Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2007: 2nd Fairy City

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"What! The ancient **** of war has fallen!"

Guxian Road.

The second fairy city.

In the heartless palace.

The merciless palace lord had closed his eyes to raise his spirits, and was already waiting for the good news to come back from the first fairy city. But an elder came in a hurry and panicked that the ancient **** of war had fallen, and he rose from the palace lord's throne in a sudden shock!

"The first fairy city, no one can kill the ancient **** of war. The first fairy city is just the entry city on the ancient fairy road. The ancient **** of war has the ancient armor of the **** of war. It is impossible for anyone to cut him!"

Staring at the elders in the temple for a moment, the merciless temple master gritted his teeth!


"Lying trough!"

"Don't die!"

This is the moment!

There was a burst of exclamation outside!

"what's the situation?"

The Lord of the Ruthless Palace stared at the outside of the palace, thinking for the first time that someone forcibly broke into the Ruthless Palace, and his face was more gloomy!

"It seems that someone went to watch the fairy tower, a young man and a little girl went to watch the fairy tower!" The elders in the hall also stared at them, glanced at them in surprise, and then thought a little, and his face suddenly changed. Dao: "This man and a woman seem to be coming from the direction of the first fairy city. It seems that they don't even have the immortal seal of the second fairy city. They just entered the second fairy city and landed on the tower of the heavenly immortals! In the first fairy city, this man and a woman came to the second fairy city, will it...!"

"This kid... this kid has no magic power, although the flesh is a little special, it is indestructible, but how can this kid kill the ancient **** of war without mana! Moreover, the blood of the ancient **** of war is very special, and the person who cut him appeared , Will surely cause the immortal palace immortal clock to ring, the immortal clock does not have any abnormal sound, it can't be this kid! This kid is finished, the tower of the Immortal Tower in this second immortal city can lead to the unending extinction of the ninth level. , He and that girl will be erased by Heavenly Dao immediately!"

The head of the merciless palace shook his head for a while, and his indifferent gaze had already explained everything. When he climbed up to watch a man and a woman on the Tianxian Pagoda, he was just a newcomer who didn't know that the sky was thick and thick!

"Xianzhong... Xianzhong does not have any abnormalities. It seems that I have thought about it for a long time, but this one has no mana. It can be said that it is the perfect second Xianlu miner. Such a perfect miner wasted in vain."

The elder sighed.

"Maximum ten-day time is coming!"

"Young man, young man, you are too ignorant and thick!"

"Although this is only the second fairy city, the creatures on the ancient fairy road I waited to break into the ancient fairy road occupied the third fairy city at most, and the fourth fairy city and the fifth fairy city could not enter, unless it was at the end of the fairy road. The guardian spirit can only see the scenery at the end of the fairy road! Young people, you don’t know, as soon as you climb on this tower to watch the heavenly fairy tower, it will lead to the unending extinction of the ninth realm level. Didn’t you understand the rules of these ancient fairy roads in Yixian City?"


A voice sounded!

Someone ascended the Tower of Heavenly Immortals!

Almost all the creatures in the second fairy city appeared on the sidelines!

At the moment, besides shaking their heads, these creatures are waiting, waiting for the advent of the heavens!

Take a breath!

Two interest!

Three interest!


Yixiangxiang time passed!

But there seems to be no sign of the sky-tribulation coming above the second fairy city!

Not to mention thunder and lightning!

This is not even a thundercloud!

"what's going on?"

"Did Tiandao on Guxian Road take a vacation suddenly?"

"Holiday...this is impossible, how could Tiandao have a holiday, maybe someone deep in Guxian Road is robbing, so Tiandao has been delayed."

The creatures in the first fairy city show their doubts!


Another incense time!

But there is still no sign of a sky-tribulation coming!

The creatures in the first fairy city are more puzzled!

"Why didn't the Heaven Tribulation come yet?"

"Did...Tiandao really put a holiday for himself?"

"As long as you have courage, you will have a holiday every day!"

A sound of doubt sounded again!

In the Ruthless Hall, the Lord of Ruthless Hall raised a brow: "Elder Qi, if I remember correctly, the girl who carried a Scarlet Gun last time also boarded the Tianxian Tower, and it fell in less than ten breaths. Heavenly Tribulation, if it weren’t for the girl with a **** sky, he was already dead under Heavenly Tribulation! I should remember this right!"

"This... Master Lord remembers that yes, the girl was also a newcomer last time. As soon as she climbed up to watch the Immortal Pagoda, the Heavenly Tribulation came within ten breaths! That girl had **** blood and strange fire. , It is a pity that the strange old things sheltered from the old sage of the hustle and bustle! Otherwise, the girl will be caught and sent to the merciless path, and the master will definitely be rewarded! That girl is too suitable for practicing the secret method of the ruthless path, if it is not the rush Gu Sheng awakened a strange magical power, which could cover the breath and the heavens, and Master Dao had already robbed people!"

Elder Qi focuses on the head!

"Then why this kid has been on the Tianxian Pagoda this time, more than two incense sticks have passed, but the Heaven Tribulation hasn't come yet?"

Shen Sheng, the merciless hall, asked.

"This... this may really be a way for Tiandao to give himself a leave?"

Elder Qi pondered for a moment.

"So the people of Mocun spent some time in this second fairy city, and they seemed to have been bullied."

At this time!

Look at the Celestial Tower!

Chen Zheng spoke lightly!



What Mocun?

Yan Nu was slightly startled!


"The batch of monks with special blood power brought by the ancient sage?"

"You...young man, do you know the ancient sage?"

The creatures in the Second Fairy City were also slightly startled, but I quickly remembered it, because I was very impressed, because there was a little girl who had been to the Second Fairy City before, and that little girl also boarded the Guanxian Tower. It also attracted heavenly disaster!


That little girl still has the power of **** blood!

That girl is a real genius!


There is no Taoist who gets that girl!

That girl was sheltered by the ancient sages!

Although the ancient sage is not so strong!

But there is a supernatural power!

Even the ruthless Taoist master can't perceive where the ancient holy treasure is hidden!

"So who can tell me who was the one who bullied Mo Village?"

Looking at the Celestial Tower, Chen Zheng asked again.



"Young Wouldn’t you want to avenge the people of Mocun? Actually there was a hustle and bustle of ancient people at that time, and the people of Mocun were not damaged, at most they were only humiliated by words! It’s better not to tie the knot, it’s better to value harmony!"

The creatures in the fairy city showed hesitation, and an old man persuaded.


At this time!

The merciless hall snorted in the merciless hall!


The person directly went out of the merciless palace!

At the moment, staring at Chen Zheng!

"It's good to be away from the ancient holy saints, even those in the Mocun village in your mouth. I didn't respect the Temple of Relentlessness that day. The people in the Temple of Relentlessness scolded them a few words. Is your kid going to scold back!"

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