Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2061: Pattern is not good

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Fairy Qin also showed surprise.


Inside the Shenhuang Cave Mansion!

The mist is all gone!

Everything has nothing to hide!

And right in front!

There is a huge skeleton!

There is a dark chain on the huge skeleton!

It seems that the huge skeleton is locked!

A huge skeleton overhead!

Against a huge platform!

The pavilions and towers on the platform are linked together!

The top temple is the Pingtian Temple of the Pingtian family!

this moment!

Gu Tian and several elders of the Ear Ears were dumbfounded!

prior to!

The first to enter the God Emperor Cave House of the Hetiantian family!

It just feels like entering a divine realm!




Now the mist is gone!

A few people just feel like they have entered a cave!

How could this be!

How can there be such a huge skeleton in the God Emperor Cave House of the Hetiantian family!

What is the skeleton of creatures!

All kinds of doubts!

"Oh my God!"

"what's going on!"

"What is below!"

At this time!

On that huge platform!

A shock sounded!


Most people in the Pingtian family simply don't know the real situation in the Shenhuang Cave Mansion!

I don’t know if they live on a huge skeleton!

"Huh? Don't these guys know it?"

Guan Tian Bewildered asked.



In the Temple of Pingtian!

A white light rose into the sky!


This moment!

Almost everyone looked at it!


"Who is that!"

"Who is that!"


Because I saw a ghost in the white light!

That virtual image is to break away from the Pingtian Temple!

To rush out of this God Emperor Cave Mansion!



There are **** hands in the Pingtian Temple!

Grab the phantom and drag it downward!

Virtual Shadow was pulled back!

The white light disappears!

Everything is back to normal!

But the people of the ordinary family on the huge platform are almost ignorant!

As if they were seeing this vision for the first time!

I didn’t know that there were strange things in the Pingtian Hall before!


Black hand!

It seems that I have never heard of it!

"Li Cang!"

Between the silence, in the Pingtian Temple, a thick voice sounded!



A huge force came towards the platform where Chen Zheng is located!

"Come again!"

Look at the beast!

"Is this... erasing us?"

Gu Tian trembled and asked, he was not high, and he could perceive it. If the wave of cloud and fog was to expel himself and others before, then this power is to erase himself and others!


Chen Zu just revealed the secrets of the Pingtian family!

at the moment!

Pingtian family wants to kill people and kill their mouths!

"The pattern really doesn't work."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently on the platform, only stepped out in front of everyone, and let that huge force run over, the distance hit him, and disappeared instantly without a trace!


People from the platform family are ignorant!



Another thick voice!


Another distance rushed over and over!

"The pattern is too bad."

Chen Zheng shook his head again, and still didn't have any intention of returning his hand. When the second giant force was pressed, in the blink of an eye, the second giant force disappeared instantly. He struck a pale blue fairy light, wrapped the back of Du Guqian, Qin fairy, etc., stepped out again, and took a few people on the huge platform above the huge skeleton.


"Who are you..."

"What do you... come to the Pingtian family!"

Those who are somewhat ignorant of the ordinary people's subconscious opening their mouths are just asking!

However, Chen Zheng didn't respond. He looked at the Pingtian Temple, and lightly touched the Pingtian Temple. The people of the Pingtian family were instantly stunned!


Chen Zheng is easy!

The Temple of Pingtian was destroyed!


Not called shattered!

There are still a lot of fragments!

This should be called to directly demolish the Pingtian Temple!


The people of the Pingtian family showed anger subconsciously, but when they saw the interior of the Pingtian Temple without any cover, especially when they saw a figure, they were dumbfounded!


"That's five young masters!"

"The Five Young Masters... How can the Five Young Masters be tied with a dark chain!"


One by one, I was shocked!

Five people in a flat family!

That is Yupingtian!

At this moment was locked by the dull chain!

The dark chain is exactly the same as the dark chain on the huge skeleton below!

"This guy has something to do with the huge skeleton below? Isn't that...the huge skeleton below is the bones of some god? But it's not right, the huge skeleton below can't perceive any breath of god!"

Tianguan beast also noticed this, and asked subconsciously!

"You... **** things, what are you doing for the Pingtian family, what are you doing, do you want to destroy our Pingtian family!"

In the Pingtian Hall without cover, the young man of the crown of God stared at Chen Zhengyi roaring!

"I am saving you."

Chen Zheng smiled back slightly.


The people of the ordinary family outside are even more ignorant!

What does this mean?

The Pingtian family does not need anyone to save it!

What does this strange young man mean!

"What are you, my ordinary people live forever, do you need to save them!"

Divine Crown Youth anger!



Just roared!

There is a black air coming out of the head of the young **** of the crown!



The young man of the crown is like a demon!

And the faces of the elders in Pingtian Temple are all changed!



Another roar!

The young man with the magic crown of the demon rushed out!


Not towards Chen Zheng!

But rush towards the people of the ordinary family!


"The second master is crazy!"


The people of the Pingtian family were stunned for a while, then screamed and retreated!

"Zhen Cang!"

In the Pingtian Temple, the old man with all hairs and whites shouted coldly and spit out two words at the moment. Those two words were like the laws of heaven, suppressing the young man of the crown of the demon to the ground!


"What's going on......"

"Second Young Master... What happened to the Second Young Master!"

The people of Pingtian family cried tremblingly, and some even cried!

"Chen Zu...What are these guys doing?"

The Sky Beast asked in a low voice.

"Lord, leave, the internal affairs of the Pingtian family will naturally be resolved." The old man who suppressed the young master of the Demon II, now looking towards Chen Zheng, although the voice is dull, there is an invincible power between them!

"Uhua God..."

Fairy Qin changed his face and read the name of the old man!

A few **** ear tribes of Gu Tian heard a shocked look!

Uhua God!

This is just the name!

It is enough to deter all ethnic groups in Taisu God Mountain!

Because he represents the most top-level combat power in Taisu Shenshan!

"Your pattern is too bad, I'm afraid it won't solve this matter."

Chen Zheng smiled.


In the Pingtian Temple, the elders looked dull, and the kid said in front of him that the pattern of the strongest man in the Pingtian family was too bad. Who did he think he was!

However, in the next second!

Those elders changed their faces one by one!

Because they heard roar again!

This time it was not the second master who was suppressed!

This time, the two young masters were suppressed by magical means!


"What happened?"

"The ancestor!"



Raise the hands of all old men who must be white!

The elders all blasted out!

All flesh exploded into blood mist in the air!


Another roar!

The people of Pingtian family have not reacted yet!

The old man grabbed Yu Pingtian who was locked up by the dull chain!

Sink suddenly!

Sink into a dark vortex in a blink of an eye!


All the ordinary people are dumbfounded!

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