Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2232: Give you the best time!

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I saw the creature that crawled out of the sarcophagus!

Almost all tremble in my heart!


Youdu Tribulation Lord!

You can't be wrong!

That must be the Lord of the Hidden Capital!



The sarcophagus is wide open!

The creatures in the sarcophagus crawled out!

"Master Lord!"

"Meet the Lord of the Hidden Lord!"

"Yudu Lord!"

this moment!

Around the sarcophagus!

A group of people knelt down on the ground with excitement!

This is obviously not a person who teaches in heaven!

These should be the people who guarded the true tomb and the gods gate of the gods under the master of the Youdu robbery!

"Chen Zu may be curious. Why did I release the Lord Yudu? The reason is actually very simple, because I went to a ruined place and found something that could control the Lord."

And at this moment, a light laughter sounded!

"Master Lord!"

The Golden Crown man waited for the monks to teach him!

no doubt!

The person who makes a chuckle is the God of Heaven!

At this moment, the Master of Heaven and Earth is around!

The four envoys in the sky are also staring at Chen Zheng!

A serious look at this moment!

to be frank!

They are surprised!

Because they have seen Chen Zai!

The incarnation of the will has seen Chen Zheng in the world of Xianwu!

This is more than a year!

Chen Zheng has already come to Taixu!

And broke the mysterious magic weapon of the carefree God Son super calculation!

This practice speed is really scary!



The leader has entered the supreme level!

And you will get the power of Youdu Tribune soon!

No matter how terrifying Chen Zu is, he is not destined to be an opponent of the master!

"It’s good, if you are too weak, I’ll suppress you by accident, that’s boring. Didn’t you say you got something in the Broken Land that can control the Lord of the Lord, and you’ll soon control the Lord of the Lord of the Lord. , Quickly swallow his power, you become stronger, you can become as strong as you can, I will wait for you to reach your upper limit."

At this time!

Chen Zheng smiled slightly!

Slightly smiled at the **** of heaven!




How could such a response!

This Nima!

This Nima didn't even think about the **** of heaven!

People from all parties present!


Unexpectedly, this young man would respond to the God of Heaven!


"You are too arrogant!"

"Don't you know that our leader, Master, is already invincible, and you don't destroy the fifth realm, what do you want to fight against our leader, Master! Besides, our leader can also control the Lord of the Hidden Lord, two no Can't you suppress the spirits of the upper realm!"

On the side of Huntianjiao, headed by the golden crown man, that is, the southern king of the four heavenly kings, he gave a cold drink to Chen Zheng!


Too arrogant!

Never seen such an arrogant!

"Since Chen Zu has given me the opportunity to reach the extreme, then I will try to achieve the ultimate. I can never waste Chen Zu's kindness."

The Master of the Heavenly Heaven looked at Chen Zheng for a moment, then smiled softly, and said that the right hand was raised, and the golden symbol in his hand flew out at once, struck in a ghostly city that seemed to wake up physically, but the Yuanshen had not yet woken up. Robber's eyebrows!


Youdu robbery roared upwards!


"Master Lord!"

"You...what did you do to Lord Master!"

Shou Ling's veins and Juan Tianshen Gate's veins, exclaimed at this moment!

"I am the Master of Heaven, I will be the Lord of the Hidden Lord today!"


Huntianjiao advocates mouth!

The sound is thunderous!


God of Heaven!

He is going to be the Lord of the Holy City!

What does it mean!

Does he want to replace Youdu Tribulation Lord!


Lord of God!

Since ancient times!

The master of any era is destined!

Did not come from practice at all!

Huntian, this is crazy!

"Chen Zu, Chen Zu, you should not be fully awakened, but even if you are fully awakened, even if you have recovered the past, you probably don’t know that the so-called master of the creation era is actually the same! Taihuang was originally I can kill the robber. I’ve been stronger than the original emperor. I’m the lord of the monarchy today. It’s a new way of cultivation! So, next, please look at Chen Zu. How did God teach God how to reach the extreme of Hongmeng Universe!"

Huntian did not look at other people, only looked at Chen Zheng, and said that his body was empty and transparent!

at the same time!

Youdu Tribulation Lord's flesh is nothing and transparent!



The golden light flashed!

The two merge into one!


"Master Lord!"

"Master Lord!"

The people of several forces exclaimed!


The Red Dust Lord, Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, and the following Mrs. Qing and Bone Sword Immortal, all their brows are tightly locked, because they have all sensed it, and the Heavenly God Master and Youdu Robber are forcibly integrated into one. The breath that comes out!

So strong!

too horrible!

This is an absolute sense of oppression!

The Red Dust Lord can step into a half-step detachment level in a short time!

So his perception is extremely clear!

At this moment, Huntian is more than a hundred times stronger than his half-step detachment!

This is probably a gap of tens of thousands or more!



Also very different!

"Sure enough!"

The voice of the Master Huntian sounded. After he merged with Youdu Master, the face after the fusion changed for a while, and finally turned into his face. He slowly raised his right hand and enjoyed the ultimate state of the moment!

He believes that his level at this moment is the pole of Hongmeng universe!



Really invincible within Hongmeng!

"This is the feeling of real control over everything. Once I experience this feeling, I don't want to go back. The golden charm I got from the broken land will not last long, but I think if you are integrating Chen Zu, then It should be able to reach the eternal extreme. So Chen Zu, are you ready?"

The Master Huntian whispered that there was an absolute supreme power between the words at this moment. The souls on the scene heard it, and could not produce any idea of ​​resistance, and there was no one else in the eyes of the Master Huntian. At this moment, only Chen Zheng!

"Master Invincible!"

The worry-free Son was so excited that he couldn't help shouting at this moment, thinking that this time his singular magical super-calculation was broken, this time it was going to be over, but that Chen Zu would eventually be defeated by Master!


As long as the Master merged with this Chen Zu!

You can also reshape your singular magic weapon super calculation!

Not only that!

As long as the Master reigns in Taixu!

You will certainly be able to reach the half-step detachment level in less time!

Then there is the detachment!


I am the chosen one!

The moment when you get the magic weapon yourself!

I am destined to become the protagonist of this great universe!



Think of the proud place!

Worry-free God can't help laughing!


"It's a pity Chen Zu!"

"Master Lord is already the pole of Hongmeng Zu, this time you can't beat the pole of Hongmeng!"

All the four envoys also smiled!

" has that taste, then next, you can use Hongmengji to suppress me."

Chen Zheng also smiled!

He is not only laughing!

Also take the initiative to step forward!

Closed my eyes in front of everyone!

This means that you can use the power of the gods!

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