Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2210: The original 4 robbery! It's really nostalgic!

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"That's an arrogance!"

"I was ranked ninth on the list of young dominance, and now I have stepped into the level of era dominance. It can be said that it has surpassed the eight people on the list of young dominators that were once in front of him!"

The spirits of the apprentices who came to the Jiyuan Demon Palace exclaimed one by one, revealing the color of worship!

"The young dominance list is actually just a prediction, and the dominance list is the real hard power. Chen Zi first entered the era of hegemony, which indeed surpassed the arrogance that was once placed in front of the young dominance list, but Chen Zi did not Pride, but more self-discipline. Because Chen Zi knew that the eight people who had been in front of it could have stepped into the level of epoch overlords on purpose. They deliberately did not enter the epoch overlord and wanted to lay a more solid foundation. When those arrogances enter the era of hegemony, competition for the hegemony list will become more intense."

The Niubi heard these sounds and smiled faintly.

"Chenzi is worthy of Chenzi, really a model of my generation!"

"The first day of Demon Palace is proud and well-deserved!"

"Chen Zi is an idol I admire forever!"

The spirits who came to worship the teacher shouted one after another.

"That thing was pretty good in your era of demon palace, I will follow the rules."

At this time, Chen Zheng glanced towards the towering Tianshan Mountain, and said that he stood up.


Bull demon!

Everyone under the mountain!

Some demon monks on Chaotian Mountain!


Then all the figures of Chen Zheng were locked!

"This... this is going to the original four robbery?"

"He... is he crazy?"

"Undying Fourth Realm goes to the original four robbery. Undying Fourth Realm wants to smash the Chaotian Mountain Gate. This is not to live!"

Those spiritual apprentices blinked for a while, and then shook their heads one after another. In their eyes, there was no half-step tyrant who wanted to go to the primordial four robbery towards the Tianshan Mountains. That was really asking for trouble!

Any one of the original four robbers is terrifying, because Chaotian Mountain is very special, the original four robbers here are even more terrible! By the way, if it is outside the Taixu, the original four robbery may not be too scary!

But the Taixu is different. The primitive four robbery in the Taixu and the primitive four robbery in the Taixu are the most primitive levels!

Most primitive!

The most terrible!

Even if it is considered the weakest chaos wind in the original four robbery!

Daozu can also be blown out at once!

The fourth realm of immortality may not last for three breaths!

"This kid... really went up to the mountain. Our era of demon palace has always been gentle. Your kid really wants to find someone to find a demon. After the assessment of the apprentice is finished, you can give Lao Niu any benefit. Lao Niu Helping you find a demon is not a matter of moments, why do you kid!"

The bull demon recovered, and shook his head again and again, he did not expect that the young man in the fourth realm, really went to the original four robbery!






On the sky!


Wind, fire, thunder and lightning appear together!

"Lying trough!"


"What happened?"

"Why did the original four robbery come!"

"That's wrong. In the past, they were evaluated one by one!" How did this kid get up at the same time, he attracted the original four robbers at the same time!"

The original four robbery co-occurred!

This scene shocked everyone!

Even the monks of the demon palace in the Tianshan era, such as the bull demon!

It's a bit ignorant!


There has never been such a scene before!

"Huh? Who's going to smash the mountain? Even the original four robbers are attracted at the same time?"

"Is it a young man? The fourth realm is immortal? This young man... Is his physique special? But it seems that his physique is not too special?"

"Although this young man is not very tall and heroic, it is indeed my dish, but unfortunately I already have an escort, otherwise I might consider considering him as an escort... um? Wait! Original four When the robbery happened, he didn't seem to be afraid at all. Not only was he not afraid, how did he feel like he was still enjoying it?

On the top of the Chaotian Mountain, in the real era of the Demon Mansion, many eyes have also been looked down on. These are at least half-step dominance creatures. First, they commented with a touch of curiosity, and suddenly they were surprised!


Chen Zheng under the hood of the original four robbery!

At the moment closed his eyes!

At this moment, let the original four robbery be added!

It also reveals the color of enjoyment!

"Lying trough!"

"This and this!"

"He didn't have anything at all, as if he was taking a hot spring!"


Come to apprenticeship!

Also noticed this!

Eyes widened one by one!

This Nima!

See you for the first time!

This is the most primitive level of the original four robbery!

The era overlord dare not stay in the four robbers for a long time!

It is impossible to show any enjoyment!


Right now!

This immortal young man in the fourth realm!

With his eyes closed, he was enjoying the original four robbery like a bath!


How did he do that!



I can't believe it!

"Does this kid... treat the original four robbers as four beautiful beauties, do the four beauties wait for him to take a bath!"

The bull demon opened his eyes wide and asked!

"It's almost thirty breaths!"

"Half-scented time!"

"Yixiangxiang is time!"

"Half an hour!"

"It's an hour!"

"Lying trough!"

time flies!

A cry of exclamation sounded every once in a while!

After an hour!

Chen Zheng opened his eyes!

"Are you awake?"

Niubian asked subconsciously!

"The original four robbers are nostalgic. I remembered some past in a while and took a short break. You should not be surprised."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Under the Chaotian Mountain!

Hear this sentence!

Almost all stumbled to the ground!



This is the first time I have heard someone say that the original Four Tributes are nostalgic!

and many more!

It seems that this is not the point!

The point is that this child slept for an hour in the original four robbery!


Is this breaking the record!

No such record before!

Soon all creatures thought of something!

"Take the original Four Tribulation as a person who enjoys and enjoys an hour. You are the first in the Taixu. Although not everyone can do this, but at least it is also the era overlord, and you will not destroy the fourth realm. , The flesh is so against the sky, if not you have become a ancestor, I really want to take you as a disciple. You are smashing towards the Tianshan, right, after the original four robbery, there is something waiting for you at the top of the mountain, you If you can swallow the thing and be conscious, then it is considered as a success, you can make a request."

At the top of Chaotian In that era of the demon palace, a laugh sounded.


Chen Zheng asked casually, stepped out, climbed to the top of the Tianshan Mountain, and landed on the cyan platform in front of the Era Demon Palace.

"The special product of Chaotian Mountain, Jiutian Ji Chili! This is a divine fruit, but it is extremely spicy, and even ignores the law of the avenue, so after the general era overlord swallows this thing, it must be passed by spicy!"

The old man's voice sounded again, and I saw Qing Mang flashing, and there was a bunch of hot peppers in front of Chen Zheng!

"Nine days are extremely spicy... what else?"

Chen Zheng froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Don't you think it's funny for young people? Old Deceased was also funny when he visited the Age of Demon Palace, but after he swallowed these nine days of extreme spicyness, he slept for three thousand years before he knew that this thing was really spicy!"

The old man's voice sounded again, and his tone was full of emotion. It seemed that he had been stunned for three thousand years and missed a lot of things, so that he left regrets!

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