Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2251: not enough!


This is over!

Saint Wushan is gone!

Looking at the horrified giant palm pressed down, the Holy Sorcerer was desperate!



Shao Taicang has no courage to know where!

This time gritted his teeth!

Aside from the reaction of Baoyu Shengzi, his eyes lighted up. Since Extreme Evil has already started to kill the kid, there is no doubt that the extremely evil face suddenly became exactly the same as the face of the kid, which is a ritual!

It was a very evil ritual to kill souls!

That kid has nothing to do with extreme evil!

And next!

That kid is going to eat his own evil!

"That's fine!"

Gu Baicang also focused on his head, and Chi Cang and Qing Cang nodded subconsciously! Either way, it’s okay to kill the kid first, or else it will always make people feel uneasy!



Chen Zheng swept away!


This did not escape but just went head-on!


Don't die!

Saint Sorcerer was shocked!



Man collides with the black giant palm!

Just listen to a loud noise!

The moment of the Emperor of the Holy Realm Mountain Realm was terrifying!

I thought it would be spread!


The power of the black giant palm's supreme level has not spread!

It was all on Chen Zheng!


The benefactor is over!

The Holy Sorcerer looked up and down!

"Haha! Who do you think you are!"

Shaotai laughed wildly!

"You are going to die out in no time!"

Baoyu Shengzi is also laughing!

"Hongmengji... The combat strength of your thing should be the first in the world, but unfortunately it is not strong enough."

And at this moment, Chen Zheng, who stood in the air, commented with a smile.


"not dead!"

"Why didn't you die!"

Shao Taicang, Baoyu Shengzi and Gu Baicang saw Chen Zheng's motionlessness, and the flesh and spirit were not as shattered as they expected, but they still showed a smile, still commenting on the terrible palm of the very evil, Startled and then looked down!

"This child... a mana is lost, this child is not unscathed!"

Chi Cang felt it for a moment, and his eyes suddenly lit up!


"It's useless!"

"It's really powerless!"

Shao Taicang, Baoyu Shengzi, and Gu Baicang also quickly sensed, and when they sensed that Chen Zheng no longer had any mana, his eyes lit up!

This kid!

At that moment, I thought it was intact!

But actually!

This kid's mana has been lost!

After all, this kid still hits stones with eggs!


The Holy Witch Sect went up and down, his face was white, and he was even more desperate at the moment!


Why do you do this!


Isn't it turning yourself into a mortal?

Can't figure it out!

I can't figure it out!

"Huh? That guy is right, Hongmengji's strength is not enough, it seems that he has to come again several times."

Yan female frowned slightly, and she felt it for a moment, then shook her head gently.

What do you mean?

What does this little girl mean that she has to come again several times?

Who is the guy mentioned by this little girl?

Could it be!

This child deliberately attracted extreme evil!

Deliberately took the horror of the extremely evil just now!

and many more!

Hongmeng pole!

What do these four words represent!

The two cases heard the words of Yan Nu, and the color of doubt flashed. The people of Saint Wuzong were even more ignorant. Gu Baicang, Chi Cang, and Qing Cang flashed their thoughts, thinking of some, but they quickly shook their heads!

This kid!

Whatever the purpose!

His mana is gone!

He is already obsolete!

Extremely bad again with a few palms!

This kid can't hold it!


Now the situation is great for Wu Cang Sheng Men!

Not to mention!

Huang Cang is already urging the ultimate card!

This kid can really survive!

The ultimate card is on display!

This kid still has to die!


Wait for yourself to win!

Wu Cang Sheng Men has won!

Thought of this!

Gu Baicang started laughing in his heart!




When the roar growled!

The second giant palm pressed!

The second giant palm hit Chen Zheng!

Chen was not moving in the air!

Even if there is no hair on the body!

Gu Baicang's face sank again!

He is not stupid!

At this moment he noticed something wrong!

No matter how loud you are!

The kid seemed to treat himself and others as air from the moment the extreme evil came!

Oh shit!

That kid has ignored the existence of himself and others!

The kid didn't seem to worry about his mana being destroyed at all!

"It's not enough, but you can withstand the backlash. It's really much stronger than the ordinary goods. No wonder you can squeeze to the third place on the list once you enter Taixu. Your combat power is indeed the first in the world. Come, come, Give me dozens more palms. If you slammed three hundred palms to me, I will unblock all other extreme demons in the seal of the Taixu, and let you reach the peak."

Chen Zheng, standing in the air, gently shook his head, and suddenly shook his head with a terrible smile.


Unblock all the demons in Taixu!

In a word!

The two monks shuddered inexplicably!



The extreme evil image was irritated!

The black giant palm blasted again!

This palm seems to be stronger than the previous two palms!


Yan Nu also exclaimed!


Young wife gritted her teeth!


Loud noise!


A terrible tear sounded!



It was shocked to the extreme!


Young is too dumbfounded!

Baoyu Shengzi dumbfounded!

Gu Baicang was dumbfounded!

As for the holy witch sect, completely upset!


This horror shattered Chen Zheng!

Chen Zheng still does not move!

It's very bad to crack!

The extremely evil face that was exactly the same as Chen Zheng shattered like a spider web in an instant!

That huge body of darkness is also fragmented!

"Huh? Have you started to bite back? Wouldn't it be good for you to have the most powerful fighting force in the world with a very evil spirit body?"

Chen Zheng raised his eyebrows!


Extreme roar!

Roar crazy!

Broken face twisted!

Restored to the vague form before!

After roaring!

A huge shadow rises to the sky!


Suddenly disappeared!


"On top of the list, the third-ranked extreme evil disappeared!"

"Very evil left Taixu!"

Out of bounds!

Cangqing domain!

The other 12 domains!

And the broken place!

A series of exclamations sounded!

The world has always been concerned about the top list!

The first time they change without being on the list, they can see it for the first time!

The terrible evil disappeared at the first sight!

They knew that extreme evil left Taixu!


The problem is coming!

Extremely descended into the green field!

What the **** did you do?

The creatures in the Cangqing domain are staring at the Holy Witch Mountain!


Only one question!

Is the Holy Sorcerer still there!

Inside the black enchantment!

"Master... How much worse?"

Slightly frowning Yan girl asked softly Seven times, it almost needs seven times the power of Hongmeng, but unfortunately it can’t stand it, and it blows me up to three times in a short time. Extremely, although it will not die more than three times, it will take at least six months to recover. "

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

Two monks heard it!

Silent for a moment!

Gu Baicang and his face were gloomy!

Under normal conditions!

If the opponent is beaten without mana!

I should be happy!

But now they understand!

That kid really deliberately attracted extreme evil!

Intentionally let extreme evil bombard the flesh!

The mana was deliberately knocked down by extreme evil!

The kid's flesh shattered the very evil body just now!

The kid is now frowning slightly!

Does not seem to be satisfied with the power of extreme evil!

That kid used the power of evil to blast away the things in his flesh!

It may be a seal!

There is a seal in that kid!

It takes the strongest power of the supreme creature on the list to blast away!

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