these precious magic tools dug from the ancient fairy road!"

"Don't listen to them, they are all fakes. I am the real one. It is the right way to join our supreme gang! To become a supreme, first enter the supreme gang, it is the best choice!"

One by one!

Suddenly became very enthusiastic!

This scene!

Yan Nu is a bit silly!

These guys!

How did these guys suddenly change their faces!


What **** help!

What an immortal help!

What a supreme help!

Why does it sound a bit off-grade!

God King!

eternal life!


How amazing this one by one!

But how does it feel like adding a help word to a small world!

and many more!

Is this really Guxian Road!

hold on!

These monks seem to be the strongest ancestor level!

Stop talking about ancestors!

There are no half-walk ancestors!

This is very different from the ancient fairy road I imagined!

Shouldn’t all be the spirits of Taoist ancestry here!

"The ruthless gang is here, and the two are about to make a choice. Our forces recognize that they take care of the newcomers. If you are caught by the ruthless gang, you will only be reduced to pathfinders!"

In the city, several monks flew. Someone glanced, his face changed greatly, and he reminded Chen Zheng and Yan Nu.


"Ah! I can only wish you good luck!"

"Go first!"

The faces of the other monks around also changed, and all of them collected the immortal stones and magic weapons and swept away. They seemed to be afraid of the so-called ruthless help monks!

"Relentless Gang... Are the forces in this city all named after Gang?"

Yan Nu showed her curiosity.



Helping a few monks to ruthlessly come by!

"This girl is good. I caught it and gave it to the gang leader. As for this boy with no power, it was just sent to the Second Immortal Road. This kid should be able to help us relentlessly find a lot of good things on the Second Immortal Road!"

With a sneer, a monk hitting a fairy rope would bind Chen Zheng and Yan Nu!



The fairy rope fell through!

Chen Zhengkan didn't have any of these ruthless monks. He took Yanyan to fly over the heads of several monks' heads and flew directly to the highest ancient stone tower in the city in front!


A city of creatures looks up!


"Turtle! This is disregarding the ruthless gang!"

"Turtle! The guts are so big, and the stone-watching tower dare to go up. Didn't he know that the thing attracted the sky-tribulation!"

Short consternation!

A cry of exclamation sounded!

"This kid!" Ruthlessly helped the monk to recover from the city, and he collected the fairy rope coldly, and flew back to the city one by one, shouting at the old stone tower Chen Zhengyi: "You are finished, kid!" , As long as any creature is on the sky tower, the shortest three rest time and the longest half incense time, it will definitely lead to terrible heavenly disaster, even if you come down now, heavenly disaster has locked you!"


This shout!

A thunderous thunder sounded above the city!



Thundercloud is rolling!

Then a transparent giant eye appeared!

"The Eye of Heaven's Punishment!"

"The lying trough has attracted the eye of heaven's punishment!"

"After that, the kid is really As long as there is an eye of punishment on the ancient fairy road, then at least it is Daozu robbery! Horrible, terrible, and now the newcomers are too reckless, did not understand the ancient fairy road Rules have finished playing for yourself!"

A city of creatures is horrified, and they are shaking their heads now!

"Humph! Die!"

Ruthless help monk ruthlessly hum!



Chen Zheng only raised his head and glanced at the transparent giant eyes lightly!

That transparent giant eye suddenly burst!

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