Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2020: Ancient Black World

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Master Xianlu!

Too high!

How did this turn into a cocoon!

This is the cocoon of the **** mentioned by the woman in the divine scene just now!

Zhongxiu opened his mouth again!


Ji Xuyao ​​Yuanshen shivered and shattered completely. The master of Immortal Road was the supreme existence in his heart. That was the undead and invincible existence. But today the master of Immortal Road was defeated and finally turned into a cocoon. He could not accept!

So Dao Xin broke!


No one is following him at this moment!

At this moment the creatures in the fairy city are staring at the pure white cocoon!

"Cocoon of God... Was God born from this cocoon?"

Yan Nu asked softly.

"Some are some, some are not." Chen Zheng replied, taking away the pure white cocoon melted by the master of Xianlu, the cocoon of the gods fell into his hands, and then smiled faintly: "If this realm of stability is in a half step Beyond the level, I can’t help this guy for a while, but the realm of this guy is not stable. In fact, if this guy is stable at the peak level of the era overlord, this guy can escape as he wants, and this guy is too confident in himself , Just met me again and can only say that he was unlucky."


The words fell!

Chen Zheng wiped it!

The majestic power of the heavenly cocoon is absorbed by him!


At that moment!

He has a mana wave!

"Quasi Saint!"

"Quasi-saint mana!"

"Quasi-Holy Realm!"

Crowd exclaimed!


Just exclaimed!

The mana fluctuations on Chen Zheng are gone!

Cultivation is a bit ignorant!

"Well? The situation has broken, why is the mana realm still not showing?" Chen Zheng raised his brow slightly, then shook his head gently: "It seems that the mana realm will only appear after the mana is restored to the saint level."


Cultivation is even more ignorant!

and so!

Chen Zu is actually not without mana!

Chen Zu's mana cultivation should be quasi-holy level!

It's just that the state is not obvious!


Chen Zu's previous strength was only the Emperor Realm?


This is also scary!

Heaven Emperor Mana suppressed the owner of Xianlu!

This Nima is already incredible!

The cultivating minds tremble!



The strange world is broken!


"This world is broken!"

"Which world do we want to fall into, we should not fall into the world of thousands, and may fall into a certain ancient world!"

Crowd exclaimed!


next moment!

Chaos time and space emerged!

"Chaotic time and space!"

"We are in chaotic time and space!"

"Are we going back outside the domain What is that!"

There was another cry!


I saw a transparent giant hand appeared out of thin air!

The girl holding the **** spear at the side of the ancient sage is a catch!


"This is from the girl!"

"That girl has **** blood, this transparent big hand must be the supernatural power of the era overlord!"

All the practitioners stared at the girl!


Seeing this scene, Yan Nu quickly shouted, she knew that the girl must be related to Master, not her sister or sister!


Chen Zheng stared at the transparent giant hand and spit out a word indifferently!


The transparent giant hands are shattered!


It seems as simple as it is more than shattered!

The transparent giant seems to explode!


A huge mouth opened in the chaotic time!

That huge mouth instantly formed a terrifying vortex of time and space!

"Do not!"


"be careful!"

There was another cry, and Cultivation was instantly sucked into it by the vortex of terror!


Chen Zheng felt it for a moment, and then he smiled, and a touch of fairy light shrouded the practitioners, and he also entered the terrifying vortex of time and space!

For a while!

With a clatter!

The Cultivators were sent into the world!

"Ha ha!"


"You guys have strayed into time and space, right? You guys have good luck, but they have fallen into the mana vacuum period, and there is not much loss of the flesh and soul spirit! Introduce, this place is called the Abyssal Ancient World, although the ancient world is not big, But it’s not easy to enter the ancient world and want to go out!"

"You monks, there are Dao ancestors and even powerful creatures that have condensed divine lines. It can be said that they are the top level in the ancient world of the Black Abyss, but now they are in a mana vacuum period. I think you are better off walking with us! Your mana vacuum period will last for at least ten days and a half months, and the half-step era overlord with divine lines will not fall, but the rest is not easy to say!"

As soon as he landed, a warship crossed over. The warship was full of people wearing black masks. To the surprise of the practitioners, although these people seemed to be the strongest one, they could not destroy the third realm, but the black mask The upper part is decorated with the pattern of the overlord god!



So many creatures on the ancient fairy road!

I haven't seen anyone use the mask of the overlord's **** to tattoo it on the mask!

As for the Black World Abyss!

I have never heard of it!

All Xiu Xiu looked towards Chen Zheng in silence!

If it is still mana!

Naturally, you don't have to obey those with black masks!

It's a mana vacuum now!

Can only hope in Chen Zu!

"This world... is weird!"

Eternal Life Beast whispered!

"Huh? This war beast is... eternal war beast? Haha! It is really an eternal war beast! Not bad, that little girl, you mortgage our eternal war beast to our Black Emperor God City, you can not only survive Worry, there is even hope to worship the city master as a teacher!"

On the warship, a monk stared at him, his eyes lit up instantly!


Yan Nu did not respond!

"Chen Zu, this world seems to be one of the ancient worlds of the Five Emperors."

At this time, the ancient sacred voice was secretly transmitted.

"I feel it."

Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.


"What do you perceive?"

"Come and come, young people, what do you perceive, do you perceive some very special existence? Haha young people, persuade you, or it is better to take back God’s idea, if you accidentally get stuck, even if it is Our city master, even the legendary Black Emperor, cannot save you!"

The black mask man on the battleship stared at him, glanced at Chen Zheng, and then chuckled one by one!


Chen Zheng returned a and said that his right hand was raised, and he grabbed the southwest direction of the Heiyuan Ancient Realm!


In an instant!

Something came!


Crowds were stunned!

The black mask man on the warship was stunned for the first time, but in the next moment his eyes were exposed with terrified horror. Subconsciously, he stepped back, then took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng!

"Young man, you're afraid it's a big disaster!"

"You actually ingested this demon palace. This devil palace is called Nirvana demon palace. It contains a terrible creature. Are you confused by that creature!"

"You young man, don't act rashly. If you open the gate of the Demon Palace, all the tribes in the ancient world of the Abyss will suffer. This Nirvana Demon Palace was the suppression of the emperor by the Black Emperor. Do not be impulsive! "

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