Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2037: 5 Okamiyama

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How come this messenger messenger is gone!

What a magical drop on the ground!


On the ground!

A demon monk kneeling suddenly raised his hand and slapped at him!

"I was wrong, I have no eyes, I am blind dog eyes!"

Beg for mercy!

This is for mercy!

"Kill it."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"Ah? Yes!"

Gu Tian was stunned for a few people, but he quickly recovered and gritted his teeth and raised his hand, killing the demon monks who were kneeling!

do not care!

The Temple of Dying must have its own foundation!

The Temple of Emperor will die of his own family!

Kill a few monks in the temple first without losing!

What happens next?

"This... brother... the son can break the prestige of the temple **** order?"

After a brief silence, Gu Tian swallowed and asked.

"You are in the city of time... oh forget, you were already closing your eyes to understand the pillar of time avenue, don't know what happened later."

Guan Tianshou raised his eyebrows slightly, and soon realized that Gu Tian did not see Chen Zu's means in the city of time. If they saw Chen Zu's methods, they would not be so surprised.


Gu Tian opened his mouth.

"After killing the messenger of the temple, the temple lost a divine order. It should be sent soon. It is possible to send the ninth state ancestor or even the elders of the half-step era overlord level, we..."

An old man groaned, his eyes full of worry.

"It's here to kill." Chen Zheng grabbed his opponent, grabbed the Divine Order, and then raised his head. There was a faint light in his eyebrows, but the light quickly disappeared.


Gu Tian showed his curiosity.

"Chen Zu..."

Tianguan Beast also showed a curiosity. It thought of Chen Zhengmei's seven-color divine light sweeping in the purple territories outside the territory before, and then said that something had increased, so the guess should be doing what was done at that time.


It seems that the seven-color divine light did not really light up.

"It should come a little bit."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Gu Tian was puzzled because he didn't understand.

"I have only heard very few things about Hongtian God Realm or Fairy Realm, let's talk about this Fairy Realm."

Chen Zheng didn't explain it, just said to Gu Tian, ​​and said that he could lay down an enchantment, which enveloped the valley where the **** ear clan was located, and suddenly the **** ear clan and other **** ear clan showed joy.


Under perception!

This enchantment is very strong!

It's safe!

This is safe!

I am afraid that the elders in the palace will not be able to break this barrier!

This mysterious young man's means is really mysterious!


So Gu Tian hurriedly saluted!

After a moment.

Inside the God Ear Ancestral Hall.


With a sigh, Gu Tian began to talk about things in this fairyland. According to Gu Tian, ​​Hongtian God Realm is the fairyland, but Hongtian God Realm is the past title.

"As far as thousands of years ago, Hongtian God and Xianhong Shengji, Wuji Shengji, Taichai Shenzhou all collapsed. For us local creatures, it was a general blow to the world! Why did all the major holy dynasties and divine dynasties collapse overnight? It is rumored that the main priest of the Xianhong dynasty wanted to open a mysterious place, which attracted terrible robberies! But it didn’t take long for a self-proclaimed fairy land The supreme beings came, he went to Jieshi Shenshan, erased the four characters of Hongtian God Realm, and wrote the word "Xianyu" on Jieshi. Since then, our world has been called the fairyland!"

"What is the origin of Immortal Territory, we don’t know. There are rumors that it is the reincarnation of the supreme being of the Era of Immortals. No matter what his origin is, the world in this world is the ultimate supremacy of Immortal Territory. He is very strong, we are local The top living creatures can't beat him either. He has at least condensed a ring of nine epochs and is the hegemon among the epoch overlords."

Speaking of which, Gu Tian paused for a while, and continued after a sigh.

"We are the gods and ears, and once were the nobles in the Hongtian gods, Hongtian gods collapsed, our gods and many other strong clan have declined in just a few thousand years, so that now do not talk about ancestors, that is There are no half-walking ancestors. In the history of our **** ear tribes, half-step era overlords have appeared, but they are all in the past, and they can’t go back."

"The fairy land is mainly divided into two parts, one part is called Xianluo Heaven Realm, and the other part is called Ancient God Land Realm. Xianluo Heaven Realm is the place where Xianlu Supreme and its billions of living creatures live. Ancient God Land Realm is our divine ear tribe and the rest The territories where the original Hongtian spirits live. In fact, it is not one in the sky, one in the ground, but it is difficult for us to go out of the ancient **** land to go to Xianluo heaven.

"As for the present ancestral land of the God Ear tribe, only Tai Su Shen Shan is outside, and Tai Su Shen Shan is said to have reached the end. I don’t know how long Tai Su Shen Shan is. The Temple of Death, in Tai Su Shenshan, can only be regarded as a second-rate Taoist system. I cannot see the real top-level Taoist system."

"By the ancient gods, there are five great mountains, all of which are named after the gods, that is, the legendary congenital five great gods, Taisu is one of them. The five great mountains occupy more than 60% of the ancient gods’ territories. The avenues are basically gathered in the five great mountains."

Five Great Mountains?

Watching the beast showed a surprised look!

This thing is wrong!

Because there are also **** mountains named above in the Taixu!

And more than five!

"That one......"

So the celestial beast said what he knew.



"I thought that the mountain of God named above is only unique to our world..."

Gu Tian also felt a little ignorant. They knew Taixu, but they only knew one thing. They had never been to Taixu, because the predecessor of the fairy land, Hongtian God Realm, even the current Hongtian God Realm, in terms of level Not much worse than Taixu.

"Tai Su Shen Shan... That's a coincidence."

Chen Zheng showed a smile.


Gu Tian waited for his doubts.

"What a There's someone here!"

Guantian Beast asked, only half of his face suddenly changed, staring towards the outside!


Gu Tian also stared towards the outside!



There was a loud noise outside!

The horrors screamed in horror!


Quickly calm down one by one!

Because in addition to the loud noise!

Enchantment is intact!

In other words, those who attacked the Valley of the Ears cannot break the enchantment!

It is safe to wait for yourself!




Continuous loud noise!

The enchantment does not move at all!


The **** ear tribe completely relieved!

"Shen ear seat gives you the last ten breath time, if the ten breath time does not withdraw this formation, then don't blame this seat to invite the deputy hall master to come in person!"

Out of bounds!

A voice of anger sounded!

"It seems to be...Yin Tulong among the elders of the ten palaces!"

Gu Tian probed and said in a deep voice!

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