Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2023: Whoever is behind you! All pinched to death!

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Also pinned a guy equivalent to the era of hegemony!


Not only did the people repair dumbfounded, but also the Lord of the Black Emperor God City and the rest of the Black Emperor God City creatures were dumbfounded! This is how long it has passed, and half of the incense stick time is not up, and killed a person with a full divine mask!

He is only quasi-mana!

How can the combat power be so terrible!

I thought I used a special method to pinch the Necromancer before!

Now it seems that it is not a special means at all!

It is the most common means!

"Isn't the city lord..."

Some of the creatures of the Black Emperor God City suddenly thought of it, but they didn't dare to continue to speak after only a few words. After hearing the other creatures, they glanced at the Lord Hei God City Master, and they were all worried about the Master!


The city owner could not beat the man just now!

If this mysterious young man wants to kill the city master!

It must have been a pinch!



There are creatures again!

More than one person!

But four!

These four people seem to have flown out of the head of the sky giant who lifted the Heidi God City high!

"Complete Divine Mask!"

"Four complete masks of divine patterns!"

"How come this thing suddenly flooded!"

Crowd whispers!


The Lord of the Black Emperor God City and others were silent, because they did not expect that at this moment there were four people with complete **** faces! Since ancient times, there is only one complete **** face, that is, the **** face that each generation of city master is qualified to wear!


It doesn't seem to be the same thing!


Six people with the full face of God have appeared!

Except for Ling Obituary, the others seem to come out of thin air!

The remaining five are not the people of the Black Emperor God City!

"The **** face is left by Lord Black Emperor...Originally I thought it was refined by Lord Black Emperor. Now it seems that the **** face is not refined by Lord Black Emperor..."

A whisper of the souls of the Black Emperor City

"Heidi? Huh! That's just a traitor!" A cold hum, from the tallest of the four people who appeared, the man stared at this side, and then the double pupils exposed under the face of the **** locked Chen Zheng said: "Young people, you are very extraordinary, but I still advise you, sometimes you should give in or give in! Someone behind us can refine the whole **** face, as long as it is the Taoist ancestor, even the weakest Taoist ancestor, Wearing the **** face is equivalent to the era overlord, from this point you should know what level of existence the adult behind us!"


Heidi is a traitor!

How can this be!

The spirits of the Black Emperor God City are all changed!


Chen Zheng smiled and returned a word very friendly.

"The grown-up behind us needs Ji Cangshi, not to mention that Ji Cangshi was originally a thing stolen by the Black Emperor, but now it is nothing but the original owner! Young man, if you already understand, then take it Your people leave the Black Abyssal Ancient Realm, and you can leave it now! This Black Abyssal Ancient Realm, because of the existence of Ji Cangshi and other things, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Dao, and can withstand the era of the overlord level of the era and even stronger creatures come! So if the deity behind us comes in person, you will surely be killed by him directly!"

The tall man said coldly again!

"You can't afford it!"

"The adult behind us, that is the existence you can only look up to!"

"The adult behind us, you can't imagine it!"

The other three spoke one after another!


Chen Zheng was stunned behind him, and at this moment, he suddenly felt that this scene was somewhat similar!

and many more!

Isn't this scene similar to the scene in the strange world where the ancient fairy road sank!

Ji Xu, the servant of that fairy road master!

Blow the master of Xianlu to the sky!

Finally encountered Chen Zu turned into a pure white cocoon and was suppressed!


In this ancient abyss world!

These guys with divine masks are much more powerful than Ji Xu!

Right now they are starting to blow the people behind them!

If the person behind them came in person!

Will the final result be suppressed by Chen Zu as before!


How does this feel like a cycle!

" it a regular routine between heaven and earth..."

Some monks couldn't help whispering.

"Regular routine?"

"Huh? It seems to be true!"

"Lying trough! If this is really a kind of regular routine between heaven and earth, then isn’t Chen Zu the person who controls the regular routine, or that this kind of regular routine exists because of Chen Zu, another way of saying is that the laws of heaven and earth are all for Chen Zu And does it exist, the laws of heaven and earth set Chen Zu one stage after another! This, this, this would be a bit exaggerated!"

The other monks could not help but whisper, but the more they thought, the more terrible Chen Zheng was!

The law of heaven and earth!

The whole world!

Could it all serve Chen Zu invisible!


This should not be the case!

This is too exaggerated!

The quasi-holy mana squeezed to death by Chen Zu is equivalent to the combat power of the weakest era overlord. Although it is exaggerated, it should not be invincible, and it should not be truly invincible between heaven and earth!

Let the laws of heaven and earth serve the whole world, unless that person is truly invincible!

"Maybe we think too much..."

The monk who first thought of the rule routine sighed, but just finished speaking, and then shut up in an instant, because the scene I saw before appeared again!


A terrible tear sounded!

Four monks who appear to be complete gods!

The whole face on the face is broken!


In extreme shock!

One by one!


The Lord of the Black Emperor God City opened the mouth with the rest of the creatures, and suddenly found that they could not say a word now!



Instantly seconds!


The four heavenly giants suddenly roared. After the roar, the body of the heavenly giant was instantly annihilated, and it was knocked down by the black emperor **** city lifted to the sky!


Chen Zheng wiped it out, Heidi Shencheng was frozen in the air, he grabbed it again, and something flew out of Heidi Shencheng!

Ji Cangshi!

That's Ji Cangshi!

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City and other people recognized it at a glance, and his face was even more shocked, because the magic power of the Lord of the Black Emperor God City could not take out Ji Cangshi, who was a big eye!


In front of this mysterious young man!

The great formation of the Black Emperor God City does not seem to exist!


The sound of cracking sounded!

Ji Cangshi is broken!

Majestic power emerged!

Instantly swallowed by Chen Zheng!


This mana has not been significantly improved!

The Cultivator felt a bit of doubt at, they thought that Chen Zheng's mana would skyrocket, but it seemed that he only rose a little bit at the level of the quasi-holy, and for a moment he didn't understand!


Really strange!

How did that happen!


Yan Nu also questioned.

"Chen Zu..."

The ancient sage from the hustle whispered.

"My flesh is too strong, and the gods, gods, fruits, gods and stones in the world are less effective after one use."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


Everyone has nothing to say when they hear it!

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