Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2219: I can't catch you!

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Above the ruined Doomsday Palace!

A shadow came suddenly!


Those disciples at the World of Magic Palace stared at it suddenly!

"Damn it! I have been in the Taixu for so many years, and finally kept this thing out. I said that my magic weapon sensing will not be wrong, but it was only interfered by other magic weapons, and I can’t accurately locate it! Successful positioning, finally found this thing! Hahaha! What Taihuang, Taixuan, Taiyin Lord, Supreme True Demon, Eternal Dragon in the Taixu, thought that stepping into the half-step detachment is nothing I didn’t know that I was just watching the sky!"

Black Shadow stared at the Blood Gate and made a deep voice, and all the disciples of Lianshi Mogong heard it. This black shadow suppressed his emotions!

and many more!

This black shadow seems to look down on the most terrifying one in Taixu!

What kind of creature is this shadow?


Between the speculations of the princess of the princess of the world, the black shadow raised his hand, and saw the black light flashed, and an enchantment emerged, blocking the area where the blood gate was located, which was the area of ​​the **** mountain where the princess of the princess of the world was originally located. !


The disciple of the princess of the world saw this scene!


For a while!

I don't know what to do!

at the same time!

Inside the mysterious world inside the blood gate!

"Someone came in!"

The sound of Macross Roulette reminds Chen Zheng!


In an instant!

A shadow came into this world!

"Haha... Uh... Dao Zu? What's going on, how could there be a Dao Zu, the fourth realm, such a weak Dao Zu, how could it be possible to live to this day after entering this world? !"

Hei Ying only glanced at this side of the world, and laughed instantly, but suddenly noticed that there were other people in this side of the world, and then Youyou stared straight at it, and then frowned.

"Master, this man seems to be a detached person in a state of falling, but I haven't seen it. It should not be a powerful guy. This guy may have been a major reincarnation or a second major reincarnation level!"

The sound of Qiling sounded, reminding Chen Zheng secretly!


Chen Zheng glanced at the shadow and asked casually.

"Huh? So-and-so? You seem to know the origin of this seat! It's a little strange, you are an indestructible fourth realm, like this seat, are all beaten down by the realm, and fell into this vast universe. Medium? But it’s not right. Your kid’s cultivation is too low right now. Even if he used to be the same as this seat, it’s impossible to stay up to now!"

Hei Ying heard Chen Zheng's question, his face changed slightly, and he stared at Chen Zheng several eyes, revealing his doubts!

"This creator world, it's okay."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"What? That's okay? Lying! What the **** are you talking about!" Black Shadow heard this, glaring at Chen Zheng: "Since you asked what day this seat is, then this seat will tell you that this seat is titled Fiery Soul Sky, at the peak of this seat, was a detached person from the second major reincarnation. He was beaten down by a person about one billion years ago and fell into the Hongmeng universe! Later, he wanted to do a big business and was beaten by the Hongmeng robbery master. Suddenly, he has been bearing the burden of humiliation, and finally waited until today, the door of the creator is here! Your kid has such a big tone, even the creator world is not in the eyes. Most of your kid was the creator level before?"

This last question!

Full of ridicule!

"Master, this Fiery Soul Sky's original peak is also the second major reincarnation. No wonder I haven't heard of it. If there is no big reincarnation ship in the second major reincarnation, it is not much different from the detachment of the major reincarnation level!"

Qi Ling's voice sounded in Chen Zheng's mind!

"Why don't you answer, kid, what's your name, say your title, and shock your seat!"

The self-proclaimed shadow of Fiery Soul Sky, seeing Chen Zheng only smile lightly without answering, and taunted!

"I didn't take off my title, just call me Chen Zheng."

Chen Zheng answered with a smile.

"No title? No, if you are detached, you usually have a title? Um? Some guys don't have a title, some very special guys don't have a title. Are you also a special one? But you don't believe me, you This guy is not like that kind of extremely special detached person, even if this seat is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, this seat must seize the time and understand this Creator World! As long as this Primordial God can transform this Creator World, this seat There will be a foundation to become a creator, and it is only a matter of time before you rise again! Don’t blame this seat for grabbing opportunities, although this seat’s mana is just a six-ring overlord level, but this body’s flesh and Yuanshen are half-step detached levels, this seat is better than you Strong, this seat is more qualified than you to understand this Creator World!"

Black Shadow raised his eyebrows, but he didn't get entangled. He started to transform the mysterious world with Yuanshen with a hum.

"It's okay for you to understand."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Huh? Your kid has self-knowledge! For your sake, this seat gives you a promise, waiting for this seat to rise again, this seat will take you out of the Hongmeng universe, this seat will help you to detach! Wait for the future seat Become the creator, this seat will also help you build a large reincarnation ship, how can it help you reach the six major reincarnation levels!"

Black Shadow nodded, closed his eyes, and began to understand!


Banzhuxiang is not in time!


Black Shadow spit out old blood!

The figure is solid!

The vague faces that were there before became clear now!

His face is extremely white!

"Haha! You will wither at the half column time, you can't do it at all, your upper limit has been tested, you can't become the creator! This will give you the opportunity to catch you, no one can blame it!"


Macross Roulette Ling's laughter sounded!

"Spirit sound? Also know the creator? Hmm? This is the transcendent artifact spirit! You... your kid actually has something transcendental, your kid lied to me, your kid was definitely a transcendental person!"

Fiery Soul Sky looks white again, at this moment staring at Chen Zheng!

"I was really not a detached person before. I didn't reach that situation before, and I was a little bit worse at the peak."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"You... all of you have failed, then your kid must have no drama! Your kid can stay in this creator's world for a long time with the transcendental thing, and the transcendental thing can't help you evolve the creator. Heaven and earth! So this way You are still the same as this one! Haha!"

Fiery Soul Sky stunned and suddenly started laughing again!

"Derivation of the Creator Heaven and Earth......" Chen Zheng chuckled, Yuanshen directly came out, Yuanshen swept through the Creators heavens and earth, and Yuanshen turned into a void world in no time!

Although it is much smaller!

It can be said exactly the same as the creator heaven and earth!

"Lying trough!"

Fiery Soul Sky blinked, and then swearing, and at the moment, the double pupils were extremely large!

"This Creator World is indeed okay, no difficulty."

Chen Zhengyuan entered the body and gently shook his head to comment.


Fiery Soul Sky was stunned for a moment, and his mouth was bursting again, and at this moment, he could only call out such a word!

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