Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2038: Go back and call an era overlord!

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"Yin Tulong!"

"The ninth state ancestor!"

"It is said that I got a magic weapon that is too dead, so it is not weaker than the overlord of the half-step era. It is said that he successfully escaped from Immortal Domain Supreme!"

Several other elders of the Ear Ears were horrified!


It's really coming!

The palace really sent elders!

And it is not an ordinary elder!

This is really iron-hearted to destroy the **** ear tribe!

The state of the temple was above the **** ear tribe!

The inheritance treasure of the **** ear tribe is just an earring!

Why is it that the Temple of Death is close to death!

For a while!

Some people such as Gu Tian and other **** ears cannot understand!

It stands to reason!

This kind of Taoist temple should not look down on the inheritance of the God Ear tribe!

"Shen ear people, do you take the words of this seat on the spot, do you really think this seat can't break this formation? This seat just doesn't want to sacrifice too many magic tools, and don't want to waste too many magic tools to deal with you. You know, if it wasn’t for the deputy hall master’s sentiment that year, your God Ear tribe had long since ceased to exist. How could you survive to the present, and also gave you a time limit for you to hand over the treasure of inheritance? !The sentiment for that incident was over, did you really want to see the Vice-Chancellor in person!"

Out of bounds!

The sound of anger sounded again!


The expressions of Gu Tian and other **** ear tribes became extremely complicated, and they shook their heads one by one in the end and could only sigh!

"The tenth breathing time is up. I don't want to talk nonsense, but I don't want to disturb the Vice-President, so I personally come to break the battle!"

The sound of anger sounded again!



Enchanted shock!

In an instant!

Gu Tian et al.'s pupils shrank!

I thought the enchantment would be broken!


The enchantment showed no signs of breaking after the first shock!

Gu Tian was relieved!


Dying Palace Yin Tulong even sacrificed Taicun magic weapon!

It can't break the enchantment of the mysterious young man!


The **** ear tribe has met the noble!

There is this noble person!

Today, the ear-eared tribe should be able to escape!

"Humph! Do you really want to force this seat to urge the real magical power of the Taici magic weapon!"

Out of bounds!

That Yin Tu dragon roar again!



It was shocking again!


Nothing happened!

Enchantment is intact!


Gu Tian and other god-eared people were stunned for a while, and then showed a surprise color, looking towards Chen Zheng one by one, seeing Chen Zheng only looking at the outside of the hall with a faint smile like watching a movie, and he was even more surprised!

So strong!

What a magical enchantment!

Yin Tulong can't break the enchantment by urging the Taici magic weapon!

This enchantment is at least the level of era dominance!

and so!

In front of this mysterious young man!

Although it is only a quasi-holy mana!

But there is actually a supernatural power at the level of epoch overlord!

and many more!

When I met this young man in the long river before!


He has no mana!


Gu Tian and others suddenly thought of a little bit, one by one and a little ignorant, and suddenly thought of a little!

Time is long!

There is a force in the depths of time!

It is said that it is a power beyond the avenue of time!

Could it be!

This son has gained that strength!

in this way!

It seems that everything can be explained!

If this is the case!

I am afraid that this son is also a reincarnation of the arrogant creature!


Out of bounds!

Another loud noise!

However, the enchantment remains unscathed!

"Roar!" The roar came again, the Yin Tulong outside the enchantment, holding a magic weapon like a mace in his hand, staring at the enchantment at this moment: "Good, it seems that you guys are using Because of the power of the inheritance treasure, the Taici magic weapon of this seat is useless! Huh! God ears, do you think there is no stronger means for this seat, you have a good look at this seat!"


There are means!

Yin Tulong suddenly opened his mouth!

A sip of blood was sprayed on that mortal implement!



Bloody flash!


The enchantment that shrouds the Valley of the Gods is madly shocked!

It seems to be broken at any time!


Gu Tian and other **** ear tribe's face changed!

"This guy!"

The eyebrows of the heavenly beast are also a pick!

The guy outside seems to have sacrificed the true blood of the origin, and used the true blood to urge the magic weapon like that. The magic power released by the magic weapon at this moment is definitely the level of epoch overlord!


It seems that there is more than one epoch level!

Can the enchantment under Chen Zubu hold up!


Seems to hold on!

Although the enchantment is shaking!

But there are no cracks!

The enchantment is supported!


Gu Tian and other god-ear tribes breathed again!

At that moment they were scared!

I thought the enchantment would be broken!

Thank you!

The enchantment is supported!

"Son...too strong!"

An elder looked at Chen Zheng with excitement!

"The guy outside, don't waste your energy. You go back and call a real era overlord. For the stronger era overlord, don't come with the kind of era ring. It is also effortless when you come."

At this time Chen Zheng opened his mouth and smiled.




Gu Tian and others were shocked!


What are you doing?

Do you look down on the temple at all?

"Who! What are you, and you want to provoke the temple, you sign up for the name...!"


Out of bounds!

Yin Tulong roar!


The roar was interrupted by a slap!


This slap sounded!

Its flesh burst into blood mist!

Even the so-called magic weapon has cracked!


Yin Tu Dragon Yuanshen solidified!


Inside the Valley of Gods!

The faces of the **** ear tribes such as Gu Tian have all solidified!


a slap!

Blasted the Yin Tulong among the elders in the Tenth Palace!

It seems to have cracked that too much magic weapon!

What level of power is this!

For a while!

The God Ear tribe only feels alive in a dream!


Out of bounds!

Yin Tulong Yuanshen suddenly escaped!


When Gu Tian saw this scene, he was stunned instantly. To tell the truth, they never thought of it, they would see such a scene! The **** ear tribe is too weak, and the strongest **** ear tribe is a few ancestors. However, the ancestor is fart in front of the Dao ancestor, and it is nothing before the ninth state Dao ancestor like the Yin Tulong. Never thought to kill Daozu!



just now!

I saw a scene I didn't dare to think about!


This son!

I have left a hand!

This son can actually obliterate Yin Tulong!

But deliberately left a hand to let Yin Tu Dragon Yuanshen go back to ventilate and report!


It's really unimaginable!


Will the lord of the mourning hall come in person!

Because there is only one era overlord in the temple!

That is the Lord of the Temple of Dying!

After today!

What happened in the Valley of Gods ears is probably to spread throughout the Taishan Mountain!

"I... old deceased... old deceased I would like to invite my son to see the treasures of my family!

After a moment of silence ~ ~ Gu Tian gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, paying homage to Chen Zheng! The other elders were stunned, but quickly bowed their heads to Chen Zheng!

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