Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2209: In front of Chaotian Mountain

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What is the heart of origin?

How can there be such strange words!

Chu Yaoyu frowned slightly, but the thought flashed quickly in her mind at the next moment. She instantly speculated that the metal-like sound was an instrument, and it should be the magic weapon mentioned by the master and not belong to the Hongmeng universe. spirit!


Chen Zheng has something outside Yu!

And more than one!


Things outside these days!

No matter how strong he is, he can't compare to this man's flesh!

Unlimited fission enhancement!

This is a super invincible plug-in for ordinary monks!

But for this man!

It is a burden!

Need to rely on the ultimate bite body to balance the body!

Perhaps the highest level of his master once was not to suppress this man!

One day!

This man will be so strong that all living things are hard to look at!


One more thing!

The rootless family just now!

Have a part of the power to control the ultimate bite body!

Originally has almost invincible defense power!

The detached person is also good!

Let alone the creator of the detached!

You should turn a blind eye to this group!

Will not do anything with this family!

This family has a heart of origin!

So if it did not happen to meet Chen Zheng today!

This rootless family will never be destroyed!

The future must rise!

Maybe you can return to the top!



I met Chen Zheng!

The luck of the Wugen clan was taken by Chen Zheng!

This can only be said that the rootless family is out of luck!

Perhaps the nine major reincarnations mentioned by Master Sister!

Only a freak like Chen Zheng can devour the ultimate phage!


These thoughts flashed, Chu Yaoyao sighed in his heart, and suddenly wanted to reincarnate, want to go back to retreat and practice, and want to keep up with the pace of this man in the future one day!

"Although Master hasn't broken away from that place, Master still wants Brother Zheng to take the initiative to let him out, but Master has been defeated from the beginning. Brother Zheng, when the demon has master-sister-like practice, See you Zheng Brother again."

With a whisper, Chu Yaoyao gave Chen Zheng a slight blessing and turned into a flying out of this mysterious underground space.

"Well? This demon..." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and sent the origin of the heart into the Yuanshen. How should the origin of the heart be used, how to produce the blood of the origin, the universe cantilever will get it. He saw the creatures in Stone City staring blankly at himself, and flicked it gently: "Go back."


The creatures in Stone City opened their mouths subconsciously, and they only felt the change of time and space in an instant, and they appeared on the ground at the next moment. You looked at me and I looked at you one by one.


Before watching the Stone City sink into the ground!

But at this moment!

Stone Town is as good as ever!

As if everything I saw just now was just a dream!

"Are we... having a dream?"

Someone asked dumbfounded.

"No! Not a dream!"

Someone responded instantly.


The rest of them stayed for a while, but they felt quickly, and suddenly raised their heads. At this moment, they saw a huge light curtain appear in the sky! In the huge light curtain, an image appeared, which was the scene of the mysterious underground space where the real blood incarnation of Demon Dragon Emperor was suspended!


There is no figure of the immortal young man in the fourth realm!

It is only the scene where the real blood incarnation of the dragon emperor Yang was hanged!


This should be the girl posing as the man who recorded the **** shadow with the **** shadow stone!

That girl really made Divine Shadow public!


This will irritate the venomous dragon deity!


Between the shock of the creatures in Stone City, a horror roar sounded above Daozhu Mountain, and they looked towards Daozhu Mountain with a trembling heart! I saw a black light falling from the sky and slammed on the top of Daozhu Mountain.


Stone City trembles!

Everyone knows that it is the anger of Emperor Wanglong!

"It's a shame to shame, a shame to shame, this hatred is not reported, Lao Tzu is not called Dragon Emperor Yang! You are waiting for Lao Tzu, and there is the little girl in the reincarnation, you are also waiting for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu must destroy both of you!"


Dragon roar!

It is not only resounding in Yuyu!

It is resounding throughout the 13 major territories of Taixu!


The scenes where the true blood avatar was hanged appeared on the sky dome of the 13th Taixu Territory!


The God Shadow is broken!

The 13th Territory of Taixu is shaking!

Countless alarms sounded!

"Who is that!"

"Demo Dragon Emperor seems to be beaten as an incarnation, slapped a lot of slaps, and then slapped!"

"Who is the Dragon Emperor, and who is the reincarnation of the little girl! How come I don't know, what reincarnation is there in Taixu!"


Youdu large area.

The Far East.

There is a mountain called Chaotian.

Although named Chaotian.

But this is not a fairy mountain.

It is a demon mountain.

Chaotian Mountain has a demon palace named after the era.

It is also a first-class ethics in the Yudu area.


Many people gathered in front of Chaotian Mountain.

All are living creatures near Chaotian Mountain.

"The fourth realm of immortality? Although our era of demon palace has always been instructive and classless, whether you are a human, a demon or a ghost, but you have already built a tower, and let your talents come into existence, our era of demon palace will definitely not accept, Please go back."

Chen Zheng also walked to the front of Chaotian Mountain. A bull demon's eyes moved and stared at him. He glanced at him for cultivation, and directly swept over with a divine thought.

"A Daozu is here?"

"Looking like the fourth realm..."

"It shouldn't come to learn from the teacher..."

The creatures in front of the mountain, although they could not hear the sounds of the gods and monsters, but they also looked at them one by one, because all of them cultivated under the Taoist ancestor, and did not build the tower, so suddenly came a Taoist ancestor. Not noticeable.

For a time.

These creatures are also curious.

"I'm not here to apprentice."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Didn't you come to apprenticeship?

Is it to smash the Tianshan Mountain?

Would this Dao Zu also be too timid?

I am afraid that it has been destroyed by the four major disasters before reaching the top of Chaotian Mountain!

"Don't come to learn from the teacher, are you here to smash the mountain?"

Niu Yao raised his This time, there was no utterance of Shennian, but he kept talking about Chen Zheng!

"I felt that I should be the spiritual pet of one of my disciples. Here in Chaotian Mountain, I will see if my disciple is also in the Chaotian Mountain era.

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Your disciple's spiritual pet is on Chaotian Mountain? Who is your disciple!"

Niu Yao frowned again!

"Dust Girl."

Chen Zheng returned two words.

"Dust Girl? I can be sure that no one in our Epoch Demon House is called Dust Girl, but only one Dust Child, but Dust Child is a man, not a woman, and certainly not your disciple! Furthermore, Dust Child has entered the era overlord three days ago. It’s more impossible to be your disciple! If you come to smash towards the Tianshan Mountain, then please go to the primitive four robbery! If it is to pick things up, then I think your cultivation behavior is still lower!"

Niu Yao heard it, thought about it, and then Shen Sheng responded.

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