Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2208: Heart of origin!

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This, this!

This world!

How could this monster exist!

To know!

The detached are also far away from the ultimate bite eater!

No root family!

Extremely cowardly!


The Stone City creatures, although a bit ignorant, understand one thing now, that is, the young man who had previously hanged the real blood incarnation of the ancient magic dragon, swallowed the so-called ultimate phagocytosis, and it was unharmed!


Wait for yourself!

There is still a chance to live!

You and others will not be destroyed by the strange and rootless family at present!

"I don't believe you can devour the ultimate phagosome!"


The head of the Wugen clan clenched his teeth!

Once again!

This time a leaf-sized crystal emerged!


Chu Yaoyao only glanced at it, and he was stunned. He secretly said that his master and sister came, even if he entered the half-step detachment level with the secret method, I am afraid I can’t take it!

The ultimate bite!

Follow the words of the master sister!

That thing is the nemesis of the detached!

Even if he respects his old man as the reincarnation of reincarnation!

At the peak, I was afraid of this stuff!

This stuff doesn't make any sense!


Chen Zheng!

Can he carry it this time!

In fact, it is not that there is no male disciple or the so-called extreme arrogance, but since seeing Chen Zheng in the Tianyun World, no other man can get into her eyes! Although she defeated Chen Zheng in some way, she did not want Chen Zheng to be killed by others!

Chu Yaoying, through his master sister, also knew who Chen was reincarnated, and also knew more than one identity, but only faced with this ultimate bite body, this leaf-sized ultimate bite body, had to make people worry!

"This ultimate bite eater, even if the creator sees it, we must avoid it! We have no root family, and there was a creator at its peak, although it later declined due to the fall of the creator, although none of our rootless families have been born in the last billion years The detached person has been alive until now, because we can control some of the power of the ultimate phagosome! Although we cannot absorb its power, we are even afraid of being repulsed by it, but it is the strongest card of our family! This family, finally took advantage of Yiyu Tongwei to enter this great reincarnation, then we will definitely not miss the opportunity of this rise! This great reincarnation, we have no root family to decide!"

The unrooted patriarch Yuan God growls!


A leaf-sized crystal moves!

Call again towards Chen Zhengmei's heart!


What is the level of lying trough!

Stone City creatures are shocked!

"The mother is so big, there was an ancestor of the creator level! Brother Chen Zheng, be careful!"

Chu Yaoyao frowned again, and she was also shocked, because when strictly calculated, their master reincarnation life was at its peak, the true self-cultivation did not reach the level of the creator, but relied on the status of the title of the lord to be equal to the creator!

I thought that this non-rooted family, the ancestors have detached from the ancestors, how can I think that the ancestors have also created the creator! But fortunately, it has already fallen. Except for the terrible ultimate phagocytic body, this rootless family is actually not much threatened!

If it weren't for the ultimate Dao bite, you could destroy this rootless family!



Did not hide!

Same as before!

The crystal of leaves is not blocked by Chen Shimei's heart!

this moment!

Chu Yaoyu held his breath!

She is really a little scared!

Afraid of Chen Zheng being swallowed up!

of course!

Not only did she hold her breath at this moment!

The Wugen clan also held their breath!

This time!

Can't fail anymore!

If you can't even win a kid who can't destroy the fourth realm!

How to conquer this great reincarnation!

How to rise again!

This kid is against the sky!

It is impossible to devour and absorb such a huge ultimate phagosome!




Destroy Lao Tzu!

The head of the Wugen family cries out in his heart!



A light laughter!

Let him disillusioned in his heart!


It's silly again!

The Wugen clan is up and down again!

"Lying trough!"

Chu Yaoyao first showed a happy look, and then blinked wildly, even if he knew Chen Zheng's past, I couldn't believe it at this moment! Concealed in the heart, the master's guess about Chen Zheng was still underestimated!


This flesh!

How strong is this flesh!

