Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2220: Peach Blossom Pilgrimage

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A thousand words can only converge into this one word!

Oh shit!

How can I be the second major samsara level!

I can't even match such a kid who hasn't been detached!

Is this kid the natural creator!

Fiery Soul is staring at Chen Zheng!

"The master... is too strong, and once again opened my eyes, but unfortunately the master is not outside a major reincarnation. If it is outside a major reincarnation, then the creation monument must already have the name of the master. And it must have broken a record! The owner is really too cowhide, so everyone wants to marry the owner!"

Qiling sound sounded!

"You are a hero, you can say such a thing, you tell me what you are in this seat, this seat may know your existence."

Fiery Soul Eyes opened his mouth!

"Cut! You are I stupid, do you want to explore my bottom? Ha ha, you guess it slowly! By the way, I can reveal something to you, that is, my master can be more than one thing beyond you, you You can open your brain to guess!"

Qi Ling smiled, no longer speaking!

"You... there are other surpassing things? You said you are not a detached person, you have never been a detached person, and you have never jumped out of the reincarnation, you, you... how can you have more than one? A detached thing!"

Blazing Soul Sky stared at Chen Zhengyi and asked!


As soon as Chen Zheng received it, the creator world disappeared instantly!


Fiery Soul is shocked again!


"The blood gate is gone!"

"He... and the shadows have appeared!"

at the same time!

The disciple of the princess of the world exclaimed!

Because the blood gate disappeared!

At the moment, Chen Zheng and Fiery Soul Sky appeared at the same time!


Fiery Soul Sky just wanted to say something, and Chen Zheng disappeared. When Fiery Soul Sky stayed blank, his brow furrowed and felt it, and then there was only a sigh!

"Damn, I actually don't know where this guy went! I waited for so many years for the world of creation to be collected by him. What did I stay in this universe, I have to find a way to go out!"


The words fell!

Shadows skimmed!

Only the desperate disciple of the Demon Palace!


Hongmeng is too high.

Tian Dao Palace at the end of the thirty-three Tianhe River.

"Master Palace Master, too God is afraid that the Ten Thousand Clan War will erupt. Isn't Tiandao Palace a little control? There is also Promise Daojun, I don't know where to return, I can fight Yuanshi Tianzun! Now Yuanshi Tianzun , But it is too much stronger than the original saint level, and it is even the pinnacle of the Taoist ancestor! The slave-maid can’t understand that the Promise Daojun is only a lower-level monk who flew to the heavenly heaven three thousand years ago. It will be comparable to Yuanshi Tianzun today!"

The handsome princess asked with his teeth.

"The Promise Daojun is a disciple of my righteous father. Like Jiuwei Tianhu, the demon domain, he followed his righteous father's path, and both of them also nodded their heads. The power of the heavenly spirit exploded and the restrictions of the heavenly rule were lifted It’s also normal for Wuji Daojun and Dajiujiu to skyrocket."

The woman in white in the gods looked at the princess with a faint smile.

"This... slave-servant also wants to ask, is that Jiuwei Tianhu Daji... is it with Chen Zu..."

The princess showed her thoughts and asked again.

"You can ask this question when my righteous father returns, of course, the premise is that you can make him tempted."

The woman in white smiled lightly again.


The princess was silent. After she entered the Heavenly Palace, she danced in front of the woman on the throne almost daily. In the words of a woman in the constellation, if one day she dances to make the woman in the constellation tempted, then basically the woman's righteous father can also be tempted.


The princesses have learned all the ancient dances that can charm the supreme creatures of the ancient era of destruction!

Also failed to make the woman in the throne tempted!


Some are tired!

and so!

Just stopped to have the question just now!

"Don't you want to seduce my righteous father back then? Three thousand years later, you still have one last chance. If you miss this time, you really have no chance."

The woman in the constellation said casually again, then got up and walked down the constellation, and walked outside the hall.

"Master Gong... are you going to guide Tian Zhao again?"

The princess subconsciously said.

She remembers very well that before the mysterious man sent the girl named Tian Zhao into the Heavenly Palace, the woman on the constellation almost never left the constellation. But after the girl child, the woman in the constellation will walk down the constellation every once in a while, and walk out of this palace, which symbolizes the heaven and earth and the highest authority of this era.


Why is this.

"Yifu asked the man to send that little girl, and of course I have to teach that girl just like my father taught me."

The woman in white did not look back and walked out of the palace.


The princess opened her mouth and fell into silence. She knew what the identity of the woman in white was, but she couldn't figure out why the woman in charge of the highest authority in the world would be towards her righteous father, not her biological father!



Youdu large area.

Peach Blossom Pilgrimage.

Huangcheng Liluo.

"Today I am dead, there are tens of millions of me, we will be able to cut off the demon in this vein! Even if I am dead, as long as I can wake you up, even if only one person is awakened, it is worth it!"


A loud cry!

Spread throughout Liluo Imperial City!


Just listen to howling!

There is a **** sky on the east side of the imperial city!

The creatures in the city stared subconsciously!

But only one glance!

Quickly looked away!

In recent days!

I don't know where some monks came from!

Forcibly broke into the Holy Court and said it was to cut the demon!

Within a few days!

At least a thousand people have been asked!

But still failed to catch the people behind the scenes!

"I don't know who is arranging it. If you want to move the queen bee, it may be the master of today's holy court. The peach blossom dynasty royal family is too mysterious. What is the situation, only the royal people know."

At a restaurant, Mrs. Qing shook her head gently, her brows frowned slightly, her pulse was essentially a force under the queen bee, and now someone had to move the queen bee, she also had to worry.


After a moment!

She stared at Chen Zheng and laughed again!

"Of course, the son came to Liluo City. As soon as the slave family saw the son, the slave family felt warm and warm, safe and heart-warming!"

The person sitting opposite her is Chen Zheng. After Chen Zheng left the Lai Shi Mo Gong, he felt the breath of demons. It seems that someone deliberately leaked the demonic breath, attracting him to the Peach Blossom City pilgrimage.




An exclaimer downstairs suddenly remembered!


Mrs. Qing raised her eyebrows!


next moment!

Just listen to Long Yin!

A golden dragon shadow popped upstairs directly!

Where Long Ying has been!

Everything is swallowed!

"Royal man!"

Mrs. Qing's complexion changed!

" Chen Zheng put down his wine glass and glanced at the golden dragon shadow that fluttered. The golden dragon shadow was slightly startled, and then burst into an uproar, disappearing without a trace!

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