Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2011: Can this also be deprived!

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The moment Chen Zheng raised his hand!

The unassuming Daoist's body lighted up!

Behind him is a constellation!

"Fate of Destiny!"

"Fate of Heaven!"

"This is the Taoist platform passed down by the Taoist Master, which is much more powerful than the so-called twelve-pink lotus platform!"


Crowd exclaimed!

Destiny Daotai!

Behind the merciless Taoist is the Destiny Daotai!

That thing is a symbol of Taoist identity!



Ruthless Taoist uttered only one word indifferently!


Incomparably strong!

Everyone heard it!

Not only is there absolute strength but also absolute contempt!

No wonder!

No wonder no one on the main roads of Guxian Road is going to provoke the ruthless master!

The merciless Taoist has a platform of destiny!

He is indeed invincible on Guxian Road!

Passive and invincible!

This is really passive and invincible!

"This time... this young man is afraid to lose!"

In the second fairy city, someone sighed!


As for the ruthless disciples such as Wu Xinpao, all smiles were revealed at this moment. Master Dao sacrificed the Destiny Daotai, so as not to say that he controlled Guxian Road, but he can be sure that no one can kill Guxian Road. Lord Master!

Passive and invincible!

This is so enviable!

There is Destiny Daotai!

Can guarantee that he will not die!


Yan female face sinks!



The **** behind the merciless Taoist shattered!

The supernatural breath of the ruthless Taoist master disappeared!


this moment!

This zone suddenly fell silent!


Destiny Taoist Tower!

Doctrine of the Destiny Taoist Dao!

What happened?

Could it be that the young man did it easily!

Was the ruthless Taoist's terrible Taoist platform erased!

This is impossible!

This is unrealistic!

Everyone continued to be stunned!

"The Lord...The Lord's Destiny Taoist Tower!"

The merciless Taoist remained silent for a long time, and suddenly shouted at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously and spread his right hand upwards. After this spread, You Mang flashed, and then You Mang condensed into a lotus-sized psychedelic god!


"Fate of Heaven!"

"This is the fate of the ruthless Taoist master!"


Countless exclaimed!


I can't believe it!

How is this possible!

How could it be possible to pick up the destiny Taoist tower of the ruthless Taoist with one touch!

This is too exaggerated!


Ruthless Taoist stay!

"Master Dao..."

The witch trembles!


The merciless monk is also shaking!

Because of the existence of Taotai!

Ruthless Daoist has that terrifying deterrent!

Now there is no Destiny Daotai!

Ruthless Taoist is just a general half-step lord!


In the Fifth Immortal City, the ancient immortal beast glanced at the ruthless Taoist and gave a low growl!

"Lying trough!"

"The ancient fairy beast will not be ready to do it!"

"The ancient immortal beast didn't kill the ruthless Taoist, and he was definitely looking for opportunities, right now is the best opportunity!"

Xiancheng creatures are exclaimed again!

no doubt!

Ancient immortal beasts have been killed!

No Destiny Daotai!

The ruthless Taoist at this moment has lost the passive and invincible power!

"That's the inheritance that Heaven has given to this seat. Are you trying to blaspheme, and haven't quickly returned the Heavenly Dome to this seat!"

The merciless Taoist roar again!

"Originally you don't jump like this, I'm too lazy to move you, but you are too jumpy, you make me uncomfortable, then I can only make you uncomfortable. Deprived of your destiny doctrine, can you continue to be passive and invincible?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and he ordered the Daotai to fly up in the palm of his hand that day!

"Destiny of this seat!"

The merciless Taoist screamed, and he also rose to the sky, going to catch the Daotai of that day!



You mang flash!

That day Daotai dashed out of Guxian Road!

"Do not!"

Ruthless Taoist screamed again!

Still want to chase the ancient fairy road!



A beast roar!

The ancient fairy beasts of the fifth fairy city are killed!

A huge mouth!

Swallow directly!

Ruthless Daoist is swallowed instantly!


The creatures in the fairy city haven't reacted yet. The ancient fairy animal returned to the fifth fairy city at once, and a fairy light enchantment emerged to isolate the outside world, but the practitioners could still hear the voice from the fifth fairy city!

That is!

That's engulfing!

Heard that swallow!

The faces of the creatures in the two fairy cities are instantly white!


Without mercy, the ruthless Taoist master was swallowed by the ancient fairy beast!


This is terrible too!

and many more!

Not ancient fairy beasts!

The young man is terrible!

If it weren't for the young man who deprived the ruthless Taoist Destiny Daotai!

The ancient fairy beast in the fifth fairy city will certainly not do it!

and so!

In the final analysis!

Still that young man's means is too terrible!

"Fate...can it also be deprived...How can the Taoist inherit this level of fate, how could it be deprived by the creatures under heaven? not human!"

Someone shouted!


not human!

The eyes of the rest of the creatures focused on Chen Zheng again and again!

not human!


This is definitely not human!

Epoch Overlord can never do this!

The young man in front of him is definitely not human!

"He...he boarded the Guanxian Tower, and there was no Sky Tribulation coming. He demolished the Heavenly Tower, or there was no Sky Tribulation coming, and he... would he be the Guxian Road? God’s Word..."

Someone whispered tremblingly!



The Cultivation was shaking again, but soon shook his head, and Heavenly Dao could not be transformed into a person. In the eyes of Heavenly Dao, man is only one kind of beings in heaven and earth. Heaven is high above the sky, how can it be transformed into a human being!

So this young man is definitely not heaven!


What could it be!

and many more!

Could this young man be the legendary god!

It is said that God is the supreme being who sits on top of Heavenly Dao and even above Heavenly Dao!


Many people think of it!

Only at this moment no one dared to ask!

"Master... Why did you let go of the ruthless Taoist destiny?"

Yan Nu asked softly.

"I don't like that thing, and it's not appropriate for you. It's not that you are not qualified. It's because the inheritance of the gadget is easily affected by the gadget. I don't want my apprentice to become a ruthless person."

Chen Zheng smiled.



Crowds were speechless for a moment!

This Nima!

Don't you!

Can give us!

We are not afraid to be ruthless!


A sigh in the mind of the public repair!

" are not invincible!" At this time, the heartless heart of Wu Wu suddenly raised his hand to Chen Chen Zheng shouted: "Guxian Road belongs to the guardian at the end of Xian Road. What you have done today has seriously damaged the layout of that one. That one will not let you go. That one will definitely come to suppress you. ! That person can even suppress Heavenly Dao, even if you can deprive the Lord of Heaven’s destiny, you can’t escape that suppression!"


The voice just fell!

A figure looted!

Then came the indifferent and merciless interrogation!

"Who disturbs the layout of Guxian Road, are you tired of it!"

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