Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2216: Mercy World Palace! Small kill!

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Chen Zu?

Who is that?

It seems that the lord and elders of the era of demon palace have no surname Chen!

Niu Yao could not help blinking again!



Do not understand!


In the unpretentious ancient palace!

Angry Snow Demon King lies at the feet of Chen Zheng!

Two long paws hold Chen Zheng's legs!

My head is rubbing wildly!

Shouting while rubbing!

"Ooooo, Chen Zupo is pitiful! When I went to the ancient land of Taishi, I went to the ancient demon tribe. Before I saw the ancient demon tribe, I was caught by a guy! That guy is a pervert, torture. It took me a few months to let me go! I thought I was going to do my best, and I unexpectedly met another guy who was forcibly brought into the Taixu. The bones are boiled into soup!"


Elder Gusu waits for no words!

It turned out that the Angry Snow Monster had such an experience!

"I will melt into the spirit of the Sky Sirius. You should practice well, and strive to condense the pattern of the overlord within half a month. If you cannot become the overlord of the era, you must also become a half-step overlord, and then help me find your master. "

Chen Zheng said casually.

"Ah? Looking for the master? Where is the master? Didn't the master follow Chen Zu to Taixu?"

Nuxue Yaohuang quickly raised his head and asked.

"I have come to Taixu. I don't know where I am. I'm busy collecting some things. I don't have much time to find her, so I asked you to find her."

Chen Zheng said.

"Then... what's the clue?"

Nuxue Yaohuang thought and asked.

"I don't have any clues, but if there is a bizarre fairy house in the thirteen great territories of Taixu, that fairy house is also called Hongchen fairy house, you just go directly to that place."

Chen Zheng thought for a moment.

When he was in the Celestial City, he asked something. Elder Zhuo Xie and other people in the Temple of No Robbery had never heard of the name of the Red Dust Fairy House, and there was no place in the Taixu where the Red Dust Fairy House appeared.

In this Taixu, there is interference from objects outside the universe. Although the progress of the cantilever of the universe has reached the number of 89, it cannot sweep Taixu. Although the Taixu Boundary Map can provide insight into the corresponding large area, Chen Zheng also checked that the eleven major areas corresponding to the eleven Taixu Boundary Map currently available have no movement in the Red Dust Fairy Mansion. If the dust woman is awake, he can also sense where the dust woman is, but it should be in a state of sleep or closed state at present.

I wasn't in a hurry to find Dust Girl. The girl was in the Red Dust Fairy Mansion, and no one could hurt the girl. It was just to reshape the body for Yan Yi, who absorbed the pupil of the True Demon.

"Red Dust Fairy House?"

"This...I haven't heard of it before."

"After the Wrath Snow Lord becomes a half-step overlord, you can indeed move around in other large territories. Chen Gongzi... Chen Zu integrated the will of the hollow Sky Sirius into the Wrath Snow Wraith Primordial God, Wrath Snow The blood of the demon emperor has been fully awakened. It is said that the sky-eater Sirius controls the top-level space avenue. Even if the angry snow emperor can only use a part, as long as he does not encounter the emperor, such as Taihuang, Taixuan, Supreme True Demon, and Eternal Dragon Ontology is enough to protect itself."

The prince of the Yuan Dynasty Demon House, Elder Gusu, and the old man, also referred to as Elder Yunsong mentioned by the angry Snow Demon Emperor, etc., thought about it and said softly one by one. They had never heard of Hongchen Xianfu, although they wanted to know who Chen Chen’s disciple was, but they did not continue to ask.

"I must be able to condense the overlord **** pattern in a short time, and then go find the owner!"

The angry snow emperor focused on his head.

"Well." Chen Zheng nodded lightly, glanced at several people in the ancient hall, and hit the blue fairy light. The fairy light swept through several people, and several people's injuries were repaired instantly, and there seemed to be something in his mind, one by one. Surprised and happy. A few people looked so surprised that they just saluted Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng waved his hand gently: "Since the four words on the plaque of the Jiyuan Demon Palace are the ink treasures left by my disciples, you should probably have something to do with your heritage. I Telling you a secret method can be regarded as helping her take care of this line of inheritance. I will go shopping elsewhere, so you don’t have to give it away."


As soon as the words fell!

Chen Zheng disappeared!

"Chen Zu!"

Nuxue Yaohuang shouted subconsciously!

"This...Congratulations to Chen Zu!"

The prince of the epoch demon house waited for a while, and after the reaction came, he quickly prayed in unison! After a week, several people stared at the Angry Snow Demon Emperor!

"That... I know what the house owner and several elders want to ask, but I actually don't know exactly what Chen Zu came from. As for my master, the dust woman, she also has a big head, but I Some time is not clear, have you heard Chen Zu mentioned my master's identity?"

The angry snow emperor groaned.


The chief of the Jiyuan Demon House, Elder Gusu, and Elder Yunsong, etc., once again had nothing to say.




Bloody dragon!

Surging around a **** mountain!

This is the place where one of the best in the world of Yudu is located!

In the past!

There is no living thing that is not in the world of the World of Democracy within a hundred miles!


A person stood in front of the sky in front of the Scarlet Giant Mountain!

This person is Chen Zheng!

He didn’t look at those shivering disciples, because he closed his eyes and seemed to feel something!

"This guy... what's the point!"

"The previous Goblin Guardian exploded strangely!"

"An ancient elder, a half-step overlord, only raised his hand at this kid, and it also exploded bizarrely. He died instantly, and nothing was left! This kid did not perish the fourth realm under perception. So terrible, what he came to do for us is not to try to single us out!

The disciple of the Shishi Mogong whispered!

Before up to half a stick of incense!

They saw a terrible scene!

Half of the elders of the overlord level and the blood demon guard were so strange that they exploded into nothingness!

No scum left!

At that time, the young man in the immortal fourth realm had already closed his eyes!

This young man didn't fight back at all!

I don't even know how the elders and the blood demon guards disappeared!

For a while!

These disciples!

Do not dare to retreat!

Don't dare to do it!

Can only stay in place in horror!



A cold hum rang!

A blood robe Taoist appeared!

There are dozens of blood robe monks behind the blood robe Taoist!

"Master Blood Gang!"

"This child... is weird, just now the elder Gu and the blood demon guard are so strangely weird!"

"Adult Xuegang is one of the three overlords of our miserable world, please ask him to suppress this!"

Those disciples saw the blood robe Taoist, one by one quickly shouted!


This is the moment!

Chen Zheng with his eyes closed opened his eyes!

"This seat..."

The blood robe Taoist opened his mouth to the extreme Only spoke two words. Chen Zheng raised his right hand with a faint smile, and then snapped a snap!


In an instant!

The blood robe Taoist and dozens of blood robe monks behind him disappeared!


Those disciples who appeared before showed their pupils to the extreme!

This Nima!

What is this secret method!

Lord Blood Gang is an era overlord!

How could it be wiped out at once!

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