Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2231: Tomb of Zhenyoudu

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After the stoppage!

Worry-free God Son instantly looked ashamed!

Then the body began to tremble involuntarily!


The reason why he can carefree!

It can be said that all rely on his strange magic weapon!

But now the magic weapon is broken!

He can no longer be carefree!

"You... broke the magic weapon of the carefree Son..."

The link made Jin Xian froze for a moment before he shouted in silence!

"Supercomputing... the first computing power in the Hongmeng universe... Then you can count who I am?"

Chen Zheng looked at the carefree God Son on the fairy chair and asked with a kind smile.

"I...I...I didn't count..."

The worry-free **** son replied.

"What! Not counted! God Son! I thought you counted!"

The connection made Jin Xian look pale for a moment.

He thought it was counted!

But it's actually not counted!

Actually exactly the same as before!

and so!

The problem is here!

That worried thought that just popped up in my heart!

It was really the only flaw!

"Son of God, you hurt me!"

The lead thought of this, gritted his teeth and shouted at the carefree God!

"I also finished myself..."

The carefree God subconsciously replied!


Already admit defeat!



Its voice just fell!

The fairy chair under its seat quickly retreated!

This is to escape!

"Son of God, you can't leave me behind!"

Leading makes face look big!

"It's okay, I won't kill you. I said I want you to see how I extinguished the Huntian religion. The Huntian religion hasn't been destroyed yet.

At this time Chen Zhengzheng glanced at the leader.


The stimulus stirred the throat!

Turned into a gloomy mans also escaped into the broken **** door!

"The real Youdu tomb, I haven’t seen it yet, go in and see."

Chen Zheng said lightly, and also plunged into the broken door of God.


The Red Dust Lord regained his spirit and responded with a cry, followed by the queen queen and Princess Qiyu.

far away!

Mrs. Qing and Bone Sword Immortal only came back after a long time!

The two looked at each other!

Huaguang also flew into the Broken God's Gate!






Heavy and heavy surge!

Like a wave!





And the deepest part of the mist!

There was a sound like chopping gold iron!

In addition to this Dangdangdang voice!

There seems to be no other voices!

Red Dust Master, Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, and the following Lady Green and Bone Sword Immortal, listening to this bang, inexplicably gave birth to an irritability! It stands to reason that, in their realm, this kind of voice will not shake their will, but no matter how they urge the secret method, they can't resist this clang!



In the mist ahead!

Something is coming!

"Be careful!"

Princess Qiyu shouted subconsciously!


The shot just hit Chen Zheng!


Other than that!

There was another tear from the mist!


It should be the deepest part of the fog!



There are other voices!

Finally, it's no longer Dangdang!

"The Northern King fell!"

next moment!

Another cry came!

"The Northern of the four heavenly kings of Huntian Religion..."

The queen bee whispered, with obvious surprise in her tone, but she soon realized that the northern king should be killed. The strange magic weapon just now was that the northern king was called, but he did not hurt the son, but the northern king himself was attacked. killed!


It should be a strange power of the son's flesh!

After all, I have seen it in the Holy Court Tao Lin!

The peak of the Red Dust Lord hit the son!

The Red Dust Lord has cracked his flesh and soul!

This strange power of the son's flesh seems to be that the stronger the opponent's power, the stronger the anti-injury power!


Thinking about it, I saw Chen Zheng raise his hand at random, and a few people passed through the mist in an instant. Even the Red Dust Master was shocked! Because in his cognition, the legendary big devil should not control this avenue of time and space that even he can hardly perceive!

This life!

The Great Demon Lord seems stronger than the legend!

Or it’s not just that you have the original demons!


"It's you!"

"Red Dust Demon Ancestor!"


"A young man in the fifth realm!"


In front of a dark stone tower!

Many people stood!

At the moment, I saw Chen Zheng staring all over!

This is a monk who teaches in heaven!

Most of them recognized the Red Dust Master and Queen Bee at a glance!


Jin Xian, the worry-free **** son who had escaped into the real tomb of the real capital and the lead, was not there!

It seems to have escaped into that dark stone tower!

"So it's Red Dust Lord, you just killed King Bei?"

A man wearing a golden crown stared at the Red Dust Lord!

"Adult, do you want?"

The Red Dust Lord did not respond to the man, but bowed his head slightly to ask Chen Zheng. He swept around, and the Huntian monk in front of the dark stone tower was the strongest of the two remaining kings of the four kings, but the cultivation level was a ring of hegemony. Both the Huntian priest and the Huntian four envoys should have entered the stone tower. It can be said that it is a breeze to destroy the Huntian monk outside the stone tower.

of course.

The Red Dust Lord did not dare to overtake Chen in front of him.

So I asked Chen Zheng.

"It's all small shrimps. It's not too late to cut the dragon first, and then to destroy it."

Chen Zheng casually said.


In front of the dark stone pagoda, the monks of the Heavenly Heaven Facade sank!

What does it mean!

Little shrimp!

This indestructible fifth realm boy even said that he and others are Xiaomi!

Is this kid so crazy!


something wrong!

The Red Dust Lord actually called this kid an adult!

This kid is very problematic!

Huntian taught monks, the other two of the four kings looked at each other, and the young man in the indestructible fifth realm came step by step. The two silently gave way, watching the four Chen Zheng entered the dark stone tower!

"Why Southern King..."

Someone can't help asking!

"I'm not afraid of the young man, but the Lord of Red Dust also has a half-step transcendental atmosphere. We just sent to death. Instead of sending them to death, why don't you put them into the tomb tower. All the people have been controlled by the master, and the tomb tower is naturally controlled by the master. The master will definitely cut the red dust demon and the kid."

The Golden Crown man said lightly.

"Southern King is reasonable!"

"Southern King Yingming!"

"Nan Tian Wang Shen Wu!"


The sound of horse farts sounded!

The golden crown man showed a very useful look!


Suddenly a timid voice sounded!

"Worryless Son... The array of infinite reincarnations under the cloth was broken, and just now he fled into the tomb tower like ashes, not to say that the magical weapon of Worryless Son is super calculation, and even the master can be trapped at least More than ten days... Why does it seem to be broken if the time is not reached by the incense stick, is it that the person who has broken the magic weapon of the carefree God is stronger than the master?"

This timid voice sounded!

The face of the monks such as the Golden Crown Men has changed dramatically!

Fiercely stared at the dark stone tower!


At this moment!

Inside the Dark Stone Tower!

A shocking roar came out!



Dark Stone Tower destroyed!

The golden crown man waited for the subconscious to step back!

But his eyes did not leave the interior of the dark stone tower!

At this moment the stone tower is broken!

There is no obstruction inside!

They saw a sarcophagus!

I saw a bloodless hand crawling out of the sarcophagus!

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