Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2217: Carmine Magic Flower

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"How could this be... Those people who came to our pitiful palace in the past, those who want to challenge the princess of the princess, except for a very few, can't even beat the blood demon guard, even after passing the blood demon guard At that level, it is difficult to enter the Devil's Palace, and it is even less likely to see Lord Xuegang, even if you don't have the qualification to see Lord Xuegang!"

"Why... such a guy came today!"

"Snapping fingers wiped out the blood Gang adults, this is not the case with Nima before, the process is wrong!"

A pitiful disciple of the World Mogu whispered!




In the Scarlet Mountain!

Several figures flew in a flash!

These figures are all half-step overlords!

At this moment, the look was solemnly fixed on Chen Zheng!

"You... was instructed by someone, what weird magic weapon was used to kill the Lord of the Blood Gang! Don't think that someone behind you will be able to start unscrupulously in the palace of the pitiful world, don't the people behind you tell you, Do we have the supreme treasure guardian of the World Demon Palace!"

The half-step overlord Shen Sheng sipped!

"Whoever moves me?"

Chen Zheng smiled slightly, and swept through these half-step overlords. These half-overlords felt this moment, instinct to step back, but it was too late!

At a glance!


At a glance!

Not at all!


A disciple who appeared before the pitiful palace!

The complexion was instantly pale to the extreme!

Frightened looking at Chen Zheng!


This time I didn't snap my fingers!

This time only a few glances over the elders!

Those elders are gone!

and many more!

This guy!

Why does this guy keep himself and others!

Why didn't this guy kill himself and others in the first place!


These disciples thought a little bit!

Just thinking of this is even more terrifying!

This guy!

Wouldn't it be intentional torture yourself and others!

"You...too much!"


A sudden shock in the Scarlet Mountain!

Then I heard a blast!

I saw a black and red mixed anger burst out!

This is a man wearing a scarlet imperial crown!

The five **** marks at the center of his eyebrows indicate his identity!

Era Overlord!

Ring of the Five Era!

He is the Lord of the World Palace!

"Master Palace Master..."

"Master Gongzhu is forced out..."

"Master Lord..."

The disciple of the princess of the world shouted again!


At the moment I saw the palace master appear!

One by one as if I saw hope!

But suddenly thought!

The second ring overlord like Blood Gang!

Even the young man's snap finger can't bear it!

Even the master of the palace has condensed a ring of five eras!

At the moment, he is already the leader of the Five Rings!

It may not be able to withstand the strange young man!


Unless the palace prince sacrifices the supreme treasure of the pitiful magic palace!

Magic flower!

Carmine Magic Flower!

Legends can affect the entire Yudu large area and even half of the ruins of the Taixu Devil Flower!


Use that thing!

Even if it is the era overlord!

Fortunately, Shouyuan is lost!

And the more terrifying the urged power!

The more Shouyuan is wasted!

Can the Carmine Magic Flower really suppress that young man!

"No one will make you move..." The main princess of the Lian Mo Gong Palace frowned, staring at Chen Zheng for a few times, thinking of something Shen Sheng asked again: "Before the Youdu Tomb opened, Youdu The battle of the gods broke out. Have you ever been to the Tomb of the Youdu? Have you ever seen my miserable palace, Xiang Cang, and Brother Xiang, were you killed by you!"


Lord Cang!

The disciple of the princess of the world is surprised!

"it's me."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


The disciple of the princess of the world is even paler!

"You have a breath of Carmine Devil Flower, then I was sent by the World Devil Palace to grab the Celestial Stone in the Grotto, and it was also killed by you, the Carmine Devil Flower , Is it what you get!"

The blood gleam flashed in the eyes of Li Shi Mo Gong, it seemed to sense something, Shen Sheng asked again!

"it's me."

Chen Zheng still smiled slightly.


Zhong Shen Shu De Zi also died in this man's hand!

That magic flower was also taken by this person!

The disciple of the princess of the world is surprised again!

"I have mercy on the World Demon Palace, and let Qin Gongzi go to Tiannv City not long ago. Qin Gongzi died in Tiannv City. It seems to be your hands! Qin Gongzi has the pupil of the true demon and the supreme demon. That vein is related, there is supremacy of the real demon! I’m not surprised if you kill Zhong Shenshu, or even Xiang Cang, but you dare to kill Qin Gongzi, it really surprised me, you are not afraid of supremacy Was the real demon revenge!"

In the eyes of the master of the princess of the world, the flash of Yimang flashed again, and it was another question!

"It's me, not afraid."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly again.


Qin Gongzi was also killed by this person!

This, this!

Although Qin Gongzi is not an era overlord!

Not even the half-step overlord!

But Qin Gongzi's real demon pupil!

That is almost an invincible amulet!

You are in the big domain!

Even the Huntian priest may not move Master Qin!

The entire Taixu!

I am afraid that there are only a handful of people on the same level as the Supreme Devil!

Dare to move Master Qin at will!

This child!

This child just returned!

He said he was not afraid!

Not afraid of the Supreme Demon!


Who is he!

Doesn’t he know what kind of creature the Supreme Devil is!

The disciples of the princess of the world are as stunned as stone carvings!

"Please Carmine Magic Flower!"


The Lord of Mercy Palace shouted loudly!



Bloody flash!

A magic flower flew out of the **** mountains!

Suspended above its head!

"Li Tiancheng, the Lord of the World Devil Palace, invites the Carmine Demon Flower to suppress this child for 100,000 years old!"

No hesitation!

The Lord of the Mercy Palace shouted!



"One hundred thousand years old yuan!"

The monks of the pitiful shrine exclaimed!

One hundred thousand years old!

As soon as you come up, use the 100,000-year-old yuan to urge the carmine magic flower!

Lord Palace Master wants to crack down on the weird young man!

One hundred thousand years old Yuan urges the power of magic flowers!

This must at least be the power of the ten ring overlord!

It may even be stronger!

This should suppress the young man!


That carmine magic flower!

Obviously self-conscious!

At this moment, he devoured the 100,000-year-old Yuan of the Lord of the Real World Mogu Palace!

That **** color is even weirder!

I saw a **** bang hit!

The goal is Chen Zheng!

"Magic Flower."

Chen Zheng didn't mean anything to stop, and he didn't even look at the horrible **** bang, and at this moment he only looked at the magic flower with a smile! And at the moment when the two words were spoken, the **** man banged on his brow!


This is to destroy his soul!


Under the breathlessness of the monks of the pitiful magic palace!

Chen Zhengdong didn't move at all!

And the main body of the princess of the world is suddenly blown up!


Flesh annihilation!


next moment!

Terror tearing sounded!

Its primordial spirit is also fragmented!


This scene!

The monks of the pitiful palace are stupid!

Because I never imagined that such a scene would appear!

"You!" Li Tiancheng Yuan God, the master of the princess of the world, horrified, gritted his teeth and shouted again: "With my million-year-old yuan, please magic flower to suppress this child!"



The carmine flower is even more bloody!

In an instant!

The blood mansions are at least a hundred times more horrible than the blood mans before!


This blood mand has not yet hit Chen Zheng!

Li Tiancheng Yuanshen, the master of the pitiful palace, was completely destroyed!


The monks of the pitiful palace are completely silly!

Palace Master!



The palace owner is gone!

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