Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2022: Don't underestimate the quasi-mana!

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The Lingyou is stronger than the Lord of the City!

What's going on!

Where did Ling Ob get the complete divine face from?

The creatures of the Black Emperor God City can't understand it!

"You don't deserve the power of Ji Cangshi!"

Ling Ling had already grasped the tremendous force of Ji Cangshi's eruption, and suddenly stared at Chen Zheng. However, with this one glance, he caught empty! It wasn’t Chen Zheng who took the shot, but Ji Cangshi’s explosive force seemed to be self-conscious, moving away like a stream of water, and then poured into Chen Zheng’s body!


In an instant!

The fairy light on Chen Zheng's body lit up!

"Quasi Saint!"

"Quasi-saint mana!"

"Chen Zu broke through!"

Those creatures on the ancient fairy road exclaimed subconsciously at this moment!

"Quasi Saint?"

"Should quasi-saint mana also cheer?"

"Has Quasi Holy Mana been so happy?"

Black Emperor God City puzzled!

Quasi Saint?

What is a quasi-Saint!

The quasi-saint is not worth mentioning outside the world!

The quasi-saint has a place in the world!

"Quasi Saint? Huh! Waste! Ji Cangshi's power actively poured into your body, and you only recovered this mana, you are really waste in waste!"

Ling Yao snorted coldly and raised his hand to catch Chen Zheng!


The pupils of the black emperor **** city under the mask clearly showed the color of thought. He felt some unusual, although the young man of unknown origin now only has the quasi-holy level mana, but it feels very wrong!



A tear sounded!



The spirits of the Black Emperor God City are dumbfounded!


They saw a scene they never thought about!

Chen Zheng raised his hand casually!

The complete overlord **** pattern mask on Lingyou's face turned to ashes!

More than masks turned to ashes!

The body of the Lingyou is cracked like a turtle shell!




"No!" Ling Yuan Yuan Shen stunned, and then issued a terrible roar, but no matter how to roar, it is also incompetent anger, and his Yuan Shen instantly vanishes!


The souls of the Black Emperor God City are silent!


The Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine is also silent!

"Lying trough!"

"Chen Zu is stronger!"

"Chen Zu is much stronger than before!"

And those creatures from the ancient fairy road exclaimed!

They started from the second immortal city of Guxian Road, watching Chen Zheng kill the Master of the Ruthless Palace, kill the Master of the Ruthless Dao, suppress the strangeness to the Soul Sky, suppress the Master of Xianlu, and now they see Chen Zheng break the complete mask of the **** pattern , The most intuitive perception of changes in Chen Zheng's combat power, so extremely shocked!

prior to!

Up to half-step era overlord!


It seems to be able to squeeze the era overlord!

Although the body of the Lingyou is not an epoch overlord, and the body is not even the ninth realm ancestor, but the weird overlord **** pattern mask is put on the face, then the Lingyou is equivalent to the epoch overlord!


Is quasi-saint mana abnormal?

Many people shouted in their hearts!

If it is not what you saw!

It's really hard to imagine that the quasi-saint mana power can be so terrible!

"Ji Cangshi...It's really good." Focusing on the public's eyes, Chen Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and said to look at the Lord of the Black Emperor God City: "You in the ancient world of the Black Abyss, but there are still Excess Ji Cangshi?"

"Ah?" The Lord of the Black Emperor God City froze, then lowered his head slightly: "Your Excellency...If you want Ji Cangshi, there is another piece in the Black Emperor God City. Ji Cangshi, an ancient **** stone, It is said that it is left after the era is over, and ordinary creatures cannot absorb the power of Ji Cangshi at all, so Ji Cangshi is more used as a large array of eyes to provide power for the large array. There is a large array under the Black Emperor God City, that It is also the emperor of the Black Emperor who set up that year. If you want to take Ji Cangshi... Uh? Not good! The God City has changed!"



The main face of the Black Emperor God City suddenly changed!

Suddenly turned around and stared at the east!


Ancient East!

Suddenly a black light rose into the sky!

Not together!

Instead, a black beam of light just like Tianzhu rises into the sky!


All the practitioners here looked silent. Although they fell into the mana vacuum due to the vortex of time and space, Yuanshen perception is still there. At this moment, the perception instantly feels almost the same power as the Lingyao just now!

Era Overlord!

That must be the era dominance level!

and many more!

This Black Abyssal Ancient Realm is just an ancient realm!

It's only a thousand miles away from the legendary Taixu!

But how can there be successive generations of epoch overlords in this ancient abyss!

Could it be!

Is it because of that weird divine mask!

If you only count yourself as a cultivation base!

The Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine is actually not the Epoch Overlord!

Just relying on that weird divine mask is equivalent to Era Overlord!

"Shencheng has changed, I am afraid that it is related to Lingyao. Someone will destroy the Black Emperor Shencheng! I must rush back to the Shencheng, your good luck is goodbye!"

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City took a deep breath, held a fist at Chen Zheng, and urged the warship to go away!


Another warship also disappeared!

"Go check it out."

Chen Zheng smiled, the fairy light flashed and took everyone away!




Black Emperor God City!

A majestic city!

It's just that this majestic city was uprooted at this moment!


Not uprooted!

Instead, he was lifted up by the four giant deities!

"Dingtian giant, this is the Dingtian giant, I have seen it in an ancient book! Dingtian giant, great strength, if the Tianzhu collapses, then the Dingtian giant can replace the Tianzhu!"

A monk exclaimed!

"Dingtian giant... this... um? The Lord of the Black Emperor God City seems to have lost!"

The ancient priest of Lihuo was on the side of Chen Zheng, glanced at the four giants, his eyes moved to the top of the **** city, and he saw the Lord of the Black Emperor God City flying, lowering his voice!


The Lord of the Black Emperor God City was bombarded by one person!

Although the Divine Mask is intact!

But it seems that there is such a small realm!

It's hard to beat another person with a full mask of **** pattern!



Black Emperor God City advocates spitting out golden blood

"City Lord!"

The spirits of the Black Emperor God City exclaimed!

"City Lord, do you know why you are defeated? The reason is actually the same. You and I are actually similar in cultivation. Both rely on the god's face to have the power of the era overlord level. The only difference is that my god's face is your god's face. The improved version of the new version is naturally stronger than the old version."

Above the Divine City, a person hangs in the air, at the moment lightly said!

"Improved version?"

"Who made this **** face?"

"If you can refine a hundred pieces of god's face, wouldn't it be possible to instantly increase the fighting power of a hundred eras of hegemony!"

Behind Chen Zheng, all the practitioners showed a surprise!

"I want Ji and Chen Zheng only smiled at the man.

"Huh? Ji Cangshi? Do you want? What is your quasi-saint? You want that Ji Cangshi in the Great Emperor City of Heidi? It's not that Lao Tzu looks down on you, but your kind of stuff is really rubbish! "

The man stared and glanced at Chen Zheng with a sneer!

"That's no talk."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and grabbed it, the complete mask of the **** pattern on the man's face instantly turned to ashes!




Seeing this scene, the practitioners opened their eyes vigorously!

This Nima!

Isn't this the previous scene!

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