Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2008: Pull out another fairy tower

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Scold back?

It's no use scolding back!

Isn't it the death of the Master who caused the Ruthless Palace!

This kid can't get out of the second fairy city today unless he has a special magical power from the ancient sage!

"young people......"

A monk groaned and tried to persuade him, only to say three words, and he was like a chicken!


Just listen to a tear!

Suddenly, the head of the merciless hall, who stood in the air, was suddenly tilted!



The person fell down from the sky!


The spirits in the second fairy city subconsciously stared down!

At this look, the pupils shrank suddenly!


Lord Ruthless Palace is dead!

The primordial **** of the merciless palace is like being erased!


What happened?

Inside the second fairy city!

The single-round repair of the merciless hall is absolutely the first person!

And the Ruthless Palace is backed by the Ruthless Road of the Third Fairy City!

Who dares to take the initiative to the heartless palace in the fairy city!


If it was the young man's hand on the Tianxian Tower!

That's too weird!

The young man just just glanced at the ruthless palace lord!


One more thing!

No mana fluctuations!

There is no mana fluctuation in the whole process!

There is no explosion of avenue power!


This is more weird than the sky-tribulation not coming!

"The Lord...fallen!"

"The Lord...How did it fall?"

"The first person in the second fairy city... Did it fall in the blink of an eye?"

In the merciless palace, the monk of the merciless palace shivered and spoke blankly. Elder Qi took a deep breath, staggered back, and stared at the fairy clock in the temple with a sharp look!




this moment!

The fairy clock suddenly sounded!


"The fairy clock in the heartless palace!"

"That fairy clock seems to have been dug from the same place as the ancient warlord armor. It is said to be a set. The owner of the ancient warlord armor fell, the ancient fairy clock would ring, and the ancient warlord of the ruthless palace also fell? I remember Didn’t the ancient God of War in the Ruthless Palace go to the First Fairy City... wait! First Fairy City!"

In the second fairy city, the monks of all forces in the second fairy city looked again, staring at the direction of the heartless palace. Hearing the immortal bell rang, at the moment there was a color of doubt. A monk said subconsciously, and just shut up when he said it!


The monks of all forces will look again!

Staring at the Tianxian Tower again!


The young people and little girls on the Tianxian Tower are from the first fairy city!

Is it!

The ancient God of War in Ruthless Palace has fallen!

And is it the hand that died from this child!

An idea suddenly appeared!



A loud noise came from the merciless hall!

I saw a fairy bell flying out!

"Is Xianzhong going to take revenge!"

"The ancient warrior armor and ancient fairy clock are all excavated on the ancient fairy road. If the ancient warlord armor is gone, the ancient fairy clock and the ancient warlord armor are a set, and should revenge!"

"This ancient fairy clock is said to be more mysterious than the ancient God of War armor!"

A whisper sounded, and almost everyone looked at the ancient fairy clock, because the ancient fairy clock was crashing towards Chen Zheng on the Tianxian Tower! What these monks thought at the moment was that they just did not see how the ruthless Lord of the Temple died, and they were not sure whether it was the young man's hand. This time the fairy clock should come to try out this young man's means!



A very strange scene appeared!

The fairy clock suddenly shattered!



The collective silence of the creatures in the second fairy city!



Another loud noise!


Then I only heard a cracking sound, and the creatures in the second fairy city were stunned for a moment, unable to believe the scene they saw at this moment!


Guan Tianxian Tower is broken!

Guan Tianxian Pagoda shattered!

That kid!

That kid demolished the Guantianxian Tower!

On this ancient fairy road!

A total of five fairy cities!

Every fairy city has a tower to watch heaven!

It is said to be a large formation under the horrible creatures of ancient times!

Watch the mystery of the fairy tower!

As soon as you ascend the Tianxian Pagoda, Tiancai will be attracted!

So no one dares to watch Tianxian Tower!



This young man directly demolished the Tianxian Pagoda!

"It's still a little bit worse."

Chen Zheng grabbed a piece of Shenyu from the ruins, crushed Shenyu on the spot and devoured the majestic power released, but it still seemed a little dissatisfied.



The creatures in the second fairy city saw this scene and continued to be silent!

This young man!

He came from the first fairy city!

Maybe the Tianxian Pagoda in the first fairy city has been demolished!


The God Jade is hidden in the Tianxian Tower!

This young man just swallowed the majestic power of Shenyu!


In the merciless palace, elder Qi and other merciless temple monks shivered!

to be frank!

Those who dare to demolish the Tower of Heaven!

This young man is the first one!

Guxian Road has endless years!

I don’t know how many creatures came on the ancient immortal road!

But in the past, except for a very few people who didn't know the rules of Guxian Road and mistakenly boarded the Tianxian Tower, no one dared to watch the Tianxian Tower! Because just ascending the fairy tower will lead to heavenly calamity. If you dismantle the fairy tower, it will definitely lead to more terrible heavenly calamity, and even the era overlord!


This young man!

More than boarding the fairy tower!

Also dismantled the fairy tower and won the **** jade in the fairy tower!

Sky Tribulation has no signs of coming!

As if Heaven is really on holiday!


It's so weird!

Are Heaven afraid of this young man!

"The Third Fairy City... a little far away."

Chen Zheng hung in the air and glanced lightly towards the second fairy road.

In fact, there is only one ancient fairy road. The so-called second fairy road is just a section of the ancient fairy road, that is, the section between the second fairy city and the third fairy city, but this section looks a bit far.

"That... how dangerous is the Second Immortal Road, Your Excellency... If you are looking for people from Lishou Ancient Saint and Mo Village, you may not find it on the Second Immortal Road, Lishou Ancient It is very likely that Sheng took the people of Mocun to the Third Immortal Road. The Third Immortal more dangerous than the Second Immortal Road, and of course, there are more and more powerful magical objects buried in it, Just to break into the Third Immortal Road, at least it must be the Taoist ancestor of the Nine-Story Pagoda."

The old man who persuaded Chen Zheng before, groaned at the moment.

"I once saw a person in the ancient land of Taishi, who claimed to have reached the end of Guxian Road, and also saw a person at the end of Guxian Road. Against the sky, but can walk to the end of the ancient Xian Road, because it was selected by the person at the end of the Xian Road?"

Chen Zheng looked down.

"Huh? The end of Guxian Road?"

"Ancient demon?"

"But what you said is that windless life?"

The creatures in the second fairy city were shocked!

"Feng Wusheng? That fellow really called this Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"This..." The old man on the ground pondered for a moment, lowering his voice and asked, "According to old age, that Feng Wusheng left Guxian Road and never came back. That Feng Wusheng is an ancient demon tribe , The ancestral land of the ancient demon ancient clan seems to be in the ancient land of Taishi. Your Excellency has seen Feng Wusheng, but do you know where Feng Wusheng is now?"


Chen Zheng replied casually.


The old man was shocked!

The rest of the creatures in the second fairy city were also shocked!


All fell into silence again!

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