Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2062: Look hard and learn!

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How did it demonize!

The flesh of the Pingtian family exploded into blood mist, and only the elder of the Yuanshen was left at this moment, staring blankly at the dark vortex!


The dark vortex disappears!

"..." The people of the Pingtian family opened their mouths and looked at Chen Zheng in a dazed manner, and the elders of the elders also looked towards Chen Zheng. After a brief silence, an elder elder sighed: "I just waited...I blamed your lord wrongly, I waited to think that you are coming to Pingtian family to make trouble, and I...I wait to apologize now!"


The elder bowed his head to Chen Zheng!

The other elders also paid their respects to Chen Zheng!

"Cut! Just one by one as if you were eating humans, and now the strongest guy in your race has demonized. You are only now coming to apologize to Chen Zu!"

Watch the heavenly beast!


The elder was ashamed.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency has come to the cave dwellings of our **** family, Pingtian. It seems that it is for that piece of antiquities. The first ancestor of Yuhua God took Yu Pingtian and went to the second divine space opened by Emperor Yuhuang. Inside, if the first ancestor of Uhua God can't wake up, my family is afraid that it will... will be a big disaster! If...if I wait for the piece of antiquity, I don't know if you can help us wake up The first ancestor of Yuhua God!"

An elder next to him groaned, and the rest of the elders made eye contact, then nodded one after another, and raised their hands to perform divine magic.


Intertwined with God's Light!

A stone box emerges!


The stone box opens at once!

An extremely ancient stone plate caught everyone's eyes!

"This thing is...!"

The sky-watching beast glanced, his eyes lit up, and the subconsciously shouted the name of the ancient stone plate, but was interrupted by a sound!

"This kid doesn't work, let me do it!"

On the teleportation platform in the distance, a glimpse of a divine light flashed!

"Emperor Lanqi, the Blue Emperor!"


"Blue... Lord Lan Qi, you... how did you come, is it... the wife of the second young master..."

The elders of the Pingtian family are all on one side, and subconsciously seal the stone box containing the ancient stone plate!

"Okay, don’t seal it. I came here just for this thing. You don’t know that I have coveted this thing for a long time. This time I seized the opportunity, how could I miss it. This thing is for me, I will help you wake up Yu God. Just now what happened in Shenhuang Cave Mansion, my niece has informed me for the first time. Now that your ordinary people are in a life-and-death crisis, who can save you besides me."

The comer fell on this huge platform and smiled lightly. In a blue shirt, he exudes a sense of aloofness invisibly. Qin Fairy, Gu Tian and other local souls of Taisu Shenshan, all flashed in horror at this moment.

Lan Qihuang!

This person is Emperor Lan Qi!

Emperor Lan Qi of the Yitian family!


Several elders showed their thoughts.

"Huh? Don't you believe that this kid doesn't believe me? This kid may have some means, but the quasi-holy mana is really too weak and too weak. Compared with the overlord of the era that condensed the ring of six epochs, that You don’t need to tell me the difference, you know it."

Seeing the hesitation of several elders, Lan Qihuang said lightly.

"The Ring of Six Era..."

When Tianguan Beast heard his brows, he secretly said that this man was really a bit powerful. Chen Zu could use the mysterious sword to cut the three-ring overlord. I was afraid that he could not cut the six-ring overlord. This man wanted to grab the thing in the stone box. , I am afraid it will cause some trouble to Chen Zu!

" not that I do not believe in Lord Lanqi... if... if the adults wake up the first ancestor of the Uva God now, then I will wait for this ancient artifact to be presented naturally!"

Shen Tian, ​​the elder of the family, replied!

"Are you going to pay for everything with one hand? It's okay!" Huang Qihuang raised his eyebrows slightly, then smiled, and glanced at Chen Zheng: "Young people take a good look and learn, see how my level of life is. Help people resolve the genocide crisis!"



Lan Qihuang plundered the Pingtian Hall!

The blue light flashed on him!

The dark vortex of the ground suddenly appeared!

He fell into the dark vortex all at once!

"Take a good look and learn? This guy... also pointed out Chen Zu is coming!"

Tianguan Beast snorted softly!

"Chen Zu... Your Excellency... Please also forgive me, Lord Lan Qi is after all the Six Ring Overlord of the Yitian family, and I have no way to wait... Lord Lan Qi Like the first ancestors of our clan Yuhua God, they are the most top-level fighting power of Taisu Shenshan."

The elders of the Pingtian clan looked down at Chen Zheng and looked down slightly.



The dark vortex of the ground in the Pingtian Temple is reproduced!

One was blasted out!

Beatles distribute!


Footprints are also on the face!

It looks very embarrassing!

And this person is Lan Qihuang!


The ordinary people are a little ignorant!


Lan Qihuang failed!

This is the second divine space that was blasted out by the ancestor!

"Damn it! The old thing Uhuashen actually hides his hand. This old thing is too deep into the devil. The emperor was kicked tens of thousands of feet just a moment ago. The emperor wants to kick back!"


Emperor Lan Qi poured into the dark vortex again!



Less than three interest time!

He was blasted out again!

This time, it's not just that it's more than a hair dishevele!

This time it was ragged!

All the fairy clothes were smashed!

And his face was swollen!


The ordinary people are silent!



Lan Qihuang failed again!

This time!

Is it true that the Pingtian family is really over!



Lan Qihuang enters the dark vortex again!



Was bombarded!


This time!

The whole person fell to the ground!

Lying on the ground like a dog eating shit!

It seems that even the strength to get up is gone!


The Pingtian family is silent again!

"This seat...but Tai Su Shenshan Yitian family Lan Qi Huang!" Lan Qi Huang lying on the ground raised his head, gritted his teeth, and climbed up from the ground, but then he got up and puffed up and knelt again. Now!


It is at this moment!

Chen Zheng is easy!

A ghost sword shadow was killed in the dark vortex!



Dark vortex is crazy and twisted!

God Emperor Cave Mansion is shocked!

"Do not!"


Just listen to a scream!

The dark vortex is calm!

Shenhuang Cave Mansion is like falling into a dead silence!


Between the silence of the people, someone flew out of the dark vortex, but it also fell to the ground with a thud, and the person who flew out was the Yuhua God of the Pingtian family and the Yufeitian he held!

"The ancestor..."

"The first ancestor of Yuhua God..."

"Ancestor you..."

Several elders of the Hetiantian family tentatively asked!

"The magic barrier in my Yuanshen has been cut out."

In response, Yuhuashen looked at Chen Zheng and wanted to say something that showed a very complicated look. He looked at Chen Zheng silently for a while.


"The magic barrier has been removed?"

"So the ancestors are sober?"

Several elders of the ordinary family were shocked for a while, and then showed a surprise!


In the dark vortex!

A ghost sword shadow is killed!

Instantly returned to Chen Zhengmei's heart!

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

The elders of the Pingtian family have stone box will be presented immediately!

"Why make this one out."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and took the stone box.

"Take a good look and study hard. This sentence will be given back to you now!"

Watching the heavenly beast, he looked at Lan Qihuang, who opened his mouth on the ground. He smiled at the moment!


Upon hearing this, Emperor Lan Qi became very embarrassed in a face, and at this moment it felt like there were invisible slap fans on his face!

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