Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2019: Do you understand now?

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Less than three interest time!

The realm of Master Xian Lu has fallen!

And it's still falling!

The creatures in the fairy city blinked frantically, rubbed their eyes frantically, and thought that they were hitting a blind eye method. But when they perceive that it is not a blind eye method, the realm of the master of the fairy road is indeed falling crazy, and the horror breath has disappeared before!

"the host......"

Ji Xuyao ​​Yuanshen dumbfounded!


Completely ignorant!

How could the realm of his master suddenly fall!



A crack appeared on the mask of Master Xianlu's face!


Master Xianlu subconsciously wanted to protect the mask, but with a clatter, the mask turned into ashes, and one of his faces was exposed at the moment!


Zhongxiu stared at him!


Why does this fairy road owner have a better-looking face than the average woman!

"Little white face?"

The subconsciousness of Yan female is that the three words blurt out.

"Little white face?"

"Master Xian Lu...I can..."

"It turns out that this is the true face of Master Xianlu..."

Crowd whispers!


Their imaginary fairy road master!

Should be a middle-aged man!

Unexpectedly, Master Xianlu had such a face!

Many monks came up with a strange impulse in that instant!


The Realm of Master Xianlu stops falling!

Although it is still the level of era dominance!

But all the practitioners can feel it!

At this moment the master of Xianlu is too much worse than the strongest before!

of course!

At present, the public is more concerned about it!

That's why Chen Zu just said a word casually!

This fairy road master!

This self-proclaimed god!

The realm fell wildly!

So the eyes of the practitioners moved and focused on Chen Zheng again. They hoped that Chen Zheng would solve their puzzles!


The host of Xianlu froze a face and stared at Chen Zheng for a moment before spitting out three words!

Chen Zheng only smiled and said that he could strike the stone dagger at random, only to hear the sting, the stone dagger pierced through the head of Soul Sky, and when Soul Sky trembles, his pupils were so big that he stared at Chen Zheng as if to death. Extremely unwilling!


Is this going to exterminate this weird to soul sky!

The public repair is a little puzzled!


At this moment, Chen Zheng wiped the green lantern, and the soul lantern was immediately taken by the green lantern!


Cultivation is still a bit doubtful!


This is also the time!

A voice sounded!

As soon as this sound rang, everyone was stunned, and then there was a change in the time and space around the world, and that sound rang again!

"It's still my best to go back to the source!"


As soon as this sound fell!

The time and space around is completely changing!



There is a faint light!

There was a faint sound of iron beating!


What is this place?

That voice says back to the source!

Is it real or unreal at this moment!


Someone in the dark!

Someone is hitting iron!

and many more!

More than one person!

There seem to be two figures!

It seems to be a man and a woman!


hold on!

Why is the man with his head down and iron like Chen Zu!


"Chen Zu..."

"That's Chen Zu?"

The Cultivator was shocked, and his eyes quickly flicked back and forth between Chen Zheng and the iron man in the dark, one by one, the more surprised he was! Although the clothes are different, the appearance is indeed exactly the same!


That was the failure of Chen Zu's previous life!


Yan Nu shouted softly, and her eyes were full of curiosity, but Chen Zheng did not respond, and Chen Zheng was only looking at the deep depth at this moment.

"Stone dagger!"

"Green Lantern!"

"The shameless woman refined the stone dagger and the green light!"


A burst of exclamation!


The owner of Xianlu sinks!


next moment!

Everyone showed a terrified look!


That woman does a trick!

A remnant soul and a spine flew out!


Isn't the remnant soul the very soul day?

The spine seems to be the ancient fairy road!

What happened?

Why is Gu Xian Lu so huge suddenly becoming so small!


When the practitioners were suspicious, this retrospective time and space suddenly changed. The man and the woman who were originally in the depths at first seemed to be no different from ordinary people, but at this moment they all turned into heavenly giants!

Look up!

At this moment, the public can only look up!

The original normal size of the bone!

At this moment it looks like Gu Xian Lu!

"Soul Soul...One of the Nine Commanders, but it is so greedy that it is also the most miserable. There is only one spine left in the flesh. Nine Commanders are all keys, I will not be thorough I have erased the remnant thoughts of Soul Sky, and today I suppressed the seal to Soul Sky. I will come back and fetch this key after you and I wake up.

The woman said it lightly, and wiped it away, until the Soul Sky Remnant and the spine disappeared!


Cultivation is more doubtful!

Nine Great Lords!

What is this saying!

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be no such thing as the Nine Masters!

What other key!

What is the key to the Nine Great Lords!


Who is this woman who can't see her face!

What is the relationship between this woman and Chen Zu!

For a while!

Countless doubts!



Mysterious vision disappeared!

But before the mysterious vision disappears completely!

Everyone heard the woman's voice again!

"The eight cocoons of the heavens, if I swallowed them directly, I have tested them for you in advance. The gods born from the eight cocoons are basically waste. It is better to let the eight wastes come out. Smelt eight wastes into one, maybe there is a chance of detachment in the future."


Eight Cocoons of God!

Eight wastes!


The owner of Xianlu claimed to be too high!

Is it one of the eight wastes mentioned by the woman's voice!

"Master, this time, my backtracking through the stone dagger and the blue light is very valuable?"

Hey sound!


Time and space around have returned to normal!

This is the weird world where Guxian Road sinks!


Everyone's eyes moved!

All looked at the master of Xianlu!

Master Xianlu's face sank to the extreme!

"Master, don’t be fooled. The scene just now must be a fabricated illusion! This Chen Zu wants to use this method to shake the master’s heart. Master, you are the god, you are the supreme being, don’t be fooled. !"

Ji Xu Yuan Yuan shouted!


Master Xianlu did not respond!

"Eight wastes... After so many years of practice, the eleventh century has been destroyed. It seems that no one has really stepped into a half-step She is right, you eight are indeed It’s waste.” At this time, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and took away the stone dagger and green light. He said that the two pupils suddenly turned into nothingness, and a pure white light in the body lit up, and asked the master of Xianlu lightly: " Now you should understand why you said you met me because you were out of luck. If you stabilize the state, that is not a problem, but if your state is unstable, you can only be considered unlucky."

"The power of God!"

"Lying trough! Chen Zu is also god!"

"This...The birth of Master Xian Lu is related to Chen Zu's previous life!"


Crowd exclaimed!

"..." The Master Xianlu's throat stirred for a while, and he spoke for a long time before saying: "You are... too..."


Not finished yet!

The master of Xianlu turned into a pure white cocoon!

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