Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2218: The mysterious world inside the blood gate

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This is wrong!

This is so wrong!

This is not in line with the basic rules of the spiritual world!

"No! It shouldn't be like this! Our Lianshi Mogong, how can it be first-class ethics in the Yudu area, is also weaker than Huntianjiao, the Peach Blossom Shrine is actually not as good as our Lianshi Mogong! Lord, with a carmine flower in hand, how can it be regarded as the top three people in the Yudu area, and should not be finished so quickly! I protest, I seriously protest, this is not fair! Take the villain book passed by God from heaven According to the story flow in "The Holy Emperor", how can our lord of the palace can fight with you for three days and nights, even if you are seriously injured! After you are seriously injured, you should escape and practice for a while to challenge our lord! "


A disciple shouted loudly!


The rest of the disciples stared over!

"Ah!" The disciple froze for a moment, then suddenly made a strange scream, and then covered his mouth with both hands. After shaking his head wildly, he released his hands and shouted: "I... I just lost control! "


Covered his mouth again!

Shaking tremblingly, dare not look at Chen Zheng!

"The villains are deceptive..."

Some disciples shook their heads and whispered!

The rest of the disciples heard silence!

After the silence, he looked at Chen Zheng with terror!

But Chen Zheng only smiled faintly, and grabbed the carmine magic flower, and the carmine magic flower fell into his hands. The carmine magic flower lit up with blood, and seemed to want to break free, but no matter how struggling, he couldn't escape his palm.

Looking at the carmine magic flower, Chen Zhengmei's heart flashed with seven colors of light, sweeping over the carmine magic flower, the carmine magic flower instantly turned into particles, the light disappeared, and the carmine magic flower also disappeared.

"It's a good magic weapon. It turns out that there is a kind of monster called carmine in the world. Is the muddy ghost, carmine, undefeated, non-stained, there are still the monsters of the sky, this How many magical species are there between heaven and earth?"

After receiving the Carmine Magic Flower, Chen Zheng whispered to himself.

The disciple of Shishi Mogong, shivering from listening, dared not make any sound, fearing that Chen Zheng would suddenly swipe over and they would be wiped out.


Chen Zheng did not look at them!

Just raise your hand and grab the **** mountain where the gate of the princess' palace is!


The Scarlet Mountain shattered instantly!


The disciple of Shishi Mogong shook again!

this moment!

Despair is at its extreme!

is not it!

The next one will be your turn!

Are you waiting for someone to die soon?

"It's kind of interesting, this is not your means, your means can't create this side of the sky."

Chen Zheng said as if he was talking to himself, and said that he stepped out one step at a time. I saw a blood gate suddenly appeared in the broken **** mountain, and the disciples of the princess of the world had not yet reacted. Chen Zheng Into the blood gate.


Bloody flash!

The blood gate has not disappeared!

Instead, it is more solid!

Blood mist is surging now!

As if telling the world!

Just enter this blood gate!

You can get eternal life!


For a time, the disciples of Lishi Mogong's throat stirred, all staring at the strange blood gate, they were shocked and shocked, because they had never heard of any blood gate under Lishi Mogong!

"What is behind the blood gate?"

Someone can't help asking!

"How do I know that I just want to escape now, but I dare not escape at all, I just want to know if I can survive!"

Someone shouted with a cry!

"We... we are still alive, he did not kill us, I think on the one hand we are too weak to cultivate, he disdains to kill us, on the other hand, it may be related to the carmine species! I don’t know if you pay attention If it's not there, the palace masters, elders, etc. that have merged the scarlet demons are all killed by him! Our disciples who are still alive have no scarlet demons in their bodies!"

Someone said in a deep voice!


"It seems so!"

"But I am more inclined, he is too lazy to kill us, kill us to waste mana! We are afraid of him even as ants!"

Silence briefly!

Then there was another whisper!

Then fell into silence again!

These pitiful princesses stared at the blood gate!

They dare not run away!


Within the blood gate.

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Slot, why is there such a world, my God, this is impossible, and this cannot be the creator world! But this place is exactly the same as the creator world! Hmm? Wait! I seem to be wrong One thing, master, this place is more like an imitation of the creator’s world standard template!"

In his primordial spirit, the cry of super-extension Roulette Spirit sounded!

"Huh? Creator World!"

This is the moment!

An indifferent woman sounded!


next moment!

A tall woman appeared!


The sound of Macross Roulette is silent!

Because the woman who appeared is the future master!

"Creator World...Standard template...imitation..."

In the future, the Lord of Tribulation swept across this world, and with a frown, he whispered a few words, and then disappeared. He actually returned to Chen Zhengyuan!

"Master, the truth is getting closer and closer. The future master in this vast universe. When she just swept through the anti-creator world, she flashed a sense of familiarity. She may be..."

In Chen Zheng's mind, Macross Roulette carefully said that it only dared to say half, not all!

"Imitation of the standard template of the creator world... This world is so empty, there is no one soul. Does its existence only provide a template for practitioners, and a way of creating the world, Or a way of creation."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"This... the master really has a great sense of comprehension, and at a glance he sees the role of this world! The master has not been outside the Great I don’t know something outside the Great Reincarnation, this The Creator World template, although it is only a standard template, is also extremely precious! As long as there is a standard template in the world, it will definitely attract the detachment! I am also a chance coincidence I have seen a standard template once, so I can recognize it! This world, although it is The imitations of the standard template, the basic framework of the creator can be found! In short, the owner only needs to draw the gourd to transform himself into this world, or as long as the Yuanshen can be transformed into this world, even Only once did the master lay the foundation to become the creator!"

Macross Roulette responded and said a lot in one breath!

"Yuan Shen has transformed this world... will it be too simple?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Simple? Master, you don’t know, the ordinary detached person will see this side of the world, and will sink if you don’t pay attention. Master, you are the level of the primal god, and you have reached the fifth major reincarnation, so you haven’t been affected much. Even the transcendental at the sixth major reincarnation level, it is extremely difficult to transform this heaven and earth with the primal spirit! The shortest record of enlightenment recorded outside the reincarnation is also 30 million years!"

Macross Roulette heard the simple word, and immediately said something outside the Hongmeng universe!

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