Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2230: I heard you are carefree?

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"The patron saint of the Tianshenmen Gate was shattered directly!"

"Juantianshen Gate should have been captured, and the Master Huntian really stepped into the supreme realm, it seems that the conviction catalog is stronger than before!"

Mrs. Qing and Gu Jianxian glanced at each other, and the two turned into immortal light and crossed the earth. After counting their interest, they arrived at the place where Juan Tianshen Gate is located!


Rolling Tenjin Gate at the moment!

The original huge gate!

Has collapsed!

Enveloped by a strange array!


"This is the mark of reincarnation!"

In the eyes of Mrs. Green and Bone Sword Immortal, the shock flashed through again!

"Huh? I know you, you cut the man Zhuo Gang, one of the four heavenly kings of Hun Tianjiao, in Tiannv City, and you let go of Jin Xianyuan, the leader, and said that after my master returns, you have to be smooth. Heavenly teaching. But you should not have that chance. My Master has entered the real Youdu tomb. Most of them have already won the Youdu robbery. This scene you can’t see because of my infinite reincarnation. It’s done. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Wuyou, Wuyou. You can enjoy reincarnation.”

This is the moment!

A man's voice came out in the strange formation!

"Huntian teaches worry-free **** son!"

"It turned out to be him... It is said that the chess card named Dou Dao Zu was created by him and became popular in the Taixu for a while. This worry-free **** is said to have been collected by the Master of Heaven after entering the Taixu For the sake of disciples, it is very unusual."

The out-of-forms Lady Qing frowned at Bone Sword Fairy!

And now!

Within the formation!

Chen Zheng, Red Dust Demon Lord, Queen Bee and Princess Qiyu were blocked by two figures. The person who spoke just now was a young man, that is, the God of Worry-free God, who was sitting at the moment On Zhang Xianyi's chair, Erlang's legs were still tilted, as if everything was under his control!

As for the other figure, it was Jin Xian who was the angel who came to the angels. At that time, Chen Zheng let a primordial spirit return to the Hun Tian religion to preach. At this moment, the body has been reshaped, and he is staring at Chen Zheng with cold eyes!

"Master Lord returned from the mysterious land, and cultivation practice has skyrocketed again. Master Lord passed a secret method to the Son of Worry. The Lord of Worry has realized this infinite circle of reincarnation, and you can't get rid of it today! The Son of God can avenge Zhuogang King!"

The lead made Jin Xian cold and ruthless!

"let's start."

The young man on the fairy chair, a little bit, this ancient array suddenly changed. In an instant, it was like a countless world, and then it quickly extended outward!

At a glance!

Even the Red Dust Lord felt a little dizzy for a moment!

He frowned!

Because under perception!

In his realm, he couldn't see through this formation!

As for the queen and Princess Qiyu!

Brows are tightly locked!

They have already felt the power of the majestic reincarnation!

"My array of infinite reincarnation is based on my magic weapon super calculation. You may not understand what super calculation means, but as long as you can understand, he is equivalent to a brain with a half-step detachment and a half-step detachment. The computing power of level creatures is enough. In a word, this infinite reincarnation array is equivalent to a half-step transcendental layering of the level creatures. I wait for four people, if the brain computing power is not as good as my magic weapon, then you I can’t break my formation. By the way, let me remind you a little bit, my Master Huntian has tried, even if his computing power is not as good as my magic weapon. In a sense, my formation is even my teacher. Zun can trap thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years."

The young man in the fairy chair smiled again.

"The magic weapon of the Worry-Free Son is a supreme treasure! The power of super calculation, weeping ghosts and gods! The magic weapon of the Worry-Free Son has the strongest computing power in the Hongmeng universe! I don’t believe a few of you can break free "The lead made Jin Xianzhu grin and said that he was staring at Chen Zheng again: "If you go against the sky again, the fighting power will be stronger, and in the face of the super calculation of the worry-free God, you have nothing to do!"



The power of reincarnation!

Four people in an instant!

This moment!

The face of queen bee and princess Qiyu changed dramatically!

Because they just feel like they will be dragged into that infinite cycle!


The Red Dust Lord quickly played a secret method to stabilize the two, but a force of reincarnation was pressed, in addition to the strange and incomparable sound poured into the Yuanshen, even he felt a little difficult to parry!

This magic weapon of the carefree God is too weird!

So for an instant!

It seems that you have hollowed out everything in your primal spirit!

"Haha! Unstoppable! Once you face the magic weapon of the carefree God Son, the subconscious will compete with supercomputing power, but the power of supercomputing is endless, and the power of your Yuanshen will soon be consumed! You should understand why the Wuyou Shenzi was not even the overlord of the era before, but the status is still above the four heavenly kings and even the heavenly ambassadors, because the Wuyou Shenzi has this terrible magic weapon!"

The leader made the red dust demon master just a few hours of interest, already forehead sweating, could not help laughing wildly!

prior to!

Worrying God Realm is not enough!

The power of magic weapons cannot be fully mobilized!

The teacher can return!

Worry-free God stepped into the era of overlord level!

Has been able to fully urge that strange magic weapon!

and so!


Worry-free God is here alone!

It is difficult to break the battlefield in a short time even if it is as strong as the emperor, the master of the shadow, the supreme true demon, etc. in the Taixu!

As for that kid!

No matter how strong it is, it can't be compared to Taihuang, Lord of Yin and so on!


I will definitely suppress this kid today!


and many more!

The last time the worry-free God Son said that his magic weapon is super-countable to the kid in front of him!

Then it should be counted now!


It can definitely be counted!

Absolutely no problem!

I thought about it for myself!

The lead made Jin Xian, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind. Although he thought of a little, he quickly shook his head secretly and didn't have to worry about it. Since the Wuyou Shenzi chose to stay and block the door, then the Wuyou Shenzi must have done everything already!


That Red Dust Lord!

The realm is also far beyond the time when the war with the leader is master!

But it will soon sink into a large formation under the carefree God!

The Red Dust Lord is under the magic weapon of the carefree God Son!

Not even half of the incense sticks time!

"Haha! Hahaha!"

Thinking of this, Jin Xian laughed again!

"grown ups......"

Hong Chen Mo advocated to yell, he really can't stand UU Kanshu!

"Super calculation... is there such a magic weapon."

At this time, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and wiped at random, the burst of infinite reincarnation instantly broke, and not only the burst of infinite reincarnation burst, but also a fairy light flew out of the young man's eyebrows in the fairy chair.



The face of the young man on the fairy chair changed dramatically!

Chen Zheng looked at a few suspended objects. This thing looked like a metal box. It didn’t look too strange, so he just let it go. He only heard a clatter. The metal box shattered and looked at the young man on the fairy chair. People, with a kind smile, ask: "Are you still carefree now?"

This question!

The young man on the fairy chair was speechless!

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