Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2010: I don't need someone else to step down!

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That mysterious one!

No one has seen that guy on Guxian Road!

Even if the selected wind is lifeless!

I'm afraid I have never really seen that one!

If the mysterious young man in front of him is really paying attention to the guardian of the fairy road!

That courage is too big!


The young man demolished three towers to watch the heavenly immortal pagoda. There was no response from Heavenly Dao on the ancient immortal road, and no sky-tribulation came. This seems to explain many problems! Tiandao cannot be on holiday. If it is not stopped by anyone, then there is only one possibility. Tiandao on Guxian Road dare not punish this young man!


is it possible!

For a while!

All thoughts flashed!

"..." Wu Wu's wicked heart opened his mouth. He looked pale, what he wanted to say, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he took a step back!


You mang flash!

Inside the Taoist Palace of the Third Fairy City!

A figure flew out!

"Meet the Master!"

Wu Xinxin pays homage to the coming person!

"Meet the Lord, the Lord saves life!"

In the second fairy city, Elder Qi in the merciless hall saw that figure, as if he saw the life-saving straw, he fell down on his knees! The rest of the monks in the ruthless temple were all kneeling at this moment!

Ruthless Taoist!

That is a ruthless Taoist master!

Taoist is not Taoist!

The title of Taoist Master is above Taoist Master!

"Relentless Master..."

"The ruthless Taoist broke through..."

"One of the strongest monks on Guxian Road, it's because I want to break through the moment..."

The other Taoist murmurs!

"Relentless Taoist... This guy is a little cold and makes people feel uncomfortable."

Yan girl glanced, her brow whispered slightly.


Her whisper made many people stare at it in an instant, and the little girl was so bold that she dared to say this in the face of the ruthless Taoist master!

and many more!

It seems that this girl has that mysterious young man as a backer!

That mysterious young man's means are very strange!

Did not fight against the ruthless Taoist master!

It is also difficult to determine who is stronger!

Maybe this young man is stronger!

Because this young man has done what the merciless Taoist master cannot do!


That is something that the ruthless Taoist dare not do!

"Master Dao, this son killed the Master of the Second Fairy City Ruthless Palace, killed the ancient **** of war, destroyed the ancient armor of the **** of war and the ancient fairy clock, this means is extremely incredible, extremely shocking! This child dismantled the third and fourth Looking at the Tianxian Pagoda in the Five Immortals City, but there is no Sky Tribulation coming!"

Wu Xin soul groaned and said a lot in one breath!

"Your Excellency... The means is amazing, I also admire the ruthless Taoist master. But you have such a terrible means, you should also know what level of the inheritance of the Taoist Master, your means against my ruthless Taoist The Lord is afraid it won’t do much.”

Ruthless Tao said!


It's cold!

And strong!

The implication is not afraid of Chen Zheng!

"Legacy of the Lord!"

"Thinking of it, the ruthless Taoist is a genuine inheritance of the Taoist. It's not as simple as winning the title of Taoist!"

"Relentless Taoist .... has the fate of refuge, and the deity of the era overlord will not kill him in person!"

After hearing it, the practitioners froze a little, then exclaimed again!

Inheritance of the Lord!

This is too much!

Although the ruthless Taoist is only a half-step era hegemony level!

But it is said that the era overlord will not kill him!

In fact, the ancient immortal beast that guards the fifth immortal city already has epoch-level supremacy!

But the ruthless Taoist had a war with the ancient fairy beast!

The merciless Taoist is only slightly injured!

"Inheritance of the Taoist Master...Fate is over and the overlord of the era will not kill the ruthless Taoist Master, which is equivalent to passive invincibility! Perhaps there are creatures in the Taixu that can kill the ruthless Taoist Master, but on the ancient fairy road , Master Ruthless is really passive and invincible!"

A monk said with emotion!


Some monks subconsciously answered, but only said one word. Although only one word was spoken, the monks around them instantly knew what the monk wanted to say! This monk wanted to ask the ruthless Taoist who met the mysterious young man, who is stronger!

One is passive and invincible on the ancient immortal road, the other is weird means against the sky, and the demolition of the heavenly immortal tower in the immortal city has not attracted any sky-tribulation. If these two are in a war, it is really impossible to guess who is stronger!


One thing seems certain!

That is, the ruthless Taoist may not be able to cut the young man!

But in fact it is already invincible!


Unless the young man’s method is more terrible than the era overlord!


It should not be possible!

"Passive and does this sound familiar?"

Yan Nu's ear moved, and heard the voices of those creatures, and the subconscious sentence was just one. Then she looked at Chen Zheng, and secretly said that his master seemed passive and invincible.

His own master... It seems that no matter what level of life, no matter what level of means, he can not hurt him! Therefore, this ruthless Taoist master can't compare with his master in terms of passive and invincible!

of course!

This line of Taoist tradition is also great!

At this moment, Yan Nu thought of a scene seen in the ruins of the ancient dynasty of Xianhong under the chaotic battlefield not long ago. At that time, the remains of the ancient dynasty were linked to a higher realm than the outside world, which attracted a great god. The Emperor, the Great God of Divine Ability was forced to flee by the Master's two drops of real blood! The true blood of the Master... Although it is endless, although it is invincible, it can be limited to the Master's mana, and it seems that it can't blow up this ruthless Daoist!


This fellow is clearly in line with the master!

How can Master destroy this fellow!

For a while!

Yan Nu feels a headache!

"You killed my ruthless people, I can never blame, people have self-knowledge, I know what you are thinking, you are struggling at the moment, you want to use your strange means to probe my ruthless path The bottom of the Lord. I advise you to leave Guxian Road as it is. You can’t hurt me. If you really take action against the Lord, you will lose a lot!"

At this time!

Ruthless Taoist hummed!


Really strong!

this moment!

The creatures in both fairy cities feel the strength of the ruthless Taoist master!

"This guy... is so arrogant and unpleasant!"

Yan girl frowned again, and she hummed her heart softly. If you didn't know that the eternal war beast that An Jing gave her would not kill the ruthless Taoist master, she would have sacrificed the war beast to smash the ruthless Taoist master!

"Master Dao has given you down the steps, don't you appreciate it! Do you really have to lose face, you won't wake up!"

Wu Xin soul stared at Chen Zheng and sipped!


Almost all the eyes of the creatures in the two fairy cities are focused on Chen Zheng!

Will this young man take the step of ruthless Taoist master!

Will he withdraw from Guxian Road?

"Steps? I don't need anyone to give me is here!

Chen Zheng responded to the ruthless Taoist with a faint smile!


Lift your right hand!

Take a look at the merciless Taoist master!


This moment!

Everyone held their breath!

Is this going to be a shocking battle!

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