"Brother Chen Zheng's body... this is an invincible hard perpetual motion..."

Chu Yaoyu couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that I can't eat my way. Does your family have a bigger piece of the ultimate body of the way? Take out all of them. Maybe there is a chance to destroy my way."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at the Wugen clan chief.


The patriarch of the Wugen clan opened his mouth and took a deep breath, Yuanshen, a little, the Wugen clan immediately understood from top to bottom, and each of them turned back to the magic weapon that the giant cylinder spread out!


A flash of light!

It was like a giant cylindrical magic weapon that split apart an umbrella, and instantly closed, and then it was about to escape! Not toward the Taixu escape connected to this mysterious space, but toward the strange Yu escape from them!

"To escape!"

Chu Yaoyu was shocked!

"It seems to be gone."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and wiped it out, the mysterious space twisted for a while, and the strange feeling disappeared instantly! The giant cylinder, which had been nearly gone, is now completely frozen in the mysterious space!

"Huh? Yiyu Tongwei disappeared! Just as my brother is so powerful, even the great reincarnation level of Yiyu Tongwei can be forcibly interrupted!"

Chu Yaoyu was shocked again!

The living state of those stone cities was not enough. She didn't know what happened, but she was very clear. Chen Zheng just interrupted the same dimension and forced to leave the Wugen family!

"We have no roots, and there is no hatred with you. Would you not let us live alone? Our family, the reason why we are called the rootless people, is living in no fixed place, drifting inside and outside the Great Reincarnation, we just want to continue the race. !"

In the middle of the giant cylinder, a low roar came out, it was the voice of the head of the Wugen clan!

"Unrooted... The rootlessness of your family does not mean living in no fixed place."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"It doesn't mean living in no fixed place, doesn't it mean... that means?"

Chu Yaoyu blinked, thinking a little.

"Your family, like locusts, swallowed all the places they passed, and there was no vitality. Your family can survive to the present, relying on the threat of the ultimate phage body to the detached, otherwise the detached outside the reincarnation should be early Will completely wipe out your family."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"You!" The patriarch of the Wugen clan seemed to be said. He shouted a word and was silent, but it didn't take long for the silence to be heard again: "Our clan is the ultimate creator outside the nine major reincarnations. Creation, the meaning of our family's existence is to balance the nine major reincarnations. If you destroy our family, the nine major reincarnations will be unbalanced! Once unbalanced, everything will go to disorder and destruction, so you can't kill us!"

"It's not a problem. I can swallow the ultimate phagosome. I can maintain balance without you. By the way, you may not believe it. I devoured the ultimate phagophyte. It's not for its power. I just took it. Come to balance my flesh. My flesh is too strong, without this gadget to balance, unlimited fission enhancement, it won’t take long to destroy the Hongmeng universe, I am also very troubled."

Chen Zheng smiled and said that his right hand was raised.


The shock of extreme shock came from the giant cylinder!


This is the moment!

Chen Zheng snapped his fingers!


next moment!

The giant cylinder cracked!

The Wugen clan was all wiped out in extreme consternation!


Stone City creatures are terrified!

"Lying trough! It seems that the demon knows a big secret of Brother Zheng, you won't kill the demon, brother Zheng!"

Chu Yaoyao lost his mind briefly and stared at Chen Zheng!

"Huh? Is there still this thing?"

Chen Zheng didn't respond to Chu The seven-color light flashed in his eyebrows, and he swept through the cracked giant cylinder. The giant cylinder was completely transformed into particles that were swallowed by the seven-color magic light!


There is one more thing intact!

It's a meteorite atrium!

Start with the atrium!

Chen Zheng showed his unexpected colors!

"Congratulations to the master, please mention the origin of the heart! With the origin of the heart, you can continue to produce the blood of the origin, no need to worry about mana in the future! Just unlock the mana yoke step by step, you can restore the peak!"

this moment!

A metallic voice sounded!

This sound is the sound of Macross Roulette Spirit!

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