Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2252: Huang Cangshan River Realm!



  This child!

   Mana was shot down!

   There is no mana here!

   The flesh is against the sky!

   It is impossible to have a strong combat power!

  As long as Huang Cang urges the ultimate card!

   This is still going to fail!

   That ultimate card can kill the supernatural beings!

   "Master... We... what to do... this guy... seems to be unable to fight..."

   Shaotai shouted loudly!


  Baoyu Shengzi is also shaking!

   "Li Huang Cang!"


   Gu Baicang gritted his teeth!

   shouted to Huang Cang with his eyes closed!


   Two monks looked at Huang Cang subconsciously!


   is also this moment!

  Huang Cang opened his eyes!

   at this moment!

   Its breath has changed!

   was the transcendent domineering of the era overlord!

   Opening his eyes at this moment seems to be the kind of lifelessness of the supreme being!

   "It's done!"

  Gu Baicang saw Huang Cang at the moment, his face showing a happy look!

   "Huang Cangshan River Boundary!"

  Huang Cang opened his mouth and spit out five words indifferently!



  The world is changing!

   "The world is changing, the battlefield is shifting, welcome to enter the ultimate secret place of our Wucang Holy Gate, Huang Cangshan River Realm!"

   almost at the same time!

  Gu Baicang laughed loudly!


   What mountains and rivers!

   The monks of the Holy Witch Sect were surprised!

   Give me a sharp look!

   found that people are no longer in Saint Wushan!

   people are already in a strange world!

   Perceive again!

   This strange world is locked in four dimensions!

   has no exit at all!

where is this place!

   Is this the holy gate of Wu Cang!


the other side!

   Holy Witch Mountain!

   The black enchantment is broken!

   Those thoughts of prying eyes finally saw the Holy Witch Mountain!


   "A living creature is gone, the holy sect's temple has been demolished, and no living mouth has been left by the sage, it should have been wiped out by extreme evil!"

"Sure enough, I guessed long ago that the terrible evil squeezed into the third place on the list as soon as it entered the Taixu. The Saint Wuzong is regarded as first-class in the Cangqing region, but it can only be regarded as the first-class end. It took a few months to become an era overlord, it is impossible to withstand the terrible terrible evil!"


  Explored these ideas again!

   Only dispersed!


   Huang Cangshan river boundary.

  Mysteriously closed the world.

  Gu Bai Cang, Chi Cang, Qing Cang, Shao Tai Cang, Bao Yu Sheng Zi, relaxed at this moment, with smiles on their faces one by one, in this Huang Cang Mountain and River Realm, they seemed to have found the greatest dependence.

   "It's really not enough to trap my master in this closed world, what is the ultimate card, just take it out. Don't take it out by general means, it's a waste of time."

  Yan girl swept around, although there is a general trend in the Huang Cangshan river boundary, although it is a closed world, but she is very clear that this can't trap her own master. Your own master wants to hide. This Huang Cangshan River Realm can't swallow the Master at all. The Master deliberately entered this Huang Cangshan River Realm and wanted to see the ultimate card of Wu Cang Shengmen.

"Oh! Little girl, you don't understand at all, what is this Huang Cangshan River Realm, you don't even understand, this Huangcang Mountain River Realm has our Wu Cang Shengmen ultimate card! Of course you don't know, how much is the ultimate card It’s scary, but you’ll see you soon! So little girl, don’t brag about your master, you implied that your master is on the top list, and that your master is the top few, but this is your master Mana, even if the flesh is against the sky, even if it is really on the list, it cannot be ranked in the top few!"

   Young Tai Cang stared at him coldly!

   "That thing is terrible... I have only heard it... that thing is said to destroy supreme beings... Today I also want to see Fan Baoyu!"

   Baoyu Shengzi also stared over!

"Treasure Jade Son, you can open your eyes today. That thing can really destroy supreme beings. With Huang Cangxiu as the urging thing once, the realm is going to fall into the dominion of the era. That thing is terrible, we are five Cang The holy gate has only been used once, and that time was used to deal with the top emperor of the Taixu! At that time, the emperor only glanced at the thing and turned to escape. Our Wucang holy gate is still preserved. The shadow of the emperor running away!"

  Gu Baicang laughed!


   "The emperor turned around and fled!"


   The Holy Sorcerer was shocked from top to bottom!


   Before the top list comes out!

   They are in the eyes of these imaginary creatures!

   Taihuang is the most terrifying existence!

   Now listen to Gu Baicang say!

   The ultimate card king too saw him and turned to escape!

   was shocked for a while!

   "The Emperor Tai turned around and fled... It was better to know! It's just that Lord Huang Cang is going to fall down, this time trouble Lord Huang Cang!"

   Baoyu Shengzi also showed surprise, and then smiled again, secretly secretly this time must be stable!


   The first emperor!

   is not yet in the supreme realm!

   is sure to be almost the same!

   The name of the emperor!

   I don’t know how many years I was shocked by Taixu!

and so!

  Master Bai Cang certainly did not brag about the ultimate power of the ultimate card!

bring it on!

   Lord Cang!

   Offering the ultimate card!

  Suppress this guy in one fell swoop!


  The corner of Shaotai Cang's mouth slightly raised, his eyes fixed on Chen Zheng, and he spit out two words!

"Taihuang? Is the 6th Taihuang the highest on the list? That guy is a bit powerful, but it is not as good as my master. That guy is afraid that you will be the ultimate card. My master may not be afraid. Have you thought about it a bit, too? If what the emperor is afraid of happens to be what my master needs, wouldn’t your Wu Cang Holy Door be in vain? By the way, it’s not just in vain, you’re afraid to lose your wife and break the soldiers!"

  Yan female eyes moved.

"Huh? It's in vain? You lost your wife and broke down? Oh! If the ultimate card is really what this kid wants, this kid can really receive the ultimate card, and our Wu Cang Sheng Men also believe that it is unlucky! Huang Cang, sacrificed the ultimate card. , I'm going to hit this little girl's face!"

   Gu Baicang raised his eyebrows, then followed by a cold cry!

   "Your girl is too ignorant and thick, it is a good lesson!"

   Chi Cang also sneered!

   "Little girl, you can worship your master, but not blindly worship, your master is not invincible!"

  Qing Cang also smiled and shook his head!

   "Your little girl has been bragging about your Have you ever heard a sentence, the higher the touted, the worse the fall!"

   Shaotai Cang looked at him again with cold eyes!

   "My master is higher than the sky, why can't I blow it?"

  Yan female rebuttal!


   This time!

  The Emperor Cangming secretly read the secret method!

   I saw white light!

next moment!

   Among the white light!

   One thing emerges!

   "Please bite Canglongbi!"


  The dragon chants!

   I saw a huge dragon shadow emerged!

   In the world of Huang Cangshan River!

   was instantly shrouded in pure white light!


   When the white light is gone!

    a pure white jade Bi surfaced!

  This pure white jade jade is carved with a dragon!

"very scary!"

   "What is this!"

   "This thing... just glanced at this thing... Why do I feel that my heart is about to collapse!"

Sheng Wuzong up and down, Shao Taicang, Baoyu Shengzi, Chi Cang, Qing Cang and other Wu Cang monks, let’s take a look at the pure white jade. Bai Yubi!

  :. :

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