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After half a scent of incense.

Inside the highest temple of the Black Emperor God City of the Black World.

"Liantian Mausoleum...Liantian Daoist Master...I have never heard of this place, and I have never heard of such a person...but since I dare to call the Daoist Master, then It must be a terrible creature."

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City listened to Chen Zheng and lowered his voice.

"It should be a certain doctrine in Taixu..."

The ancient holy saint pondered.

"The ruthless Taoist that I met on the ancient Immortal Road just got the ruthless Taoist inheritance, but the title is not the real Taoist. This Master of Heaven Refining should be the true Taoist. It is also normal to refine this divine face. Now."

Yan Nu said.

"His method is okay."

Chen Zheng nodded faintly, said that the seven-color light in his brow lighted up, and instantly swept across the ancient realm of Heiyuan.


The people in the temple showed curiosity.

"There are no more Ji Cangshi in the Black Abyssal Ancient Realm, but there is still some gain, which is higher than the Qingyue Ancient Realm and Baishao Ancient Realm I have been to."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

He used the cosmic cantilever to sweep the ancient world of the Black Abyss, and the progress of the complete unblocking or complete restoration of the cantilever increased by two points, reaching eighty-five, which was somewhat beyond expectations. He originally thought that this ancient world of the Five Emperors It will increase a little.



Some people in the hall did not understand!

"The Nirvana Demon Palace is sealed. There is an emperor's stele left by the Black Emperor, with a secret method imprinted on it. Please find a time to enlighten yourself."

Chen Zheng didn't explain it, only glanced at the Lord of the Black Emperor God City and said that he got up and left the temple.

"Ah? That...adult knows where the black emperor is!"

The Lord of the Black Emperor Shrine was shocked for a moment, then couldn't help asking!

"Maybe I went to a very special mysterious place."

Chen Zheng thought about it for a while, and said that he took everyone out of the temple, and the fairy light flashed away the northernmost part of the ancient world of the Black Abyss.

"Sir Lord..."

An old man in the temple whispered.

"The North... Lord Heidi was said to have been to the North, but I don't know what the North has. But it has nothing to do with us. This Chen Zu is so mysterious that it feels bigger than Lord Hei's coming. Quasi The power of the holy mana is comparable to that of the era overlord, and I can squeeze me with a complete face of God. This kind of person is not what we can imagine."

The Lord of the Black Emperor God City sighed.

And now.

Chen Zheng has taken the Cultivation to the northernmost part of the Black World.


The vast snowfield!

At a glance, it is deserted!


Yan girl felt it, except for some spirit beasts, there was no human race in this piece of snowfield. It seemed that there was nothing special about it. Why did Master come here?

The ancient sages of Lihuo, the girl Mo Xin, and the rest of Mocun also showed doubts at the moment. As for those creatures on the ancient fairy road, they opened their eyes wide and stared at the snowfield ahead. They knew that Chen Zu could not just look at the scenery.

Although this snowfield also looks beautiful, for the living creatures that have lived for thousands of years or more, the landscape in front of them is actually the same.

"There is also something under the seal of the Black Emperor."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


"Black Emperor Seal?"

"What did the black emperor seal?"

Everyone showed curiosity, and instantly thought of the nirvana that they had seen between them. Under the snowfield, there would not be a devil under the seal.


Chen Zheng raised his hand and a white light flew out of the ground, and flew to him in an instant!

"this is......"

"How does this feel like a pure white cocoon transformed by the owner of Xianlu!"

"Is this the cocoon of God!"

Zhong Xiu stared at him, and after a glance, he was surprised!

Pure white!


That is a pure white cocoon!

Like the cocoon of the heavens I've seen in the strange world where the ancient fairy road sinks!

"This is the magic species."

Chen Zheng casually said.


"Is this a magic species?"

"This... how could it be..."

The public repair is a little puzzled!



In the pure white cocoon, the gloom flashed!


This moment!

Cultivation only feels a flower in front of you!

At that moment, it seemed to see a magic face!


Then the Cultivation is shaking!


So weird!

Just glanced at the magic face that seemed to be an illusion!

It feels like Yuanshen is coming out!

"This is a demon that has not yet been born. It is almost the same level as the Nirvana. It belongs to one of the seven demons. You just need to remember that if you encounter any creatures that claim to be the seven demons in the future, just avoid it."

Chen Zheng smiled and collected the demons. He lightly touched it and the fairy light flashed, and the practitioners disappeared out of thin air!

"Time and space fluctuations!"

"What a weird space-time avenue!"

"Leave, that Chen Zu left the Heiyuan Ancient World with those creatures!"

Almost at the same time!

The creatures in the Black Emperor God City feel something!

All of them stared at the most north in an instant!

"City Lord... Is this Chen Zu right or evil..."

The elder in the temple asked in a low voice.

"I don't know... but even the devil is not a normal demon."

The city master thought for a moment and responded in a low voice.



West of the Purple Pilgrimage.

The fairy light flashed.

One figure after another appeared out of thin air.


Jinmang flashed.

A figure swept in.

"Father Emperor!"

When Yan Nu saw the person coming, she shouted with joy.


"Golden Zun the Lord of the Purple Pole!"

"We are back outside the domain!"

The creatures on Guxian Road glanced at it, and some people recognized the identity of the coming person and were a little surprised.

"Chen Zu."

Jin Zun dropped and gave a slight salute to Chen Zheng.

"Guxian Road does not exist anymore, you are all gone."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly to Jin Zun, and then swept the creatures on Guxian Road. He said, taking Yan Nu, Mo Xin, Li Sheng Gu Sheng, Mo Cun, etc., he flew directly to Ziji Santing.



"I wait... I wait... I wait..."

The creatures on Guxian Road saw this scene for a while, but it was a moment of ignorance, but they quickly recovered.

"When the mana is restored, I will go to Taixu."

"I want to go to heaven to see if I can go too far."

"Guxian Road... I have practiced on Guxian Road for thousands of years, and I haven't been able to reach the end of Guxian Road. Now I know that Guxian Road is just a game for the owner of Xianlu. Guxian Road can't go at all. Taixu, I have been cheated for thousands of years...I am so wronged!"

With a whisper, with a sigh of emotion, these creatures also dispersed.

After a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~in the Purple Pole Sanctuary.


When Jin Zun heard that Chen Zheng was about to enter Yuan Ruin, the whole person was tense!


When the ancestor heard it, his body shivered involuntarily and his throat stirred abruptly. He seemed to want to persuade, but he knew that he couldn't persuade at all, and he was silent!

"Yuanxu...The owner of the Yuanxu is too mysterious. No one knows what the owner of the Yuanxu looks like. My understanding of the Yuanxu is limited to knowing that there is a female stone puppet in the Yuanxu and that female stone The puppet state is above me."

After a moment of silence, Jin Zun sighed again.

"Female stone puppet?"

When I heard the ancient sage, my face changed, and I thought of the stone puppet who had been seen in the ancient land of Taishi. At that time, the female puppet seemed to have said that his master was holding Chen in the Yuanxu outside the territory. Ancestor!

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